Wednesday, 12 January 2022

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #658

Here we are again. Thank goodness for Wednesdays, something to mark the passing of the week. Somehow I managed to delete google from my phone last night. Without thinking about the consequences I changed the pw and set it up again. Of course I was then locked out of blogger on my pc. Far too stressful for early morning!!

The challenge in my craft room at the moment is to wade through all the Christmas stuff. This first pic is just a small amount of the 'didn't quite get finished one year' stuff. Amongst it I found a set of 3 cards ready to go - must have been prepped for a class which makes them from at least Nov 2019 and I suspect considerably earlier. Anyhow, when I find these bits all cut out and ready to go it's a lot quicker than starting from scratch. 

Here's my desk with the original design on the left and one of this year's efforts 0n the right. Two more to go. I have just noticed that that deer only has 3 legs. It's kinda bothering me now.......

The 4-square card topper is from the card I made for my son this year. Unbelievable I know but my children don't tend to treasure my works of art. So I took the topper off and will re-mat it onto another card for someone else this year. Do you recycle  your Christmas cards? I must admit I no longer do anything with 'shop' cards - they go straight in the recycling. (I used to cut them up for ATCs but I already have more than I'll ever use). Handmade cards I receive I like to keep for a year or so, (my favourites longer than that!!) but after a while I do get rid of them but try and recycle any parts that I can to make a new card. 

Finding the grey days difficult but there is the odd one that lifts your spirit. I'm no Helen, but thought this  bed in the local park looked lovely in the sunshine last Sunday. The sky!!

While I'm here, this is the finished card that was on my desk last week.

So, why am I showing you my desk? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, 

love n hugs Cindy xx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

I’ve seen that deer so many times on cards but never really noticed the three legs but now you’ve pointed it out, it does look wrong! Well done on recycling the cards, I do as well, reasoning that all that hard work should be appreciated all over again! Lovely pics of the dogwoods blazing away in the winter sunshine, they are so beautiful!
HUgs LLJ 3 xxx

Mary Anne said...

LOL! My shameful secret is that I collect up all the cards I send to people who live with me and cut off the fronts. I stash them in my "emergency card" file so they can be re-used if I am caught unawares. As for the deer, just put a bit of foliage in front of it and no one will be the wiser :)

Stay Safe & Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

Neet said...

My blog says I recycle commercial cards via my friend (she does them). I save my favourites and yours is in the drawer as I write.
Love the cards on your desk but I like mine better (the one you sent me obviously). I find quite often that if something, like a deer, has four legs it looks a bit funny so I am sure three is more acceptable. How often do you see all four when they are standing there?
Love your park picture, the sun has caught the twigs and given it a lovely glow and what a gorgeous blue the sky is. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs Neet xx
ps hope you and your family (sisters included) are feeling a bit better as time goes on. In my thoughts.

Crafting With Jack said...

Love your cards, both last year and this year. Are they stepper cards? What happened to the deer’s missing leg? I must admit that once you pointed it out it would bother me too. Have a great week Angela #4

glitterandglue said...

Afternoon Cindy. Oops - do you know, until you pointed it out, I didn't notice the deer either! I wonder how often we see what we nee to see?? The cards look great, though. Well done. I like Mary Anne's suggestion of a bit of foliage...
I keep all the hand made cards sent to me. Some go back many years. My Christmas tree is decorated with "angels" made with my grandees' hands!! Unlike Ali, I'm not a de-clutterer.
Last week's card is gorgeous - well done.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #8

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, I always keep handmade cards as they can be useful for inspiration. I see an exploding box on your desk, they get everywhere. I would like to declutter but it will surely be a difficult one for me as I take after my father and he used to collect anything of interest. Happy woyww, Angela x13x

Diana Taylor said...

Well I hadn't noticed the missing leg until you pointed it out and now I'm going to check my dies later to see if I have that same die as I have number deer ones. Although your card looks great and I don't feel it's a problem on it, I know if I used it on something it would niggle me!! I love the sunny photo - what glorious colour for this time of year - those stems are stunning.
Hope you have a good week,
Diana xx #15

Helen said...

Well done for getting blogged with your google issue! the dogwood in your park is gorgeous, it's such a bright cheerful shrub at this time of year Have a good week Helen #6

Anne said...

Hi Cindy. I have hundreds of cards I have kept over the years. I have every card DH has ever sent me going back 54 years. I hate throwing out anything handmade. I will have to photograph a make from you from a few years back when we were both in BJ's Craft group. You make beautiful cards. Anne x 1

Caro said...

Loving your cards this week. The three legged deer both amused and bothered me! Mary Anne's suggestion is a good one. Happy WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro xx (#16)

Sarah Brennan said...

SUch a lovely card for Reuben Cindy. I would never have noticed the deer only had three legs until you pointed it out lol. The cards are lovely - good luck with all the UFOs. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

Twiglet said...

Your cards are fab Cindy. Like you, I save my handmade ones for a while and occasionally even re- purpose one or two as they are so lovely. xx Jo

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier. I have managed to contain my Christmas stuff this year. I have 'removed' all the card fronts I have kept over the years.... It was hard... I love the train card, great design
Take care
Christine #18

Julia Dunnit said...

I’m the same with hand made received cards, sift through them regularly and am always inspired, and often jealous of the idea or execution! And the family and their attitude to your art. Same here gal. I remember Jenny once asking for shop bought invitations to give out for a birthday party as a treat!! And I gave bart the same valentines card two years in a row, landscape for,at. Bath times he read the inside and stood it on the sideboard in portrait, so clearly hadn’t bothered to look at it. But then, that was back when I bothered with valentines…! That TH deer, omg I never noticed that. Now it sort of bothers me too….ugh. The whole of next week is forecast to be light and bright, I hope that helps. I will message you to see if you’re about for a chat one afternoon. Xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...