Wednesday, 8 August 2012

WOYWW #166

Been AWOL so long I have no idea what peeps have been up to but thought I would post today although being on Jury Service means I won't have a lot of time to visit myself (Oh all right, I admit it, I may be watching the Olympics)  - but I will visit over the weekend if I don't get a chance today.

So a big mess is all I've got to show you although I did make some ATCs this evening and also played with some Indigo Blu Stamps. I've been using up some of my vast stash of shiny/coated card (I had dreams once of becoming a brayering queen but it's only been out of the box twice in three years and Ithink my big and juicy pads may just be dry and wrinkled) and experimenting with a technique in this month's craft stamper. Because I don't have any outstanding commissions, birthdays or other projects to get on with. I'm rebelling. However I'm really not sure how it got in this mess (it's even worse to the right), I thought I had tidied up. I have bought some new scissors since I saw you last. With blue polka dots. A girl can never have too many scissors I feel.  And yes I am taking this photo Tuesday night but trust me it ain't gonna change tomorrow.

Anyhow, would love it if you have time to say 'hi' and if you don't know what I am talking about then hop on over to the 'Stamping Ground' where the splendid Julia Dunnit will reveal, I mean will explain all. That's all, gotta go and catch the bus and do juror stuff.

Happy WOYWW, Cindy
(NB: If you have time, cfheck out my Art Draw - top right or post below. And if you are the person who won it last month - Helen, that'll be you then - can you let me have your addy please or I will have to re-draw)


Deborah said...

LOL I am the same. Lots of stuff I was going to try and somehow never did. Liking those ATCs I can see very much. How annoying to have jury service clash with the Olympics.

SusanLotus said...

The ATC´s are awesome from what I can see on this photo. :)

Have a nice and creative week!

Unknown said...

I would love to snoop through your supplies! #106

trisha too said...

Lovely creative mess, Cindy! We're ALL watching the Olympics, aren't we?

:)trisha, #113 this week with a quilted inchie

Cath Davidson said...

Oooo! Loving your work area, looks fab!

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Your desk looks very creative. The ATCs are gorgeous. Ali x #81

May said...

Love your super desk.. I had jury service last year.. I did get a case but boy it seemed to take forever... Have a happy week, Hugs May x x x#40

Fuchsia said...

Mmmmm there's some interesting bits and bobs going on there
Olympics are fab :0))
have a great week x

Karen McAlpine said...

I see some awesome ATC's there in the corner. Have fun with the rebel thing. I love when I don't have things I "have" to do. I call it freestyle...but, I think I like rebelling better. LOL

Sandy said...

My space, amazingly for me is clear, nothing on the go at the moment. So cant wait for it to get all messy again as I now then I have been having fun. Looks like you have been having inky fun keep it up. Sandy :) #31

Lindart said...

I can see some great ATC's peeking through! Lovely creative workspace!
Linda #139

Julia Dunnit said...

Spotted the ATCs first, they're really nice. Can't agree more about the scissors, I feel that three pairs is my working minimum requirement! I figu your desk is relatively tidy..I see ACRES of space to work in!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...