Sunday, 30 June 2013

Tags of 2013 - June

Late again. As ever. But, this is a superquick technique from Tim so I gave myself half an hour before I really have to get dressed and ready to go out.

Of course apart from the gathered twigs I don't have any of  the materials. Certainly no distress markers, but I do have a big selection of whispas and Marvy le plume watercolour pens. So I used them for the watercolouring. For the smooshing (!) I substituted the stains I have got and added a bit of Fresco Finish acrylic to give a painterly effect. Did it work? Can't really say although it looks OK to me. Finished this within the allotted time - well there are no crazy embellishments on this one to make so it's really quite simple. I think I could do a better job (for example, not do my stamping upside down) if I took my time so I may try this out again, it's a while since I've tried 'faux' watercolouring and it's a useful technique to remember. And yes, I  haven't forgotten, there are two, but little to discern between them.

Yay. Made it.

Now the sun is shining and I'm off to the Oxfordshire countryside to go nosing round open gardens. A bit like WOYWW, but green and with bugs. Looks like I'll need sunscreen for the first time this year!!

Have a lovely Sunday!!

Saturday, 29 June 2013

Steampunk under the Sea........

Well I need to get some more STUFF. Specifically steampunk  stuff LOL.

I really struggled finding enough steampunky bits to go on this piece which I made for SanDee and Amelie's Steampunk Challenge. The theme was steampunk underthe sea.  Just managed to get it done in time!!

I Iove this piece, even though the steampunk jellyfish didn't work quite as well as I thought!  Just need to find a nice space on the wall for it!



Wednesday, 26 June 2013

What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday #113

It's that crazy time of year when those library staff among us (the few that are left that is) go a bit crazy (or maybe it's just me?) preparing for our annual reading extravaganza the Summer Reading Challenge.

I have a certain rep to uphold and this year is going to be bigger and better than ever. Change is afoot and this may be the last year I have the freedom, time, energy or even the will to pull out all the stops. The theme is CREEPY HOUSE and so I have lots of weird and wonderful things to do, from decorating the library to a ton of crafty activities for the kids to get up to. (And we might read some stories as well). So far I have 18 activities planned but I am drawing the line at wearing the gruffalo costume. (Grin)


Why am I telling you this? Well because what you can see on my desk (eek my photography gets worse and worse) this week are the raw materials to make this amazing wolf mask to go on the wall in my Creepy House (AKA the children's library).

It doesn't look much at the mo - you will have to come back and see how I get on and I'll be posting more of my fun and ghoulish creations over the next few weeks. Wish me luck! (and if you have any good ideas that require no effort, no outlay on materials and are suitable for youngsters please do get in touch!!) 

Oh, and that WOYWW thing? We do it every week, we’re all really nosey, and you can find out about it by clicking that link.

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Monday, 24 June 2013

Let’s try something new….

Well my dear friend Shoshi has advised me to try out Live Writer for my blogging. Now, I am not known for my love of change lol, so this is quite scary for me. I have got this far without having to ask for help  so this is my first try at blogging this new way!!



Well that was painless!! This is a commission card I had to make last week. It was an absolute nightmare because everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. But it turned out OK in the end!! Let’s try a couple more photos….

……… no swearing so far, and the photo is where I want it at the size I wanted. Impressive.






Ok, Now I’m just uploading photos for the sake of it. But that was a lot more successful than this morning.

Right I am going to enter this one into the current Artful Times Challenge which is white on white. I might get my wrist slapped as there is a touch of gold to this project but that really is only because the camera is picking up the gold in the centura pearl card. The flowers have been waxed and that has turned them slightly off white as well….. So i hope you aren’t too cross girls, you can always delete me, I won’t be offended!!

Verdict on livewriter? so far,…. YAYYYYYYY!! A vast improvement!

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A Night atThe Dogs....

was how we celebrated my mum's 80th.

It's taken a while to do this and I posted a pic before but now I have finished a little tri-shutter album for her with the piccies. I wish I had used better papers for this but I am always so mean when I am trying something new!! Still the colours do go.

