Monday, 24 June 2013

Let’s try something new….

Well my dear friend Shoshi has advised me to try out Live Writer for my blogging. Now, I am not known for my love of change lol, so this is quite scary for me. I have got this far without having to ask for help  so this is my first try at blogging this new way!!



Well that was painless!! This is a commission card I had to make last week. It was an absolute nightmare because everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. But it turned out OK in the end!! Let’s try a couple more photos….

……… no swearing so far, and the photo is where I want it at the size I wanted. Impressive.






Ok, Now I’m just uploading photos for the sake of it. But that was a lot more successful than this morning.

Right I am going to enter this one into the current Artful Times Challenge which is white on white. I might get my wrist slapped as there is a touch of gold to this project but that really is only because the camera is picking up the gold in the centura pearl card. The flowers have been waxed and that has turned them slightly off white as well….. So i hope you aren’t too cross girls, you can always delete me, I won’t be offended!!

Verdict on livewriter? so far,…. YAYYYYYYY!! A vast improvement!

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chrissie said...

Stunning card Cindy and so pleased you have managed to find a 'happy' way to add your photographs.

Love Chrissie x

Francesca said...

Stunning card, great layout.

Von said...

Well as I'm taking a break from the team I won't be slapping any ones hand lol a beautiful card Cindy :)
Von ♥

Rossella said...

Cindy, this is absolutely gorgeous and stunning and beautiful!
Rosie x

Unknown said...

Oh WOW!! Whoever commissioned this card will be super thrilled - the work involved is awesome. Cx

Meggymay said...

Absolutely gorgeous card, the photos all look amazing.
Yvonne x

Gibby Frogett said...

Absolutely beautiful design - love it... Gill x

Neet said...

How could I take offence with such a beautiful card as this. It really is a beauty and I am sure the recipients were very pleased with it.
Thanks for sharing with Artful Times.
Hugs, Neet xx

WendyK said...

Fantastic Cindy, a really gorgeous card, love it.

Abfabdesigns said...

This is a lively card Cindy
Hugs M xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

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