Wednesday, 5 February 2014

WOYWW #244 – What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday

Oh yeah, it’s Wednesday again…….

again? Ooer, haven’t really achieved a lot since last week but I have plans and here is my desk.IMG_1023[1]

Centre stage a sample of a little book I am making with the kids on Saturday 8th for National Library Day. Yes, I know I said I wouldn’t be doing all these kids activities anymore, but I am. Well just this one. Well, just at half term. Actually Just this month…. ……… Anyhoo we have three storytelling sessions, two craft activities and an author planned and that’s just for the children. If you still have a library don’t forget to drop in and tell them you love them this week. Yes, awful as things are since we were outsourced, I’m still a believer. (I didn’t however say anything was prepped yet so I expect a few more grey hairs by the weekend. GRIN.)

Also lots of lovely paper pads and two boxes to alter, I can feel a February giveaway coming on (YES, I know I’m behind AGAIN).

Here’s a piccie of my new storage system for my spectrum noir pens (they were a real bargain….. and I have no willpower) and my not-so-new promarker storage. I was going to splash out on a flashy plastic one but think this works quite well and cost nowt. There are also a few copics which actually are my favourite alcohol markers but these are quite old now and I probably won’t replace them as they give up. (Leaving more room for additional SN colours……. nature abhors a vacuum).



Right too many words. If you want to know more, go to the home of WOYWW here and Mrs Dunnit will explain. Join in why don’t ya?

Working today so expect me on the eventide………..(Addendum: never even got a chance to post this until late evening. Expect me tomorrow?)


Julia Dunnit said...

Nature abhors a vacuum....and so does Cindy!! Ah you make me larf. Especially about the kids projects - really you're just too nice...I love the idea of a book of flowers, and pretty sure you'll enjoy it. Am mid-"altering" a small box for my washi collection and hating it. Guess that says a lot about me!!

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love the way you write your posts - they make me laugh! Of course you can't have a pen vacuum, the world would tilt on its axis!!
Good luck with all the library stuff, I did know about National Library Day actually. Hope it all goes well!
You coming to Crop this May?? Be good to see you again if you are!
Hugs, LLJ 33 xx

trisha too said...

Making arty project with children is always so rewarding, and they will surely love this one, Cindy!

Thank you for stopping by this woyww!

#86 this week with
tiny books and snow

Anonymous said...

Are Spectrum Noir markers alcohol markers like Copics? I have about (counting on fingers) 5 or 6 Copics -- can't believe how pricey they are and half the time Hobby Lobby won't even let you use coupons to buy them. Happy WOYWW on Thursday! I am late visiting, too. ~ Laura #95

Krisha said...

Hi Cindy,
Great new storage for your SN pens. I have a few, but haven't really got the hang of using them yet. I can't afford Copic, so thought I'd start with SN. I really need to push myself and learn to use them.

What can you NOT make froma toilet paper roll or the middle of the paper towels??? LOL

Thanks for the earlier visit.
Krisha #23

Maisie Moonshine said...

Good luck with your book project - I knew you wouldn't hold out! Great marker storage. The bespoke ones are sooo expensive! Thanks for your visit, have a creative week. MMx #40

BJ said...

I have one of those boxes to alter too, will be watching for inspiration BJ#73

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I had a bin similar to your clear one for my markers. It had a handle and I loved it. BUT... I outgrew it. Now I have a little suitcase style case kind of like yours and... I've filled that one. What to do? I do have a few duplicates that can be weeded out but there ain't much room there. I'd love to paw through your paper pads on your desk. I'm a terrible paper addict if you must know. Good luck and have fun with the flower book project with the kiddos.

Caro said...

I love your storage and the way you write. I seem to remember doing a flower book when I was a child. Have fun, Thanks for sharing. Happy Belated WOYWW. Caro x (#57)

Helen said...

I'm not a big pen user but love your storage.. Hope your kids activities go well once you've planned them...! Happy (late) WOYWW Helen 7

Neet said...

Love your new pen storage Cindy. The old one works so why replace it? You can always stick a bit of fancy paper on the sides to tart it up if you feel so inclined.
Good for you doing the library days - enjoy!
Hugs, Neet xx
ps thanks for commenting on my blog sorry I am so late, was hospitalised on my return from the USA

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...