Terrible photography and blogger is still being weird uploading photos so I am going to quit while I'm ahead!!

(Added note: wowee, this published all over the shop. Have tried to amend it as best I can but am off to hospital now. There is definitely some uploading prob with blogger - why can they just not leave well alaone? Now I an going to have to spend time I don't have trying to find out why and what to do. Apols if it looks a mess!! And none of the formatting works anymore, wanted to italicise this para but no go. AAAAAAAARRGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!)

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Tag book for Out of a Hat Creations

Well almost. It's not exactly a tag book although it could be!! I had a long overdue couple of hours crafting with my sister yesterday and she had a template for an exploding tag she wanted to try out, so we both had a go. I have to say she gave up, no staying power some people. My mum had a go as well but I think the least said about that the better. Let's just say there were no instructions and by the end we had three variations on where to stick the exploding bit.....

Because it was a try out, I was being a bit mean - the papers are from a Theresa Collins Fabrications set but the paper I used on the outside was just the bit that comes with the packaging to show you the papers - far too good to waste!! The flowers were punched from it as well.

I used a lovely yellow sheet for the inside and added a bit of fussy cutting and stamping and a cardstock sticker. A simple little thing, it would be quite nice if a few of them were stuck together as a book which I  might have done if I had seen the challenge earlier. Anyhow, squeaking in with my almost-a-tag-book project. I'm sure the girls won't mind!!

Footnote: I have to say it was dashed hard getting that last photo to upload where I wanted it! Hope there aren't more blogger probs on the horizon!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #211 - I'm Back!!

It's Wednesday again ...... somebody stop the clocks!! I haven't even made it for about three weeks and there's not a lot to show so far this week. Mainly because......

Nowhere to sit.

The pc is a little difficult to get to...............

(OK I tidied up a bit before I wrote this post and found another chair)

My actual desk isn't too bad - this is a double tri-shutter album I started making for my mum at the WOYWW crop - nearly done!!

Why all this mess? A new window!!!! (Not a very inspiring  photo I know. It looks pretty much like the old window if I'm honest.)

As I couldn't get to much today I re-did my little art display, swapping some old stuff out for the lovely WOYWW4 trades I got so I can see and enjoy them while I'm creating.

Well,  just in case you don't know what I am going on about, here's the link to WOYWW - just go and read all about it, sheesh, I'm not going to explain it every week.

When I can get to my pc desk properly I'll be doing the rounds, but more windows are going in so I don't really have much of a plan for today yet. Hopefully the fitters will be finished in my room very quickly and I can get myself sorted.

Happy WOYWW!!

(Shameless self promotion - June giveaway is up. Post below or Click on piccy Top Right.)


Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Try It On Tuesday - Angel's and Demons and the June Giveaway

An apology
Well my dears, I have been MIA since the end of May - a holiday, work (lots of work), sickness, GP visits and even housework - you know how it goes..... but am now trying to get my crafty act together. (I did think I was organised before I went away, but it would appear NOT). So, I'm sorry for the silence, I will endeavour to do a bit better this week(!).

Our sponsor _ Dilly Bean Stamps
Using the digital image -#381 - Isabella Fairy
Here is my DT entry for Try It On Tuesday this fortnight. The theme is 'Angels and Demons' and no prizes for guessing I have sided with the angels for this project. I have used one of my gelli prints to create the background to my little hanger. The main image is a digi from  Dilly Beans      (this month's sponsor) who have some great, slightly quirky (right up my street!) designs.
I have sized this one to fit and coloured with promarkers. Quite a simple little piece and I didn't think it needed much extra (not entirely sure why it took me so long to finish it though!!)

So we'd love to see what you can come up with, just pop on over to Try It On Tuesday and join in!!

AND FINALLY..........
June Art Draw
Well, because life has been taking over my craft time this month I have decided that this hanger will be this month's Art Draw Prize. Each month I give away a little piece of art work to someone who comments on the relevant post (ie this one!!) so if you leave  a comment you will be included in the draw. International players welcome, please feel free to link from your own blogs, if you let me know you have I will put you in twice. This one will run until 9 pm on Sunday 30th June.

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...