Wednesday, 21 August 2013

What’s on Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 220

Really? It’s Wednesday AGAIN?? Didn’t we just do WOYWW yesterday? (If you want to know what WOYWW is go and look here.)

OK, here we go, here’s my workspace this week. Strangely tidy, I have just finished a card that was floating round last week. it’s waiting to dry and go in an acetate sleeve. Over to the left you can see my finished handmade book – it will be my giveaway for the month, I’ll post it tomorrow (Thurs) sans bulldog clips. I took Elizabeth’s advice and left the inside blank so the recipient can fill it up. The tag which looks completely staged in the photo (it wasn’t) I think is there because I promised someone a birthday gift – even if it wasn’t I shall finish it and send it off as I’ve now remembered. The rest is the same old same old. (Although before taking the photo I did remove the pot of soaking brushes which I realised had been there the whole week………)


I’m taking this photo Tuesday night as I have just enough energy left to sort this post and then do a 15 minute tidy up so my desk is clear for the morning as I have two commission cards to knock out. Not that you’ve asked, but Creepy House is still going well, today we made a 3 page book with a pop-up, a lift up flap, and a rather innovative (if I say so myself) creepy house with a revolving window. I had to make the house and stick it together with a brad beforehand (sharp implements were involved) so it was a little bit of a cheat – mum and I sat in the sun Monday afternoon and made up 30, she cut out the houses and I cut out the windows. I wish I’d taken some photos of the finished books (forgot), the 22 kids (aged 4 – 10) did really well in 50 minutes. It always makes me smile - the mum’s faces go into panic mode when I say what we are going to do but if the kids apply themselves they can do it and boy are they proud of themselves when it’s finished.

Saturday should be a riot, it’s our fun day, hopefully it will be fine so I can use some of the garden - the flying balls etc can get a bit much inside and some of the older readers wonder what’s going on. (Some just join in).. Oh just remembered I’ve got to coerce hubby into making a ‘splat the rat’ tomorrow, I think that’ll be a complete hoot if we can get it sorted. Anyone got a spare bit of drainpipe handy?

And yes, I am completely mad. But the kids love me. Grin.

Happy WOYWW.


jill said...

Your weekend sounds like it's going to be manic but fun & i hope the weather stay's good for you all. happy woyww Jill #34

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Of course you're mad...and the kids recognise someone who is willing to get involved with them...I did that at school. I find it really easy to chat to kids, can talk to them about anything really..they just need the time :-). Good luck with the fun day..hope it goes really well!!
Hugs. LLJ 63 xx

Nan G said...

Splat the rat?! Now that sounds like fun! Love the landscapes in below post. Funny what we latch on to in these posts to comment on isn't it?! Thanks for the earlier visit! Happy WOYWW! Nan G #1

Unknown said...

You sound like you need to put your feet up before the mayhem begins Cindy!!! Splat the Rat sounds like great fun. Happy WOYWW from Helen 71 x

Kate said...

Sounds like you're having great fun.

The card at the front of your desk is really pretty!


CraftygasheadZo said...

Sounds fun, great card and fab desk today. Take care Zo xx 93

Neet said...

Cindy - I would love to meet you - you sound such fun. What a blast those children must have with you. Hope you have the best weekend ever. Love your tag, your card and the book looks awesome.
Take care, Hugs, Neet 32 xx

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Cindy, better mad than sad I always say! Hope you have a great fun day - recommend you stock up on headache cures and your favourite tipple - you'll need one and deserve the other! Thanks for your visit MMx #33

Monique said...

I can see you've been realy busy =)
I love people who are just a bit mad, the are so much more fun and I can see how the kids must adore you =)
Happy WOYWW Hugs Monique #110

shazsilverwolf said...

Love the card & Tag- awesome colours. Saw ' Splat the Rat' being played at a fun day last year, it went down a treat! Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #50 xx

ria gall said...

Hi Cindy
the card is really pretty and the book looks great I am sure that is going to go down a treat.
Enjoy your fun day
Have a really great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
Hugs Ria #85

Helen said...

Mad people are much more fun to know than sane ones.. hope your weekend goes well, it sounds great. Thanks for stopping by earlier. Helen 8

Princess Judy Palmer said...

You've been up to so much it is hard to see how you squeezed in enough time to post to WOYWW. Things are looking good in your neck of the wood.

Elizabeth said...

Not completely mad, Cindy, your desk is looking remarkably clean and tidy and the card lying on it is lovely. However, you do seem to be great with children and know just how to entertain them ... splat the rat says it all :)) Hope Saturday goes well and that you have an altogether good week. Elizabeth x #47

Unknown said...

I think we could all do with some fun at your house, I know I could - sounds great.
I also think brushes should sprout legs and go clean themselves out and take the water with them.

Lynda #96

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Your teaching skills are above reproach. And the kids LOVE you for it, I can tell.

That's a lovely card, but the tag is what caught my eye when I first saw your desk. LOVE it!!! Happy slightly belated WOYWW from #10.

Julia Dunnit said...

I don't kow how you do it all. the book is a triumph and now you plan to give it away. You are so so much nicer than me. I'm late enough to hope that yesterday went well and assume that today will be spent in an armchair doing nothing. Except perhaps jumping every time you hear a sound that could be a rat splattering!!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...