Wednesday, 26 March 2014

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 251

Here we are again and I seem to have spent the whole week moving furniture and supplies to get my new craft room sorted. At one point the contents of my previous room seemed to have just exploded and I thought I would never get it all in. A little sobering to consider quite how much crafty stash I have. But now I’m 95% there, just need to decide if I can sacrifice a small amount of worksurface for another small shelf unit so that I can get all my christmas stash (currently cunningly hidden in my OHs office) in this room as well. It hardly seems fair to have all this space at my disposal and still need overflow arrangements!


Here’s my desk – residue from wrapping up my son’s bd present yesterday and three timmy tags (yes, the February ones) which if I achieve  nothing else crafty today will get finished. Otherwise all the usual rubbish has just been re-located but my desk does somehow seem bigger – I think it is having the window sill.


The floor in this room is lovely, but I have ordered a large mat – the rumble of the castors on my chair is a bit disconcerting late at night!


Final picture (sorry!) from the other end. As you can see there is still a bit of organisation to be done but also some little bits of space so I hope I’ll get it all tidy very soon. The intention is to get a fold up table that will fit in the centre so that I can have visitors without having to  have our backs to each other – but we’ll see, I may have to practice with a chair and a bit of MDF before deciding what to get.

So why I am showing you these pictures – honestly not just showing off – well that’s because every week a group of crafty peeps do the rounds to see what or cyber friends have been up to. The link is here if you want to read all about it.

Sorry for all the pics but very excited about my new room – hopefully will  be back with pics of artwork rather than my furniture removal skills next week.

Have a good day!   Cindy xx


sally said...

Well done on getting organised, and, yes! It is very scary to discover just how much stuff we have when it comes to sort out time - enjoy your new craft space :-)


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, thanks for visiting me. Your room looks great. I have most of my stash hidden in the loft and I don't know how I would go on if I had to move it, quite scary really!
Happy crafting, Angela #59

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Wow, great room! Enough space to hold a mini WOYWW crop in there...grin!!
And HOW can you possibly need an overflow room??
Hugs, LLJ 27 xx

Unknown said...

Hi Cindy
Wow I love your room and you have organised it brilliantly. I am dead jealous I have a studio but as I teach classes a couple of times a week I have to have room for my students so I only really have one end to store things..maybe I will take pictures of it for next week and others can advise me on how best to organise it lol. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Dawn #39

sandysewin said...

Looks like you've got a lot of space there, and LOTS of goodies. Good job on the organizing. :-)

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #10

Krisha said...

Looks like everything is coming together for your new space. Moving stuff around does make one wonder "why" we tend to have so much craft stash.

Love the window (as I sigh with envy)

Krisha #12

Sue said...

Cindy, I am so jealous of your lovely craft room. Hope you soon have it how you want.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Sue 45

Helen said...

I love your room, all your hard work is really paying off! Helen 11

Caro said...

OK, I have to confess to being a little green with envy at all your gorgeous crafting space and goodies! Well done you on the organising and make sure you have fun in your new space. Thanks for sharing. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#55)

fairy thoughts said...

Wow all looking good in your new room, lots of space to play
Still need that wooly jumper don't we very chilly by the seaside Brrr

Ali H said...

How brilliant to have your new craft room ! I also have stash guilt - think maybe I need a reason for a good old sort out too ! Ali #30

Deb said...

Wow, your room looks fantastic and I think organizing a craft room is an ongoing process, not something that is ever finished!
Have a great week, Debxx #9

Nikki said...

WOW Great space you have there I'm sure you can find a small space to get to your xmas stash in there lucky to have all that space to spread out. I can't wait till I have a proper space not so move around so much :)
hugs Nikki 5

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Cindy what a great crafty space!!

I found a fold up camping table on street from house moving down the road and use it regularly in centre of room... kind of unpack stuff explodes there for ten days the clean up routine..

.. but your space it truly large and spacious!
Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x #15 thanks for popping over.

Dianne said...

Hello Cindy thanks for stopping by my nest. had a migraine yesterday so no desk hopping, I'm glad I came to day and got to see your gorgeous Tim's tag finished they are fabulous, your room is coming along grrrrreat, it took my 2 weeks to organize all of mine, I'd love to come and play in yours, thanks for sharing have a wonderful week..

Eliza said...

Hi Cindy, I so enjoyed snooping around your room, with a little organisation you ca achieve the centre table, hey I did it and I have shit loads do stuff. Whoops sorry..... It is all in the layout and storage. Thanks for sharing and visiting me. Sorry I am getting back to you late in the week I have been working and not many spare hours, actually at work now sneaking a few posts.

Belated WOYWW greetings
Hugs Eliza & Yoda 19

Shoshi said...

Your new room is gorgeous, Cindy, and it reminds me somewhat of mine - all that lovely light, and the pale wood floor. I have found that my swivel chair on castors doesn't work too well on it, not because of the noise, but because it tends to slide all over the place! I am now using my old wheelchair and can lock the wheels! Lovely and comfy too!

Like you, I have one end of the room that isn't terribly organised yet. These things take time! It is lovely to be able to work in there at last, though.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #48

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Oh my! Your room is looking great. I love all the space you have on shelves and in boxes and bins. Even though you have a ton of stuff (and who of us doesn't) it looks like it is all easily accessible and I think that is a big key to crafting.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...