Wednesday, 15 July 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #580

But I am getting ahead of myself. Morning deskers, it's Wednesday again, blog-hopping time. Yep, weeks still flying and my only constant is WOYWW on a Wednesday. To find out more, pop on over to The Stamping Ground where all will be revealed. Join in why don't ya, check out what everyone is up to and spread a little love.. 

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SO ... here is my desk. The 'hat' snowmen at the back were coloured when I was on holiday in Spain in February (Pause while she mourns her past life) so they only needed to be finished off. The snowflake cards again were already cut out just has to make up. I am currently making up some rocker snowmen cards - the little characters are v cute but lots of fiddly bits. Don't know why I cut so many - must have thought I would do a class. 

The thing is with this whole 'get Christmas done' idea is that I have a bundle of unfinished projects - at least 25 - that in my head need to take priority. So not very creative, just production. So there's been a bit of procrastinating this week. Just getting out all of my Christmas stuff was a task in itself and slightly overwhelming. 
This is about half of it. 

Anyhoo that's it for me, hope you all have a lovely week.

Happy WOYWW, stay well, stay safe, Cindy x 


Lunch Lady Jan said...

You're being a bit previous this morning!! It's seeing the C word in capitals that put me off me porridge, lol. You have a lot of C craft paraphernalia, there's a fair few C cards in that little lot. I do like the hat snowmen though, they're cute and dont' worry, you'll be back in Spain before you know it x
Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

Camilla Fisher said...

Only 25? I will start thinking about Christmas cards this month. I'm expecting a delivery today of Stampin' Up! goodies from the Christmas mini catalogue.

sandra de said...

Well I think you are allowed to procrastinate when we are talking about Xmas. So easy to get distracted when you have to move boxes and then you discover stuff in the dark recess of your craft room and it's all a quick spiral down the rabbit hole in my case. Enjoy your time crafting.
Sandra de @9

Susan Renshaw said...

Very impressed with all your Christmas stuff - I am doing "Christmas in July ' at the moment!!
Would be lovely to be able to take a holiday...
Happy woyww! Stay safe and keep well. Susan #15

Lisa-Jane said...

I love the idea of the rocker cards! I've never tried to make them but the snowmen are perfect for them. I might have to look them up. Have a fabulous week, Lisa-Jane #2

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, love the snowmen!Holiday- that would be so good right now, but it's going to be a while yet, I think.Stay Safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

Neet said...

You are well in front Cindy with all those C cards. I just cannot mention the word, makes me shiver as I wonder what is in store for me before then. I am like you, forgetting what day it is and often have to ask and then mark the days off the calendar so I know what is ahead.
You mean all those boxes are Christmas things? Wow, I have cut my stuff down to about three boxes now. I get so muddled as to who I have sent this design to and that design that now I keep it to a couple - special and friends and then all-so-rans and commercial.
Right, will stop thinking of how organised you are and go and start making a folio
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Sue Jones said...

Ha Ha I love Jan's comment - have to say i am of the same mind. Well done you though - i am always late doing the "C" stuff , i never start before September at the earliest. Have a fab week. Soojay #22

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I'm afraid I can't even think of Christmas in July, but you're doing really well just by getting your stuff out. I'm terrible at doing something on demand - I just freeze and have no inspiration at all. I tend to do things on impulse and that's not always a good thing! Thanks for your visit, Cindy! Have a lovely week! xx zsuzsa #10

Caro said...

Love the snowmen! I am impressed with anyone who has made a start on Christmas cards. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#1)

Helen said...

I know time is flying, but Christmas!! come on! happy WOYWW Helen #17

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, well done in starting your Christmas cards. Hope you're better than me as I started mine and then got distracted with another project. Love what you've made so far. Have a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x14x

Dorlene Durham said...

Wow! That’s a lot of Christmas stuff. If you’re like me, I seem to gear towards Christmas stuff too. It’s always so festive! Good luck with all your projects! Dorlene #31

Sarah Brennan said...

The only C stuff I have done so far was earlier in the week when sample making Cindy, so well done for getting started on/finishing your own projects at this time of year. I am a bit as far as Christmas is concerned. Stay safe and happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #5

Twiglet said...

Ha - well you are trying to panic us snail brains aren't you!! I know it's a sensible thing to be cracking on with - C just seems a long, long way off just now. Let's hope life is a bit more "normal" by then. xx Jo

Marit said...

Ohmy... the C word in July... I'm not going for it, but I love your cards and I think you're a hero for working on it during the Summer season! Hug from Holland, Marit #20

craftyani said...

I'm in agreement with you yes for Christmas in July, or even March, make the best use of Lockdown. Love the snowman blue hat. I have been making Christmas cards in the hope it would cool me down. Ani #6

Cardarian said...

Hi Cindy! You are really good to be starting on Christmas cards - I am not there yet! I must start though! Your boxes full of Christmas stuff remind me of my stuff - at the moment all packed away but I will be unpacking soon - you have sort of given me the nudge!
Have a lovely week, sorry I am so late commenting!
Love and hugs,

Shoshi said...

Well Cindy, you've certainly got your work cut out for a while, and you've set yourself quite a task, haven't you! I am sure you'll get on top of it quite well though, and you've got a few months to get it done.

Sorry to be so long visiting - time has run away with me again this week, and I've been using every spare moment to work on my cross stitch needle books. The embroidery is quite addictive and I'm keen to get them done before I go off the boil!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #8

What's On Your Workdes? Wednesday #817

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...