Thursday, 17 April 2008

First things first...

Can't believe how quickly this year is going ... got three calls about gardens yesterday, starting to feel overworked already and haven't lifted a spade yet!! Managed to sit down and do three collage ATCs whilst I was watching telly last night. I have put them in my trading album for now but think I will make some more like this, it's quite easy as long as you've got a lots of bits in front of you - saves getting up and down all the time and missing the important bit!! My new Paper Artsy stamps arrived yesterday as well (at last) and have managed to christen most of them. But OH is home today and we have a few bits to get done so no crafting till tonight. Am also hosting the Friendly Plastic Challenge on DC this week and although I had already got a set made, did a few more yesterday so will probably have some spare to swap. Oh well, stop waffling woman and get on with your work.


Jinny Holt said...

Thats a nice ATC Cind-I SEE you can use the yahoo messenger at long last heheheheeheh.
Hope to catch you on there soon

Mooneybeams said...

I like this! Gorgeous colours as well

What's On Your Workdes? Wednesday #817

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...