Wednesday, 14 August 2013

What’s on Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 219

I have an itch that needs to be scratched. For a couple of weeks I have had a yearning to try my hand at a hand made book. Even though I have other things I should be doing (Including a belated 60th birthday card for someone I have worked side by side with for the last two years – there’s that memory thing again). Which is why you can see on my desk this week some ‘signatures’ I have cut and prepped ready to make. I’m not sure where it’s going, but it may well end up as this month’s giveaway as I don’t have anything else ready (grin).  The question is should I decorate the pages going inside(will take longer) or leave them blank. Decisions, decisions…….


Also on my desk you can see I’ve had my brayer out, but that’s all a bit secret squirrel. A couple of card ideas waiting for me to decide exactly what’s happening with them (like Julia they may just keep moving around for a couple of weeks or longer) and a pot full of soaking paintbrushes. Am I the only one who treats their brushes badly? I really, really, really intend to clean them up straight away (or at least before I go to bed) but every morning I come in and find yet another one I’ve covered in some kind of medium that is now stiff as a board. So I am trying to rescue these with a good long soak. Might work.

Creepy House activities are now in full swing – the children even 20130813_152400seem to be reading some books!! I’m averaging 5 story time sessions a week and 25 – 30 children per craft activity . Last Saturday at work we started concertina books (not my finest hour lol) and today we did masks courtesy of Activity Village (without whose wonderful resources  I would certainly have had a nervous breakdown by now). Spiders on Thursday with the under 4s, bunting coming up on Saturday (simples) but we’re playing board games and Top Trumps as well, not entirely sure how that will go. Pop Up books next Tuesday are a slight worry at the moment as I have nothing prepped at all …..and,…….well I really can’t think further ahead than that.

Oh yeah, forgot to say hi, it’s Wednesday again – as if you didn’t know -  and we’re snooping. Just in case, all the info about WOYWW can be found here. Do go over and say ‘hi’ to Julia – she’d love to hear from you. Leave me a message if you have time and I’ll get back to you but no pressure, we all have a life.



Lunch Lady Jan said...

How fantastic that you're getting so many children into the library...good for you! The masks are fine and anyway, all good teachers live by the seat of their pants...planning is so boring ;-)
And I am doing everything except what I'm supposed to be doing too....butterfly mind at the moment. Sigh......
Thanks for dropping by this morning!
Hugs, LLJ 60 xx

Elizabeth said...

Hi Linda, lovely post - not sure I'd ever try making a book, but when you've got an itch ...

And congratulations on getting those children to read books. I've tried with my sports mad grandchildren, for years, with limited success. Almost about to throw in the towel, almost but not quite yet.

And it seems the children love their masks and having fun too.

Happy WOYWW, Elizabeth x #61

Elizabeth said...

Apologies, Cindy - did I really call you Linda ... there's that memory thing again!!! So sorry ... down on my knees pleading for forgiveness. Elizabeth xx

CraftygasheadZo said...

I love how us crafter's always have something we want to make. From albums to books and beyond!! Fab pics. Take care. Zo xx 98

Monique said...

Wow you are being a busy bee. So glad the kids are enjoying the activities and even reading some books =) The masks look great!

Back from my holidays wishing you happy WOYWW and a lovely week.
xx Monique #97

Maisie Moonshine said...

So glad your sessions at the library are proving so successful - AND the kids are reading - Whoop Whoop! Sounds like a win-win.

I think you should decorate the pages - you'll regret it if you don't. Looking forward to seeing the next step and secret squirrel... Thanks for your visit, have a great week . MMx #83

famfa said...

Sounds like you are very busy and it sounds such fun. Thanks for visiting and leaving such lovely comments.
Famfa 7

Unknown said...

book looks good so far, depends on how much work you want to do? leaving blanks or not, maybe decide after cover?

Oh, nooooooooooo you are not the only one with the brushes, and stagnant water is not a good aroma really either.

Lynda #89

Whimcees said...


You have a very neat workdesk! Your Creepy House activities sound like such fun - you must really have a good time with the children! Giving someone the love of books and reading is a wonderful gift that lasts a lifetime! Wishing you a happy day!


Barbara Diane

Unknown said...

Good deal on getting the kids to read the books, and yes you should do the inside it's so nice when you open anything pretty. Thanks for sharing and Bright blessings to you and yours. Roberta #55 inside.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I treat my paintbrushes horribly too. I can't tell you the number of foam ones I have used once, unearthed them hard and dried out a day later and binned them. Lucky they are (relatively) cheap LOL!

Oooh Secret Squirrel.... sonde interesting :)

Happy (so late) WOYWW!
Mary Anne (37)

Helen said...

I bought a book to help me make hand made books but to be honest found it a bit hard to follow - so it's been abandoned (buried!) for now... good luck with yours! I think I'll be ok with my stash, thanks for the offer to "help" house it... lol! Helen 21

ria gall said...

Hi Cindy
not only are you a very busy lady but you are doing a wonderful thing in getting children reading and enjoying books how fantastic is that, well done you
Enjoy WOYWW and have a great week
Hugs Ria #43

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. When you get a crafty itch, then you just have to drop everything else! I bought myself a binding machine, as I really want to make up my own mini books - haven't had time to use it yet. Ali x #56

Hettie said...

I made my first book with signatures and hand sewing the other week. I loved it. I hope you don't have to wait too long to sort your itch out. Or else get some cream.
Well done on getting children into reading.

Krisha said...

Love to hear about children going to the library, such fun projects too. I need to go to a library and just sit and soak it all in, it has been years since I actually went to a library.
Krisha #115

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Cindy, if this book is being given away, you might want to leave the pages blank and let the recipient color or ART it in.

You are doing a fantastic job at the library. Believe me, sometimes it's best to fly by the seat of your pants. The masks look fantastic, so I think you have that one down pat.

Happy WOYWW from #1.

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Cindy,

The story time sounds like it's quite popular. Isn't it great when you find a wonderful resource for ideas. I think that's why I'm addicted to pinterest!

I will be interested to hear how you like book binding. I've seen some articles about it and it does sound interesting.

Thank you for visiting me already. I knew it probably wouldn't be until today that I managed time to get around to desks.

Kay (23)

trisha too said...

Cindy, you can never go wrong with a hand made book! Yay!

(And a moving car isn't my first choice for a desk, but hey, it definitely helps pass that time!)

Thank you for stopping by this woyww, I appreciate your visit and comment!
#27 this week

Kate said...

Creepy House isn't going so well with us. My eldest is an avid reader and used to spur the others on by earning all the goodies so that they would want them too. Now she's classed as 'too old' to take part I'm struggling to get the boys motivated. I was a bit annoyed last week as OH took them in and one of them came home with a Roald Dahl book that he said the librarian had given him. Last time he read Fantastic Mr Fox it took 3 months to get through so there is no chance of finishing this in time - it's going back in exchange for an easier one, no matter what the librarian says!!!


Neet said...

I'm only a week late but trying to play catch up with those who commented on my blog.
What a wonderful way to spend your time with the children - great achievement. I think I need some tips as my five year old (friend's daughter) has me run ragged in an hour - she won't settle to one thing.
Keep doing such a tremendous job.
Hugs, Neet xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...