Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Where’s Your Workdesk, Wednesday? # 250

Ooh that sounds like a significant number doesn’t it?

I have cheated a little this week as there is no work on my desk today as all projects are on hold and I am cleaning and tidying - my DD has finally left home. Sob.


 So my pictures are of the room I am cleaning. (You would be forgiven for thinking that from the picture she hasn’t actually left yet……………..) Nice view. Nice light space.  


Guess what’s going in here as soon as I can sort it? Yep, hopefully my WOYWW will be coming to you from this very space very soon, depending how I get on with the sorting out and moving my stuff across the hall. The sheet of A4 paper is my attempt to plan out where everything will go. I have to be careful as I mustn’t create more storage space (remember, nature abhors a crafty vacuum…) and, heaven help me she may come back in a year’s time and I will have to do it all in reverse. But more work surface and room for more than 1 person is a definite possibility. Yay!!!!

If you wonder what I’m on about hop on over to our illustrious leader at Stamping Ground for all the details. Meanwhile I’ll be around to see what you are up to in between tidying up sessions. If you have time to leave me a little love that would be great.. If you have time to come and help that would be even better.

Can’t actually believe that it is Wednesday again already…..


Lynsey said...

Great room - nice and light and bright! love it! xx

Krisha said...

Oh Cindy, I feel your pain and excitement about your new room.
How I would love to have a corner window, there is one in my craft room, but the PC table blocks it and it is across the room from Betsy, so my back is always to it.........someday.

Good luck with your arranging of storage. Your right, the more space and storage you have the more you will try to fill it...LOL

Thanks for the visit this week
Krisha #20

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Cindy
oh a new crafty space waiting to be re organised, how exciting. My DD1 was amazed when I binned her bed, but hey I needed the space ... if your DD comes back she can always have the smaller room because you know you will fill it hehe
happy WOYWW day
janet #29

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh that's a hard one...sadness at your DD leaving, joy at having all that crafty space!! She won't mind you having it...crafting is time well spent and you are SO going to enjoy it in that room!
Hugs, LLJ 39 xx

Kate said...

Looking forward to seeing what you do. Great to have a blank canvas to start from and make into your own space.
~kate~ #70

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy- I know that feeling so well! Thats how I got my new room- my youngest son left home to live with his girlfriend. You can have so much fun making yourself the perfect space now. I agree with Janet, if she comes back, let her have your old room- you will have your new one organised to perfection by then. :) Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #38 xxx

Glennis F said...

Lucky you, to have all that lovely new space

Glenda said...

What a wonderful space. Love those windows! Glenda #54

VonnyK said...

It's a bit sad that DD has moved out but yay for you getting a lovely craft room. Here's hoping you get to keep it for many years :)
Have a great week.
Von #22

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Cindy..oh dear a happy sad moment, DD can visit though hope there's a bed across the hall but lucky you to have such a lovely room, great window..view, light hurry hurry so you can WOYWW soon. Cheers RobynO#38

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a great LIGHT space you have waiting for you to fill. I'm impressed with your attempt to make plans before moving in. I always tell people to create a layout of zones and determine how much space you will need for each zone. You are certainly doing the right thing.

Thanks for visiting me earlier today (because it's still Wednesday in my world) Happy WOYWW from #2.

Neet said...

Oh Cindy, I know how you feel although it is a long long time since my son left home. Best to throw yourself into getting that room ready for your new crafting - one way of helping the tears stay at bay.
Hugs & Thanks for visiting me - Neet 26 xx

Shoshi said...

Oooh Cindy, I so identify with you in your excitement at having a new room and getting it organised! I am so delighted with mine, and only frustrated at how little time I get to spend in there. I've had a bad week health-wise, with very bad sleeping, and a continuous cough from my recent throat infection which is quite exhausting. My first opportunity for a session in my ARTHaven yesterday afternoon was totally taken up with trying to get my sewing machine to work - without success! It's now gone into hospital to be repaired and I do hope they don't keep it too long as I've got lots of ideas for experimenting with my teabags.

Let's hope next week is a better week!

Have a great week.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Love the windows in this room, so nice and bright. It will be a great place to play. You may have to tell DD that she has to move in across the hall when she comes back because you'll love it so much.

You are right about the storage space dilemma. This past fall I did a fairly large reorganization and downsized enough to empty some storage. Then I immediately got rid of the boxes, shelves, baskets, etc. The guys at the Thrift store me would smile at me each day as I drove up and handed them the few things I had emptied that day.

MommaRock said...

Much luck with your wonderful space, can't wait to see your desk.. :)
Happy WOYWW...
See you next week.
Kimmer #91... last , but not least AGAIN.. LOL

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...