Wednesday, 12 March 2014

What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday? #249


I had to take a little break from WOYWW as I was working every Wednesday and it seems unfair to post when I don’t know if I’ll have time to visit many peeps. Now working much less, (I know I keep going on about it but very happy about this situation for the moment at least) and NO WEDNESDAYS. At least until the end of April anyway and maybe beyond……..

I did hint yesterday that I had been shopping. Oh what is the matter with me? It is an addiction.

So here are my purchases. Some new Gorjuss girl stuff and another little Santoro stamp I couldn’t resist – isn’t she cute? A new embossing folder – already been playing with these as you can see. This month’s craft stamper, that’ll sort coffee time this afternoon. (Note to self: Must cover that Heroes box).


I’ve pulled out some bunting and my Prima stamps – I have an idea for a little project to brighten up my NEW CRAFT ROOM if I ever get it in there. It does kind of hinge on DD moving out (which she is desperate to do) so I can move into her room but things aren’t going so well and they keep getting let down. (I cannot begin to tell you how disorganised my house is, she has been packed up ready to go for over a month - bed dismantled, belongings downstairs, clothes everywhere – no change there I admit).

Obviously I do have mixed emotions about this, (not least of which is I will be living here with just boys for company) but come on, who wouldn’t want a bigger craft room?IMG_1062[1]

However this is what I have said I will do today – paperwork. I am about 4 months behind with my filing and I must get it sorted. In between visiting crafty desks of course!!

So that’s me for today. For full details pop over to the mother ship here. Hope to get round quite a few desks today. And if you have time, check out my giveaway for March, I think it’s cute.

Shameless self promotion. Have a great day!!


Kate said...

Snap! I've bought a new Gorguss girl stamp and an embossing folder too - both diffrent to yours though. if only I could motivate myself to use these things and not just buy them!

~Kate~ #65

Carole said...

very cute little girls, darling things on your desk. Thanks for sharing Carole #68

Krisha said...

Wonderful NEW stash Cindy.

I know what you mean about the mixed emotions when a chickie leaves the nest, and the idea of new EMPTY space! When youngest son moved out, then came back for a visit 2 WEEKS later, he was amazed that we would already be using his room. Space is a HOT commodity around here, and we don't set up shines, of course we move right in. Besides he took EVERYTHING with him....LOL

Thanks for the stop-by this week and the lovely comment.
Krisha #33

Unknown said...

Oh Cindy--I completely understand your mixed emotions. I have a daughter in college, and I can't stand the thought of her moving out someday! She even told me to make her room my craft room when she moves out! But I told her that can't happen until I know for sure, someday, she has her own real home established. So I hope it goes well for your DD, and I love that little project on your desk! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #12

Sherry said...

Oooh lovely new stash! At least with fewer hours at work, there's more time to craft :)

A new bigger craft room - so exciting! You could always get a sofa bed in there so when your daughter comes to visit (once she's actually gone), she'll have a place to stay - win win!

Thanks for your visit earlier. Yes, that's your calendar on my notice board - did you also see the little wooden plaque you made me a while back too 'Sherry's Room'? Oh yes, there's bits and pieces of Cindy craft all around my room - lol xx

Robyn said...

Paperwork! Love all your new stuff- I can live vicariously!
I sent you an email with my mailing address so we can swap! I'm excited to be starting a list.
thanks for visiting and the snoop around your place.
robyn 11

Unknown said...

I love how you rationalize this. Both my children left and returned again, one of them twice! Hope you get your craft room soon. Karen #43

CraftygasheadZo said...

New goodies look fab, I love those San.....whatever they are called, I forgot, stupid memory, but I love the images and nearly bought some of the papers the other day. But. I. Didn't. I stopped myself due to my self imposed ban. It's not working entirely to plan. But hey ho. Thank you for visiting. Indeed I've had a blog new do and it's Bristol Rovers I support. That's why I love blue!! Take care Zo xx 82

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oooh, that pile of paperwork brings me out in a nervous rash! I hate doing official stuff which is daft really as I'm quite good at organising etc but I'm always afraid I'll cock it up!
I can see why you were urging me to buy some fabric now, you have New Stash Syndrome, lol! Well, I did buy some but it wasn't orange!! I shall feature it next week :-)
HUgs, LLJ 41 xx

Chrysalis said...

Hi Cindy - thanks for visit and kind comments. I really empathise with your need for a new craft room - can't wait til Mum moves downstairs to her new bedroom, so I can take over up there. The trouble is, she wants to carry on sleeping upstairs as long as she can - I'm only hoping the new decor will encourage her down. Have a great week xx

Helen said...

Your comment was so intriguing I had to come over as soon as I could to see what you'd got - lovely stash!! Have a great week. Helen 16

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I love the Prima girl stamps and the Gorjeous girl, they stamp really well. Happy crafting, Angela #59

VonnyK said...

I hate paperwork too. I only file once a year and keep it all in a drawer for the rest of the time. It will be great to have a bigger craft room but you will miss her when she's gone I'm sure. When my oldest moves out my youngest has already said she's going into her room as it's much bigger. I didn't even get a look in. Love the cute girl stamp. Have a great week.
Von #26

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Cindy
Oh to be torn between bigger craft room and off spring. It wasn't until DD2 left that we re organised and made my craft room DD1 had been gone over 3 years ( came back quite a bit) when we said we were getting rid if her bed ... She was mortified, bless!
Hope the filing does take too long
Janet @52

Daniella said...

Shopping is always wonderful! All of the things on your desk look like a craft party waiting to happen!

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Cindy,

Oh, I would love to have a craft room. The only way that will happen in my one bedroom condo is if I turn my bedroom into a craft room. It would be kind of fun.....

The new stamp looks great; I can see why you had to get it!

Thanks for stopping by already.

Happy belated WOYWW
peace, Kay (23)

Neet said...

Letting go isn't always easy but the promise of a big craft room should help. Focus on that!
Great shopping and now I am looking forward to seeing what you make with all these new purchases.
Take care
Hugs, Neet 36 xx

Sharon said...

Oooo love the Gorjuss, bought loads in the last few weeks. And I spy Prima stamps really must get some of

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh, I like the. Santoro gal, you've done her beautifully. I wads looking at the Prima dolls earlier today, I think I like 'em..which is horrible news really. So glad your working hours have eased a bit...even a few weeks of less will be good, huh!

okienurse said...

so many new dolly stamps out there it is hard to choose which ones I like best but the Santoro dolly is so cute! I have some from years past..might get those out and play with them now! Have a great week and thanks for visiting my desk earlier! Vickie aka Okienurse #72

Stacy Sheldon said...

ooh such fun things to see on your desk.
my husband keeps teasing our son with the " you should see the blueprints of what your mama's gonna do to your room when you move out" ( he leaves in June ) so, I get that torn thing very easily but, I think we are just going the larger bed / guest room with his room. :)
Stacy #94

Kyla said...

ooh, such a difficult one....the loss of DD moving out but the glee of a bigger craft room!!! Tough one ;-)

Thanks for visiting my desk already.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Sorry I'm late returning your earlier visit. It's been a busy life-gets-in-the-way type of week. I've never had kids, but I can understand why you might be torn. I DID like what Kyla wrote. Sort of sums it up, doesn't it?

And even though I'm on a very tight craft budget, I can't seem to stay away from a good sale. It really IS an obsession, I guess.

Happy very belated WOYWW from #7.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Ew! Paperwork! I already know that you got that done so you could get some playing in. Good thing too, as you have some fun stash to play with.

I understand your dilemma about living with all boys. It's just me and the cat trying to add a bit of feminine touch to our lives. Such a losing battle.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...