Wednesday, 26 June 2013

What’s On Your Workdesk Wednesday #113

It's that crazy time of year when those library staff among us (the few that are left that is) go a bit crazy (or maybe it's just me?) preparing for our annual reading extravaganza the Summer Reading Challenge.

I have a certain rep to uphold and this year is going to be bigger and better than ever. Change is afoot and this may be the last year I have the freedom, time, energy or even the will to pull out all the stops. The theme is CREEPY HOUSE and so I have lots of weird and wonderful things to do, from decorating the library to a ton of crafty activities for the kids to get up to. (And we might read some stories as well). So far I have 18 activities planned but I am drawing the line at wearing the gruffalo costume. (Grin)


Why am I telling you this? Well because what you can see on my desk (eek my photography gets worse and worse) this week are the raw materials to make this amazing wolf mask to go on the wall in my Creepy House (AKA the children's library).

It doesn't look much at the mo - you will have to come back and see how I get on and I'll be posting more of my fun and ghoulish creations over the next few weeks. Wish me luck! (and if you have any good ideas that require no effort, no outlay on materials and are suitable for youngsters please do get in touch!!) 

Oh, and that WOYWW thing? We do it every week, we’re all really nosey, and you can find out about it by clicking that link.

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Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Cindy, I love the mask. I am thrilled that you are still a part of a dying breed. And I agree that it IS a dying breed. All funding for our City libraries were cut two years ago. Two libraries consolidated, and three were shut down. Summer reading is SO important to kids. Happy WOYWW from #1.

Nikki said...

Have fun creating all those masks with the little ones look forward to seeing what you create.
hugs Nikki #9 I have some candy to

voodoo vixen said...

Unusual stuff on your work desk but it sounds like you are going to be having a lot of fun in the coming weeks!! Annette #6

Sandy said...

Oh hope the day goes well and sounds like you have lots of activities planned. Have fun.
Sandy :) #22

Sue McDonald said...

Aww Cindy why not the gruffalo?? its one of the kiddies favourite's and mine.

have a great WOYWW
Sue #38

ike said...

Excellent - that sounds like great fun :-D I wish they did things like that when I was young.... all those centuries ago hahahaha :-D


IKE #35

The Taming of the Glue said...

That sounds so much fun. Anything that encourages a child to read is a good thing! I expect to see a photo of you in the full Gruffalo outfit! Hugs. Pam#28

Helen said...

I am intrigued, will be checking back for sure.... till then, Happy WOYWW Helen, 7

Belinda Basson said...

Good luck with all your creative endeavours over the next few weeks. Sounds like loads of fun. #55

Julie Lee said...

Hi Cindy! This is my first visit to your blog so thanks for having me! What a great librarian you must be. I love the raw materials for the wolf mask. Can't wait to see it in the creepy house - maybe a photo of that next time! Hope lots of kids get really hooked on books because of this! I'm sure they will! Julie Ann x #64

Julia Dunnit said...

Wow, that's an ambitious looking mask froma plate and a cone of paper - good luck with that! It's people like you that inspire so many kids to read and see the excitement of it - you should get a medal.

Bridget Larsen said...

Cant wait to see the mask finished next week
Bridget #3

Candace said...

Looks like that will be an amazing mask. Good look with your creativeness

Thanks for sharing and have a great week

Candace #43

Monique said...

Just watched the video, that looks like so much fun. I think the kids will love it =)
Happy WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.

CraftygasheadZo said...

That sounds fun, I love libraries and wish my local one was more inviting. The amount of books have been reduced to allow room for computers! Enjoy your challenge! Take care Zo xx 75

Heathers Inspiration said...

Looks a great project to undertake :)
Looking forward to seeing how it turns out x Hope you are having a Great week Heather WOYWW#95

roffeycreations said...

Hi Cindy - hope you have a ball with it - cant wait to see your version of the mask - the vid was good... Happy WOYWW - Mxx #99

Marit said...

That wolf mask looks awesome! Good luck making it! Have fun with the event too - Happy woyww and a hug from Holland. Marit #91

Krisha said...

Hi Cindy,
Oh what fun this sounds to be. I am still an avid BOOK reader and love the fact that there are still libraries for children to go to. I would love to be involved with something like this, but most of our libraries have closed :-(
Krisha #12

shazsilverwolf said...

Great post, and its great to see someone who understands & appreciates the joy & value of reading! Have a great week,Hugs, Shaz #48 xx

Rachael said...

Very intriguing! I can't wait to see how the mask turns out :)

Rossella said...

Hi Cindy, I can't wait to see the finished mask.
Now stop being a spoil sport and get that Gruffalo costume on!
Have a great week
Rosie x

Anne said...

Okay, I'll wait for the son will want one! Loved your special commission crd...Stunning! Bravo! #70

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Good luck with the Reading challenge..what a fab thing to be involved in. The mask looks like a great start.... Have fun
Hugs, LLJ 31 xx

trisha too said...

We adore the library--and the summer reading program has been a favorite of mine since childhood.

Sounds as if you're having very much fun with yours, what a great librarian you are!

#144 this week with
a mess and a love apple

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi again Cindy, it was our first festival too- and yes, we are hooked, so I expect he will be too. The circles thing? I take it you mean all the ones on the pad under my work. From this post, on making your own shadow stamps.
I often work on top of an A3 pad( the cheap sort from Poundland/Works)and use it to stamp off on, test out etc. With a bit of luck I end up with some strange, but usable background sheet too! Hugs, Shaz #48

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...