Sunday, 30 June 2013

Tags of 2013 - June

Late again. As ever. But, this is a superquick technique from Tim so I gave myself half an hour before I really have to get dressed and ready to go out.

Of course apart from the gathered twigs I don't have any of  the materials. Certainly no distress markers, but I do have a big selection of whispas and Marvy le plume watercolour pens. So I used them for the watercolouring. For the smooshing (!) I substituted the stains I have got and added a bit of Fresco Finish acrylic to give a painterly effect. Did it work? Can't really say although it looks OK to me. Finished this within the allotted time - well there are no crazy embellishments on this one to make so it's really quite simple. I think I could do a better job (for example, not do my stamping upside down) if I took my time so I may try this out again, it's a while since I've tried 'faux' watercolouring and it's a useful technique to remember. And yes, I  haven't forgotten, there are two, but little to discern between them.

Yay. Made it.

Now the sun is shining and I'm off to the Oxfordshire countryside to go nosing round open gardens. A bit like WOYWW, but green and with bugs. Looks like I'll need sunscreen for the first time this year!!

Have a lovely Sunday!!


ria gall said...

Hi Cindy
I can't get over the fact you don't have much of the stuff needed to make this Tim tag yet you get a fantastic result like this with what you did have. Great work enjoy your time in the sun

Monique said...

lovely take on Tim's tag. I didn't even notice the upside down stamping until you mentioned it =).
Happy garden snooping =).

Sandy said...

You made this beauty in a half of an hour? Wow am I impressed. It takes me a half of an hour to turn my computer on!!!

Netty said...

Love this gorgeous tag Cindy and the mermaid below, hugs Annette x

chrissie said...

Well done for creating this wonderful tag within the hour

Love Chrissie x

Meggymay said...


Rossella said...

This looks great to me
Rosie x

sally said...

Love your tag Cindy!
Can you believe that the new one gets posted tomorrow? Where did June go???


What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...