Wednesday, 5 January 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #657

Goodness the days are going by so fast, we are already nearly at the end of the first week of the New Year!!

Like so many others I have had a house of Covid since Boxing Day. Everyone except me tested positive at some point. Now negative of course and most will be back to work this week. Nobody got much of a Christmas break!! How I managed to stay Covid free I really don't know but I guess it won't last.

So I have been busy in my craft room - well there wasn't much else I could do without mingling with the plague ridden (TBH nobody has been that ill). Here is my desk late Tuesday, when I broke off from making Christmas cards to do a quick commission. Hopefully it will be a z fold card with a train on for a 3 year old. My desk is not currently functioning as an island as I scooted it back so I could have a blow up bed on the floor whilst trying to keep away from the germs. (Slept surprisingly well but getting up in the morning from the floor was no fun).   

Christmas cards? - yes you heard right. For the last few years I have devoted January to making as many Crimbo cards as I can manage, having a leisurely play with my stash. I find it a much more pleasurable experience to do it now rather than wait till nearer the time and I'm still  inspired. Also no pressure. I am currently reviewing my Christmas stash which is, I admit, pretty huge, but I love Christmas images of all kinds, even cute lol.  Some of it needs to go, I've had it so long I no longer know why I have it - what am I waiting for? 

I haven't really got into my stride yet as I am still trying to deal with all the 'bits' and ideas that were put away uncompleted last year - the intention is to use it or bin it, it just can't stay for another year. 

Birthday and Christmas craft goody wise were a bit of a bust as it all got so overshadowed so I have treated myself to a couple of new things in the sales (and also not) which may arrive today. But once I've topped up my glue that's no more craft purchases until March at least. Fingers crossed I can do it. I certainly have enough unopened things to play with!! 

While I'm here, I just wanted to say thank you for all your lovely messages the other week - it really lifted my spirits. You are a lovely lot.

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx


Mary Anne said...

Happy New Year!
OMG don't we all have a list a mile long of things from 2021 that we want to create but haven't yet managed? Mine is crazy long. Love the cards - all so different but lovely. I am pretty sure I got one from you as you are pretty much the only Cindy I know :) so thanks! I guess getting started in January makes that possible.

Happy 1st WOYWW of 2022!
Mary Anne (11)

Twiglet said...

Just caught up with a few desks for the new year Cindy. So sorry to hear about your Mum - what a lovely photo you shared. You have had a grim time with Covid too - lets hope for better times in 2022. xx Jo

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Looks like you've burst into action already on the card front! You may be the few lucky ones who are totally immune to Covid due to the vaccines. I'm glad you managed to avoid it. Happy New Year, Cindy! xx zsuzsa #25

Crafting With Jack said...

Happy New Year and a brilliant idea to start Christmas cards. My plan is to do some as I didn’t make use of my lovely Christmas stamps last year. Angela #1

Helen said...

Sorry nearly everyone had covid , hope you stay negative! It's so random . Well done on starting the cards . Helen #3

glitterandglue said...

Happy New Year, Cindy. Excellent idea - start early and actually really enjoy a relaxing time making the cards, instead of the rush come October/November! Well done you.
I hope all your family soon get the negative results you are waiting for. I have had an email only this morning from the guy at church due to preach next Sunday saying he wouldn't comment on my service plan as he wouldn't be there because his wife had just tested positive. I await to see who I will be working with come Sunday!!
Take care of yourself. God bless.
Margaret #14

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Gorgeous Christmas cards! I don’t think it’s any problem making them now, the satisfaction of having them tucked away for next December is huge, provided you remember where you store them, lol!! I’m sorry that your house has been plague ridden but glad that no-one was taken really bad. You made me laugh talking about getting up off the floor, lol, mine involves a very undignified rolling into knees and pushing up, a graceful swan I am most definitely not, lol!!!
Happy 2022, may it be full of fun and crafting!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy. A bit late tonight but always try to get round everyone if possible so I'm here to wish you Happy New Year. You always make lovely Christmas cards. I think this is the best time to get started with them as you are still in the festive mood. Normally we would be going away now and as we're not I'm making a few myself. Have a lovely woyww and a great week. Hugs, Angela x20x

Sarah Brennan said...

WOw Cindy you have more mojo than I do regarding Christmas cards - well done you. Glad to hear that everyone is getting back on their feet and that you managed to avoid Covid. Hope the blow up bed is no longer needed as well. Happy New Year, stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

Julia Dunnit said...

I get it, and for some reason, the weeks after Christmas (when I’ve seen everyone elses’s cards) are definitely the time that I should do what you are. You are doing very successfully. I’ve separated my Christmas stamps and dies from the rest and was going to put them in a RUB under a bed or somewhere, anywhere not in my room, but now I feel like doing Christmas and slinging some glitter about. I shall credit you, of course. I hope you aren’t I’ll, but I think it’s now inevitable that we’e all going to end up having had COVID, the numbers are extraordinary, and I think that a lot of people who are positive are asymptomatic and don’t know or, do know but are just carrying on. Hate to say it, but I do believe it. I very sincerely hope that the shock of your bereavement has eased a bit, I found myself crying at the strangest things a couple of weeks after my Dad died, and I think it was part of having sort of seized up so that I could get me and everyone else through to the funeral. Why I thought I had to help anyone else through my on
Sun grief is beyond me, but it does funny things to you doesn’t it. Been thinking about you over the holiday, we’re overdue a chat don’t you think? Will message you, probably at ridiculously short notice next week. Meanwhile, hope your creaky bones have had all they need from sleeping on the floor, and want to wish you a healthy and positive 2022.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...