Wednesday, 20 December 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #759

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Oh boy, just 5 more sleeps to the big day! I hope that everyone has done everything they need to do and are just finding some time to enjoy the season and relax with family and friends.

I admit I have never been this organised. I was a bit late out of the gate with a couple of things but I am all done now, and I actually have time to do a bit of housework and sorting. The reason for this is that as a family we are not doing presents AT ALL this year and I am not hosting on Christmas Day. It takes the stress out of the whole thing. I can really recommend it, and tbh although our Christmas will be quiet I am quite looking forward to that as this year seems to have passed at breakneck speed. But, to business....

The desk is pretty empty but in order to have a photo of something I have taken out the projects from the workshop I attended at the end of October that still need to be completed. There is a Christmas House,  a little snowman, a church 'window' and a rather funky hanging decoration that needs to be finished. They won't be done before Christmas but will be something to play with over the holidays when I have a minute and the inclination.

One of the reasons for the busy year has of course been this little chap. So I'll finish with Christmas greetings from my own little festive character.

Merry Christmas!! Love n hugs Cindy xx

Wednesday, 6 December 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 757

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Here's my desk this week.

I am prepping for a class on Friday, a really simple card idea pinched from Lou Collin's 5 minute makes series and using up scraps, my favourite kind of project. I  enjoyed cutting up all this colourful card on a grey afternoon (yesterday).

Sorry I missed last week, emergency babysitting and still prepping for my craft fair and then my birthday weekend meant it seemed sensible to skip a week rather than not get round. I did very well at the fair but only sold a few 50p cards from my box of ones I don't like and those I realise I have had for over 3 years........ People still love a bargain it would seem!! (My cards are NOT expensive!!) Still, gotta know your market and  overall this was the best I have ever done at this venue.

The craft fair was in a church hall and was so so so very very cold. I got home around 4 and don't think I stopped shivering till after 6. I should have taken my heated gilet but tbh I forgot all about it until after lunch!! 

Feeling pretty tired and meh this week after all the frivolities. Still haven't got a tree up (not until after my birthday - them's the rules!!) but I do have lots of lunches, coffees and catch ups planned the next couple of weeks so I'm just taking each day as it comes. Have a great week, 

love n hugs Cindy xx

Here's my happy little Splodge, 9 months old this week. How?

Wednesday, 22 November 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #755

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Here's my desk  this week. 

There is glitter everywhere. Christmas has definitely landed.

My 'stars' and baubles all got done, I'm quite pleased with them. Now I am  trying to use up the pine cones and ribbon in my stash. 

How on earth do people tie pretty bows? All of mine seem lopsided in one way or another. (Rhetorical question - they are done now for better or worse. Please do not link me the easiest video in the world now).

I'm pretty happy, I think I have enough made to set up a stall so anything else I get done will be a bonus. I don't actually think my 'style' will have a big market at this venue but you never know on the day. I have  one other biggish project I'd like to do but there's plenty of time (famous last words) and it wouldn't be the end of the world if it didn't get done. 

Well that's me, it's very late and I really must get to bed. 

Have a wonderful week, love n hugs Cindyxx

Wednesday, 15 November 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #754

Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Here's my desk  this week. 

Ten minutes after this it was complete chaos as I started getting out bits n bobs to decorate the heck out of those stars etc.  I have 3 weeks until my final craft fair for the year and I don't really have anything to sell. I thought these would be quick but it's not looking that way. I had a bit of a re-arrange for the desk at the back today and moved the pc. See that 'hole' to the left where my bigshot lives? I call that the glory hole because when I am sitting at my desk anything I can't be bothered to put away gets shoved there. Heaven help me if I ever wanted to use the machine. But I tidied it today and all that is left is one bill I can't actually remember if I have paid or not. I also set up my SAD lamp to the right of the pc - not entirely convinced it does much but I'll try anything to get me through the winter.

The Christmas mini marathon went very well, I had 9 ladies who arrived dressed very festively and we had a lovely morning making cards, listening to Christmas songs and eating mince pies. Here are my samples, demos and 'using up the bits that were left' cards.

I've spent most of the last couple of days tidying up the house (unfortunately that is a job that is never quite finished) as I am conscious that I will start getting nagged about decorations very soon and much as I love Christmas I can't deal with mess on top of mess. But today is definitely a craft day, and also there are some desks to visit of course!!

I have been reading a great book that has kept me mildly amused. 'I'll let myself out' by Jessie Klein. I am so going to get a copy for my daughter. Still haven't heard about the interview, but we have found a child minder (well, if she had called her when I gave her the number 6 months ago she wouldn't have been fretting and looking at awful nurseries so long. But anyway that's all good). My DiL had an interview on Friday and was offered the job on the spot so some more good news this week. 

