Wednesday, 26 January 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 660

Hello all. Total disaster visiting last week, I was fine first thing then nasty bad back decided to come and play again. So a few days of painkillers, gentle exercise, massage and rest ensued with very little crafting or social media. 

Starting to catch up this week and now my desk is utter chaos. Hope to resolve this mess by the end of the day. Good job I'm not working to any kind of schedule. Christmas will have to wait a few more days!!

I did manage to finish the card for my neighbour - though to say I was underwhelmed with the result would be an overstatement. Or is that a double negative? 

Yesterday I think was one of the greyest, coldest, most miserable days of the winter. An absolutely horrible day. However, I've already managed to get out today, and the sky is showing promise of lifting clouds and a bit of blue. Thank goodness for that. And.. there are snowdrops in the garden. Big smiles.

Hope you all have a lovely week and will try to get round everyone in the next day or so as I'm not sure I'll make it next week - hubby's birthday on Tuesday (heavens need to make a card) and we're off to Oxford for a couple of days. He becomes a real pensioner this year - when did we get so old!! 

Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, love n hugs Cindy xx


Neet said...

My sympathies with you on the bad back. I suffer with mine and know how horrible the pain can be. Here's to a better week ahead for you and I am sure those snowdrops in the garden will have cheered you no end.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

It has been so miserable hasn’t it? Grey and miserable weather, apparently we’re due some sun tomorrow, I can’t wait! Sorry to hear your back went last week, such a pain (literally) and affects your life so much. I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better now. I like the card and I’m sure the lady will love it too, very soft and pretty!
Hugs LLJ 11 xx

Helen said...

Sorry about your vacation, glad it's a bit better the card looks fine to me and I'm it was appreciated take care Helen #4

glitterandglue said...

Afternoon Cindy. Sorry you have felt so rotten. But well done on the card - it's lovely. I'm sure your neighbour was pleased.
Take care of yourself. God bless.
Margaret #7

Lindart said...

Hi Cindy! A bad back is nothing to scoff about, glad you are treating it kindly. You store your dies the same way I do, aren't those magnetic pages great! I love your messy desk, that's what mine looks like most of the time! Have a great week, hope your back is feeling better, Lindart #27

Crafting With Jack said...

I do love to see snowdrops. Your neighbour will be very happy with her card. Hope your back improves x Happy WOYWW Angela #2

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I'm sure Christmas can wait, Cindy! Lovely card for your neighbour. Manny happy returns to hubs and congrats on becoming a pensioner. My husband is thinking retirement this year too! Scary, really! Enjoy your trip to Oxford! xx zsuzsa #17

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, another late one for me but really wanted to get round. That's not a mess is it? well I hope not or I've got a problem Lol! Hee! Hee! Sending hugs, Angela x16x

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad to hear that the back is getting better Cindy. Hope you get hubby's card made in time. I am sure Betty appreciated her card. Stay safe and Happy WOWYW. Sarah #5

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Cindy, so sorry to hear you've had a bad back - hope you are much better now. The card is lovely and I'm sure the recipient will love it - very pretty and gentle colours.
Hope you have a good week and lets keep fingers crossed the weather improves a little!
Diana xx #18

Spyder said...

Oh no, I don't think it's a mess! (your desk that is) I could happily dive in there! Love those big square dies, they must be very useful, must get me some.My room is really too small, which is why everywhere has a bit of craft stuff. Stay safe, keep on Crafting. Happy WOYWW!? #1

Susan Renshaw said...

Hope the back pain has eased...
Age certainly creeps up on you. I cannot believe I will be 70 in April!
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #8

Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Cindy, hope you are feeling more like your self again and oh how cool is that, that you already have blooms coming up :) ~Stacy #26

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh the weather really doesn’t help does it. I can’t remember the last time it was so dank and cloudy grey so consistently, it really did get me down. So sorry about your back, isn’t it amazing how you don’t have to do anything in particular to set it off, really not fair! I’m sure Betty was happy with the card, it may not be special to you (it’s all in the mood!) but it is a pretty card! I’m already sleeping with a 61 year old as at last week…I don’t know if that qualifies as a pensioner these days, but he says it might as well, the way he feels!! Hope you have a marvellous couple of days, haven’t been to Oxford for years and it’s so lovely.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...