Wednesday, 7 August 2013

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - #218

It’s Wednesday again. I am between projects at the moment – for which read there is so much crap out I really can’t start anything new until I put something away. But rather than show you a photo of this mess I thought I would share something that caught my eye when wakefulness lured me into my craft room just before dawn.


Before the eyes focussed, for a moment I honestly thought a slug had crawled onto my abandoned coffee cup. Then I realised that this is how I lose stamps. At some stage my cup has become temporary storage for a cling stamp. Several days ago judging by when I was working with it (and the state of the coffee cup, sorry about that LOL).

I do not recall doing this (I don’t recall doing quite a few things these days, it is a slight worry).

So whether this is the kind of crafty housekeeping that makes you cringe self righteously or smile in sympathy it’s one of the many things you can find at WOYWW. All the details can be found at Stamping Ground. And yes Julia, I look forward to your treatise on the nature of ‘it’ and why ‘it’ has a need to be rushing around all over the place quite so quickly.

Today I shall be at work, so visiting desks late. At work I will be prepping masks for an activity next week. Even though yesterday I was prepping pop-up books because I thought that was the activity for next week. Interestingly the children who turned up for the activity yesterday thought they were making the masks. Mainly because that is what I had written on the programme. All but two were too polite to query why they were making cone witches when they had come to make masks. I obviously changed the order of events in my head but neglected to change the advertising. Well that’s my story. So much for being super organised. Still I think they had fun.

And I now know that masks are a popular choice judging by the 34 children that arrived.I had prepped for 12. (No child went home witchless).

I told you I keep forgetting things. What day is it again?


Darnell said...

Great post, Cindy! I think you may be my long-lost twin, except many years younger, of course! (Don't mean to offend!) I LMAO at the cling stamp clinging to your cup and all those innocent faces staring at you politely wondering WTH you were doing with witches. What a karack up!! Happy WOYWW and have a wonderful week! Thanks for the visit to me! Darnell #12

Belinda Basson said...

I think your temporary stamp storage is brilliant. I have a ton of stamps lingering on my desk at any one stage together with some empty coffee mugs...this would work for me. LOL! Hope you get your schedule sorted in your head... #43

Helen said...

I certainly smiled at the coffee cup!! Hope the children loved their day and you have fun again today. Helen 6

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Cindy - your slug mug made me smile - I'm forever losing cling stamps because they've ended up stuck to some random surface - drives me mad! Hope you get your days sorted out! MMx #65

CraftygasheadZo said...

Yep I'm smiling. Our stamps do end up in weird and wonderful places and coffee cups are perfect spots really! Take care Zo xx 72

Anonymous said...

Hysterical! Funnily enough the same thing happened to me last week, but on the bottom of the cup - couldn't figure out why it was so wobbly, till I emptied the last gulp and looked underneath. How many stamps might I have lost to my messy ways, I wonder? :)

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (28)

Unknown said...

Nope, I am with you.. things just 'jump' to were they are not meant to be and I have no idea why or how they do that??

As for the days.. thats what I like about WOYWW it helps me position the rest in order.

Lynda #82

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh, I'm sooo glad that it's not just me who forgets what arrangements they've made...even if they are written down in the calendar!!! And way to go for coping with the 34!
Hugs, LLJ 58 xx

Krisha said...

LOL!!! Oh Cindy I have done much of the same thing with cling stamps! I reached over to get a drink and touched one I had forgotten about and about came out of my skin!!
Thanks for the visit
Krisha #19

Shoshi said...

Lol Cindy - creeping slug stamps ha ha!! I think it was thirsty and wanted to drink your coffee!! Funny the ways we lose things isn't it.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #75

trisha too said...

Children enjoy the opportunity to make pretty much ANYTHING, so I'm sure they were very pleased with their cone witches!

Happy woyww to you!
#17 this week

Anonymous said...

Haha! Maybe that's where my missing cling stamp went, in the flippin dish washer!! I'm amazed how polite the kids were, hope they still had fun.


Sandy said...

So funny Cindy - wait until you are my age!!!!

Unknown said...

Hello, Im Roberta 106, Im on my 2nd week of this and looking at every ones goodies has really got me doing I cant wait till mine looks nice and tidy. Thanks for letting me peek around. Bright Blessing to you and yours.

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh Cindy..smiling in sympathy and wondering how you managed to write a post based on my memory without us having had the chance to talk it over. Or did we? I forget!

Ali H said...

Oh dear maybe witch masks are the answer - if you blur all the weeks together maybe no one will notice !!! Ali x #34

ddazzled71 said...

You are definitely not the only one who loses stamps and stash this way. I am forever having to rummage through my bin whilst driving my self crazy thinking I am crazy. I wish I was a child just to come to your fabulously fun sounding classes. Have a great week and Happy WOYWW! Danie #14

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your lovely comment, Cindy, and glad you like how my new ARTHaven is shaping up. Not long now before I can start getting my stuff in there! I'm feeling a lot better today, thank you, and am amazed how quickly the antibiotics started working, but I am feeling wiped out, which is probably because my threshold is so low with the M.E., and having an infection didn't help.

Shoshi #75

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Cindy, well I am laughing out loud, the slug cracked me up, and I know I've done the same and then blamed the fairies for hiding it when I'd only recently used that clingy stamp. Have a super week with the kids, Cheers RobynO#52

roffeycreations said...

Hi Cindy - you are so funny - maybe that cling stamp just crawled there itself so it could watch all your shenanigans LOL - have a great week Mxx WOYWW #97

Eliza said...

I don't know what happened to my last message an error came up so I am posting again just in case. I wonder how many other people in the art community would admit to doing this with their stamps, great post, so different and thanks for sharing. Belated WOYWW greetings.

Eliza & Yoda 24

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm playing catch up after having been offline for nearly three days due to internet woes associated with our recent rain.

Had to laugh about the slug, because I must have put blinders on. I didn't even see what you were talking about until you pointed out the cling stamp.

You really pulled (more than) your weight when it came to the 34 kiddos. Bless you for that.

Happy quite belated WOYWW from #2.

Sarn said...

Great blog post Cindy. I'm smiling in sympathy! I stick my cling stamps to things too, and wonder where I put it when it was in my hand 20 seconds ago!

Sarn xxx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...