That's it for me, seems a long post - sorry!! 
Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy xx

No idea what's going on here but made me smile

Wednesday, 8 November 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 753

Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Well here's my uppy/down desk Tuesday evening as I try to finish prepping for my craft group on Friday. We have a mini Christmas card marathon planned and I still have a bit of prep to do. Currently have 5 cards done, would like to have at least one more to take. The one on my  desk is a clean and simple option and it's basically just using a scoreboard, die cutting and a bit of splatter. 

Trying to keep them simple and use just one technique on each but I have so many ideas it's hard to make sensible choices. I also need to tidy up - as you can see the piling of one thing on another is in full swing and I appear to have three guillotines out (I can justify that tho - small one because it is my favourite, 'orange' large one for bigger pieces of paper and  the blue one because I suddenly decided to start measuring in cms). Sadly I have got no further with my retreat projects - maybe next week!! 

Well that's all for me, babysitting from 8.30 today as DD has been asked to apply for a new role and has a zoom interview at 9.00 am.  Fingers crossed as she would be able to WFH around 80% of the time which would make life so much easier and save her a 2/3 hour commute a day plus fares etc.

Can't believe that little splodge will be 8 months old this week. Where has that time gone? And have I bored you with photos yet? (Newsflash - not gonna stop!)

Have a great week whatever you are up to.   

Love n hugs Cindy xx

Wednesday, 1 November 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 752

Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Not much on my desk this week as I have barely recovered from our crafty 'retreat' with InkC Crafts/Countryview Crafts in Milton Keynes.

13 projects over 2 1/2 days, it was full on and of course, being me, most of them aren't finished yet. However here's my desk showing my tag, a foiled star, stencilled bag, pine cone gnome and a set of retro lampshade lights. I'll reserve the rest for next week!! 

Well I'm off into town later to see an Argentinian Dance Group in Malevo (or maybe that is their name I'm not really sure).  I am expecting it to be loud, with a lot of stamping, drumming and swinging of bolas.

Must dash, lots of desks to visit!!

Have a great week,

Love n hugs Cindy xx

(Oh, and Lionel says Happy Halloween)

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #751

Morning deskers, Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Whoosh! Another week bites  the dust, in more of a blur than usual for me because I spent Friday thru Monday either attending to family members afflicted with a bad dose of gastroenteritis or being in bed myself. Of the 6 of us only 1 escaped. the 7th managing to be in another country for the duration. It truly knocked us down like nine pins. Well that's enough of that but it was a doozy. The desk.

My desk this week is largely the repository of unfulfilled ideas - I did however manage to do most of a project I've been prepping for a little craft weekend I am going to on Friday. We are having an ATC swap so as well as  the 12 (!) ATCs we were asked to make I made this little book to keep them in. I can already think of ways to make it better but it'll have to do as is. The little stockings are for the last ATC which I will try and finish today before I need to start thinking about packing my bag, the supply list is pretty long but largely stuff I have already. 

Well that's me for this week, hopefully I'll have some nice bits to show you next time. Have a great week, love n hugs,


Wednesday, 18 October 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #750

Morning deskers, Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

I was out last week and went to see 'Crazy For You' at the theatre.  I do love me some big band sounds but most of all - tap dancing!! 

Took a while to come down from the Macmillan Open House on the 8th,  but it was a beautiful day and we were able to sit in the garden until late afternoon. I made lots of tea and coffee and was able this week to send off a donation for £400. Every year I wonder is it worth it but I do enjoy seeing everyone. It also gives me an excuse to bake, the courgette cake was a runaway favourite this year which was gratifying as I had never made it before.

Anyhoo, here's this week's desk:

I am mainly catching up with various outstanding ATC swaps before I get started on prepping for my Christmas Card Class on the 27th and for a Christmas Craft Retreat on 28th/29th. I purposely kept this week fairly light on social commitments and apart from seeing Chelsey on Thursday my only outing has been to get my various jabs done!! In fact the lady who did my Covid jab today queried my age (66) - she said she thought I had made a mistake when I ticked the age box as I didn't look old enough to qualify. Well, I'll  take that any day of the week!!

That's it from me apart from a few sneaky Lionel pics. Have a great week everyone,

Love n hugs Cindy

Kew last week - bit warmer than today!!

Wednesday, 4 October 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #748

Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Good morning deskers!! Sorry, I missed so many people last week I feel rather guilty. But thanks to all who commented and I apologise if I didn't reciprocate. I don't know where the time goes but I was busy prepping for my little craft fair. I sold over £100 worth of cards, but of course now that means I have hardly any stock for my MacMillan on Sunday so I'm back at the desk batch crafting this week. Managed to make 20+ cards Monday and my desk shows them at the 'just about to add some bling stage'. These are all now done but hope to crack through a similar number today and Friday with lots of inspiration from Lou Collins' 5 minute makes, and a few other videos from Gina K and Natasha Foote. Thank goodness for Youtube.

