Monday, 24 June 2013

A Night atThe Dogs....

was how we celebrated my mum's 80th.

It's taken a while to do this and I posted a pic before but now I have finished a little tri-shutter album for her with the piccies. I wish I had used better papers for this but I am always so mean when I am trying something new!! Still the colours do go.

Terrible photography and blogger is still being weird uploading photos so I am going to quit while I'm ahead!!

(Added note: wowee, this published all over the shop. Have tried to amend it as best I can but am off to hospital now. There is definitely some uploading prob with blogger - why can they just not leave well alaone? Now I an going to have to spend time I don't have trying to find out why and what to do. Apols if it looks a mess!! And none of the formatting works anymore, wanted to italicise this para but no go. AAAAAAAARRGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!)


ria gall said...

Hi Cindy
what an amazing mini album for your mum and that is how I see it a beautiful mini album with so many places for photo's.
Have you done a tutorial on this?

Shoshi said...

Wow and double wow, Cindy. Looking at the closed card, you'd never guess in a million years that all that was hidden inside! She must have been absolutely thrilled. It's brilliant! I bet everyone else admired it too.

As for blogger, I never upload things via blogger but always use Windows Live Writer which you download free to your hard drive from the Microsoft site, and compose your blogs with that. It is soooo much better and has more facilities. Once you are done, you simply publish it. It saves the post on your hard drive (you can also save drafts) so you've always got it if something goes wrong with Blogger and you lose it online. My piccies always come out just where I want them and what size I want them. I think blogger is pretty awful if the truth be told, but I feel I'm stuck with it now and Live Writer at least makes it tolerable! I get fed up with it not loading pages properly (if at all) - two or three years ago it worked fine, but it's the most troublesome thing on the Internet nowadays, I think!!

Moan over.

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog - yes, I am getting super-excited now. Nothing will happen this week at the new house because the builders are working hard to complete their current job (running way overdue because the owners keep wanting more done lol!!) but the team is starting full time a week today. Meantime, I can go ahead and start ordering stuff at this end (bath etc.). I've never had a bath through the post before ha ha!! Also, there are always boxes to pack.

Have a great week.


Krisha said...

What an amazing mini album!!
So I took Shoshi's comment to heart and dowloaded Windows Live Writer. I have been playing around with it and I think I an going to be MORE than happy with it. Blogger is a bugger at times, makes me see red all day!!

Rossella said...

Hi Cindy, wow this looks fabulous and complicated,
Rosie x

Meggymay said...

That is a fantastic keepsake memory album, looks like you all had a great night out.
Yvonne x

chrissie said...

Amazing layout-I have never seen anything like it before. Well worth the effort and the pictures and colours look terrific to me

Love Chrissie x

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