Wednesday, 19 June 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #211 - I'm Back!!

It's Wednesday again ...... somebody stop the clocks!! I haven't even made it for about three weeks and there's not a lot to show so far this week. Mainly because......

Nowhere to sit.

The pc is a little difficult to get to...............

(OK I tidied up a bit before I wrote this post and found another chair)

My actual desk isn't too bad - this is a double tri-shutter album I started making for my mum at the WOYWW crop - nearly done!!

Why all this mess? A new window!!!! (Not a very inspiring  photo I know. It looks pretty much like the old window if I'm honest.)

As I couldn't get to much today I re-did my little art display, swapping some old stuff out for the lovely WOYWW4 trades I got so I can see and enjoy them while I'm creating.

Well,  just in case you don't know what I am going on about, here's the link to WOYWW - just go and read all about it, sheesh, I'm not going to explain it every week.

When I can get to my pc desk properly I'll be doing the rounds, but more windows are going in so I don't really have much of a plan for today yet. Hopefully the fitters will be finished in my room very quickly and I can get myself sorted.

Happy WOYWW!!

(Shameless self promotion - June giveaway is up. Post below or Click on piccy Top Right.)



Nan G said...

Lots of cool stuff and what do I zoom in on? The fluffy inky brushes in box on shelf! Do you use them instead of an ink blending foam pad tool? Happy WOYWW! Nan G #3

voodoo vixen said...

Love the display you have created with the woyww atcs, very nicely done! A new window, will no doubt be more efficient, even if it does look like the old one!! LOL Hope the fitters are fast and you get your room back soon, Happy WOYWW from Annette #9

Claire said...

A new window - I'm sure it's worth the upheaval!!
Love your corner display and the fold-out album is stunning!
Happy WOYWW and have a great week :)
no. 32
PS Thx for my lovely ATC and summer tag - I proudly show them off on my desk :)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Gah! New windows, lots of cash and nothing exciting to show for it. We had to put in a new oil tank last year, I'd much rather have spent that dosh on new stash or shoes or something!!
That trifold whatsit looks amazingly complicated to create! You obviously have loads of patience!
Hugs, LLJ 43

Helen said...

Love the atc display, Cindy. Your desk looks about as easy to get to as the one my pc is at... which is to say NOT!! have a great week. Helen, 31

Maisie Moonshine said...

Hi Cindy, nothing like having some men in to cause total disruption! Your art display looks great though and I'm glad you liked your ATC. MMx

Lisa said...

Morning Cinds!

I think that's a lovely new window. Looks like you get a lot of light through it anyway! Have a smashing WOYWW :)

Lisa x

Julia Dunnit said...

I know, explaining it makes it sound incredibly nerdy, and it's such a long explanation! LOVE your swap display, it's very inspiring. I love that you found another chair rather than emptying that my mind set!

Bridget Larsen said...

Love your art display, sadly I dont have much space to display all my art
Bridget #1

CraftygasheadZo said...

Ooh look at the light through your new window. I'm loving the art display and honoured to see my ATC there. Thanks for sharing. Take care Zo xx 77

Anne said...

Wow! What alot of creativity goiing on! Windowand inky wise! Good luck and enjoy your new light and chance to rearrange your craft supplies!!!!!

Glenda said...

MY windows catch the evening sun and I have to batten down the hatches in the evening. But I do enjoy the great light in the morning. Enjoy your new window!
Glenda #99

The Taming of the Glue said...

Love the art display and that tri-fold album is stunning. I'm sure it will be worth all the upheaval with a new window to show for it!
Hugs. Pam#38

Neet said...

I tried to comment earlier but it wouldn't move when I clicked the publish button.
Fab way to display the atc's - I have so enjoyed viewing them and marvelling at the joy the recipients, the viewers and the manufacturers have had with them all.
Thanks for your visit to me - Hugs, Neet 16 xx

roffeycreations said...

Hi Cindy - I am so loving your ATC display - I have a canvas I am working on where I can swap out inspirational things - will post it for WOYWW one day... Happy WOYWW... Mxx #110

ria gall said...

Hi Cindy
there was me thinking oh poor Cindy she is stuck with only a chair to work on, glad to see you have made it and your desk is looking good as is that card

Have a great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #47

Anonymous said...

Nothing beats natural light in your crafty space, hummm?

And love the ATC display. My room went thru a bit of an upheaval last night when I shifted my monster Mac to under the desk (after opening it up and dusting all the boards inside) and now I find I have space to fill on one hand, and no-place to put something that had a perfect home once. {sigh}

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (19)

Monique said...

Hope you get everything back in place again today. It's like working in the garden, everything always gets much worse before it gets better, but it will get better =).

Have wonderful week, Happy WOYWW. xx

Krisha said...

Hey Cindy,
Glad you found something to sit on and enough space to get your fingers to the key board. I am green with envy over having natural light to work in!!
Thanks for the earlier visit.
Krisha #4

JoZart Designs said...

Love your double trifold card!.
All that cafuffle for a new window... poor you!. Thanks for your good wishes and I do wish I'd made it to the crop. nice to be missed though!
Jo x

SandeeNC said...

I LOVE all the little pics of your crafting space, especially the display of all the ATC cards! Hoe cute! Thank you so much for visiting my "floor of shame today", lol waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

Rossella said...

Love your artwork display, wonderful inspiration
Rosie x

fairy thoughts said...

HI cindy.... who needs a chair anyway. Your card is looking fab and I love your display. I don't think I swapped with you on the day if you would like an ATC let me know your address and I will send it (I think I have a couple left)
janet '42

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Now I understand why you can't get to your chair OR your computer. That is one fantastic thing you are making for your mother. And I like the way you have displayed your ATCs, too. Have a super WOYWW from #17

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...