I'm doing this late Tuesday, as it seems if I haven't got the post ready to go first thing, I can't do enough visits early doors as I'm still struggling to upload something and then I don't get round all you lovely peeps.  

Keeping it short and sweet this week so I can start hopping. Have a good one.

Love n hugs,

Cindy xx

Wednesday, 27 September 2023

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday #747

Morning all! Here's my  desk this morning.

I amfrantically getting stuff ready for 'Apple Day' at our local farm next Saturday which includes craft stalls as well as more wildlife based stuff (the beavers are coming!!). TBH I don't do many craft fairs these days but hubby has a connection to the farm through volunteering and it's a nice crowd and usually busy so I'm happy to show up but don't have much in the way of stock!!

The lantern cards were made a looong time ago but I was never happy that they didn't really stand  up and it's not really very practical to hang a birthday card. But I have applied my brain (it was a good day yesterday) and come up with an interlocking acetate support for the centre. So gonna jazz these up a bit and take them with me.

Had a lovely holiday but came home needing another break and straight in to a Craft club meeting last Friday. These are my samples of the card we made, (lattice card) very simple to do but effective. 

The holiday was essentially The Lionel Show and I have to say he was an absolute angel but thank goodness there were 5 of us in his entourage!! He cultivated his talent for raspberry blowing whilst we were away - could keep it  up for an hour. Wondering if he has a future playing a wind instrument Jan? There were nearly 500 photos taken (not by me) and 90% of them were of Lionel. 

So  here are a few for you. 

(It's all baby photos from here on in. If not interested scroll on by.) 

Love n hugs Cindyxx 

Turns out he's quite a water baby despite the serious face

Good job the floors are all wipeable
Out on the razz with grandad
Just chilling in the bar

DD sent this one the morning after we got home. Little terror has discovered how to pull himself up in his cot. 

Oh Lord. 

Wednesday, 6 September 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #745

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Complete disclosure: I'm gonna be out and about today so will visit Thursday. I wasn't going to link up at all this week until I realised I will be travelling for the next two Wednesdays as I go to and return from our meagre 1 week holiday in Spain. (Can you tell I'm regretting not booking our usual 10 day break?) so you won't see me for a while. I'm also very late posting as I culdn't get in to my blog. Aaargh.

So here's this week's desk - for once I didn't tidy Tuesday afternoon, it was too hot in here. I sat in the garden. Bliss.

The front is my uppy downy desk which I have at standing height for the mo. The main thing on it is a commission from one of my most demanding clients. She tends to micromanage every stage and gets genuinely excited when I make her a bespoke card. The trouble with personalising things is some people don't know when to stop, and her taste for bling far, far exceeds mine. She is lovely though so I  grit my teeth and if I'm not in the mood for constant tweaks send her the finished design when it's too late to change it. The two big white boxes to either side are my coloured and patterned 'scraps' boxes. I've made a bit of a dent doing all those clusters but its still a lot. I have made a bunch of cards with them as I desperately need stock for Macmillan and a fair at the end of September - will post them at some point.

My other desk at the back is a testament to how not to have space to work. This is what happens when I just keep getting things out and not putting them away in case I might need them in a minute. There is probably a project under all that mess.

For now, as I won't  be here for a couple of weeks, here's Little Lionel having a stab at some baby rice. For some reason the hair  was particularly crazy that day. Will a whole week on holiday with him 24/7 dampen my obsession? Doubt it. 

Have a good week, see you in a couple,

Love n hugs Cindy xx

Wednesday, 30 August 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #743

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

And another one bites the dust...... Crikey it's nearly September and I haven't had my summer yet.

Here's  the desk, a little bit staged as I've just finished a project and tidied. I thought that today if I get time I would go back and re-visit the remainder of those 'cluster' pieces - I only showed you the tip of the ice-berg last week!!

I've also pulled out a few 'sentiments' to use up (there's a million of those as well. The pile of 6x6 squares to the right is cut up 12x12 papers to use to cut bases out of as I'll never use them as they are. 

The 'Fairy Door' card project for my class last Friday went down well so as I only had a few of the cards left I decided to try and use them all up. It's taken me a while but I've finished. Well, I had all the bits n bobs out and it seemed pointless putting the cards away as they would just sit there for another 5 years. 

Had quite a bit of family time (for that read 'Lionel time') this last week. He is really getting mobile and can creep around in almost every direction except forwards (!) and is getting very good at sitting up on his own. Not a baby anymore!! But I have to admit the constant wriggle stage was getting difficult to manage - he's heavy, very strong and I am, well, getting old!  He is a lot happier being on the floor now as he can do so much more, doesn't have to just lay there like an upturned turtle. Heaven knows how we will manage on holiday if he gets any better at moving around!! At least there will be 5 adults to keep an eye on him and wear him out. 

So that's all from me, I have a quiet week planned next week so looking forward to some crafting but you know how that goes.....

Have a good week, love n hugs, Cindyxx

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...