Friday, 22 March 2013

And the big reveal is here.....

WARNING!! Picture heavy post coming up!!

Finally finished the 'Aragorn' costume for my son - I was quite pleased with it though personally I wouldn't have chosen these colours for the shirt and cloak but what do I know? I'm sure in the dark at a party it'll look great for the five minutes he keeps it all on. Anyway, so rare I get him to pose for the camera I'm going to be a bore and post lots of piccies.

We haven't got the full effect as he won't have the sword till he gets there (a replica I believe - I hope it's legal to walk about with it), the bow (also coming from a friend) or the Lorien Leaf Brooch which his girlfriend is bringing. He doesis however wearing a replica of the Evenstar. He also made a rather nifty quiver but I forgot to buy the sticks for the arrows (my bad) so there hardly seems any point just carrying that about.

Yes, it is just a sheet but it has been made
 into a proper cape with hood.
Practising his moves for tonight

I don't think Vigo has anything to worry about but
I think he's great!!

Well the sewing machine is away and won't be out again for a while if I have anything to do with it!! Time for some form of papercraft or  inky messing, I have missed my craft room this week, the dining room  is not as cosy!!

I received some stash in the post today as I won a £20 voucher from J & C Creations for this entry in their last challenge. Current challenge is Easter ands runs for about 3 weeks from now.

You can never have too many flower or leaf dies can you?

So now I think I deserve some time to play!!



Fuchsia said...

Well done you I think you have done a fabby job being Aragorns no 1 fan LOL

Your lad looks the real part awesome !

Halle said...

Great job costuming!

Netty said...

congratulations on your win Cindy and the costume looks fab. Annette x

chrissie said...

The costume us amazing and he looks so proud to be wearing it.

Well done on winning the prize I am sure they will be very useful

Love Chrissie xx

Sandy said...

Oh what fun and you did a wonderful job with his costume! One handsome lad too!

Monique said...

Your costume looks great. Love it!
Monique xx

Gibby Frogett said...

Brilliant costume! and congrats on your stash win... Gill x

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...