Wednesday, 15 August 2012

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday? # 167

Stood on a chair to get a different perspective this week. On my desk you can see some completed commissions for a 25th aniversary and 21st birthday. (Don't know what it is about this year, it's all celebrations and numbers!! Still got a 21st, a pearl wedding, 2 wedding cards and a birthday to do and that's just August!!). And the failed box/envelope for the 21st, I did measure it honest guv...... but it's too short  for the card by about a centimetre. I have no idea why I am so bad at making envelopes. I have decided that now I've done it I'll cut down a card blank to fit!!

OK four attempts to get this photo loaded up the right way. Why does that happen? No, don't tell me I am technologically challenged enough as it is. Pc, Ipad, smartphone ... as my OH says there is no point having a smart phone with a stupid person using it. That smarts, but has an element of truth. But I digress, after redoing the box/card today I have to prep stuff for a pop up card class tomorrow for my kids (pile of cards to left) and for a bit of light relief last night I stamped some images using my new Michael Powell stamp which I hope to make into cards. I have had it about 6 weeks and this is the first time it's seen ink. Poor show. But that's my desk this Wednesday, and I'm going to be working here for most of today Yay!!

Why am I sharing? Well every Wednesday we have a little crafty desk bloghop hosted by Julia Dunnit of Stamping Ground. Trust me, it's now a world wide phenomenonemonmenm...whatever.
Pop on over to Julia's for the complete list and join. Bare your desk if you dare.



Sandy said...

Hi Cindy your an early bird and I'm an early viewer. Yes we have a lot of number birthdays this year too 50th 21st 60th all in the last few months. Funny how they seem to all happen in the same year. Love that, are they beach houses look very cool. Sandy :)

Redanne said...

Hi Cindy, the cards on your desk all look beautiful, I especially like the Michael Powell one, I did it to death when I first got mine, must get it out again, yours looks fabulous. Good luck with all those commissions, they will certainly keep you busy.....Happy Woyww, Anne x #59

Sally said...

Oh wow, so many desks this week have plenty to look at, I love seeing all the work in progress. thanks for sharing. Sally #95

Karen McAlpine said...

Lots of interesting goodies here on your desk today!
Karen #108

Belinda said...

Cindy you are too funny with your digression and photo troubles. I love the cards. So pretty. I am into making cards so now I love seeing beautiful inspirations.

Girlfriend 6 weeks before using a product is pretty good in my book. I won't shame myself and say how long it often takes me to use new stuff (especially the stuff I just had to have).

Please make some cards with your new stamp. It's so pretty it must be shared.

Have a great day. Come play at my desk when your free.

Belinda (28)

Julie said...

Hi Cindy,
Glad to see you're really buy with the card making. It's creative the more work you do the more ideas you come up with.

Standing on a chair to take your photos could be dangerous!!! But will give you some artistic views!!
Xjulie (paperpathway)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I so sympathise with the short envelope syndrome.. I have measured and still not cut the fabric properly before now *sigh* The card is still pretty though :D
Hugs, LLJ #72 xx

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the gorgeous birthday card Cindy xx I love it xx

okienurse said...

great looking desk so busy and creative. Love the cards and the images you have stamped. Have a great week. vickie #38

Anonymous said...

The cards you've made are simply lovely -- the recipients should frame them! I've never tried to make an envelope and doubt it would be a rousing success. lol Happy WOYWW from Laura #124

Tertia said...

Love the cards! I know what you mean about measuring and getting it all wrong anyway. So darn frustrating!
Happy very belated WOYWW! Tertia #116

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...