Wednesday, 27 March 2013

What's On Your Wordesk? Wednesday..... # 199

Wednesday again? Well that went fast.

First thing, anyone interested in how the costume I was making last week turned out, some piccies can be found here.

Back to this week, I am getting all messy with inks and paint and my desk does kinda reflect that LOL! Good luck working out what any of this is - there are at least three projects on the go today, had a little flash of mojo last night when I finally got into my craft room.

The alcohol inks are out again, as are my Lynn Perella stamps, there  are some clearly for art strips that hopefully are going on to an assemblage type piece I am making in  tandem with a gothic arch and some ATCs - well I have to give things time to dry!! Going to have to tidy up a bit soon as am down to my usual 6 inch square.

If you want to show off your desk then hop on over to Julia's and join in. Got more time than usual as I'm home today so off for a browse.....


Neet said...

Gosh Cindy, you certainly have a lot of work lined up. I need to get off the computer and start some crafting of my own.
The outfit has turned out superb - your handsome son certainly looks dashing in it.
Thanks for visiting me - Happy Easter and Happy WOYWW - Hugs, Neet xx 1

MiniOwner said...

The costume turned out really well. You are looking incredibky busy. Thank you for visiting my blog earlier. Happy Wedenesday, :o)
Sue x (Miniowner@29)

The Taming of the Glue said...

Many thanks for visiting Cindy and the lovely comment. That background technique is really good fun. I'm only at Ally Pally on Saturday as we're going away on Sunday. I'll be there in September though!
Love using alcohol inks...must get mine back out! Pam #21

SueH said...

Aww Cindy, a work (or should that be works) in progress is always good to see and your desk is most definitely reflecting that this morning……… you have room to work in, Lol?
The costume turned out great and your son really looks the part.
Happy Crafting!
Sue @ 101

Alexa said...

Love your workspace Cindy - makes me feel creative just looking at it! x

Claudia N. said...

I really DO LOVE your workdesk, Cindy!

It looks so very busy and crammed with inspirational loads of yummy stuff!!!!

Saw that costume you made - WOW!

Lol, the sunlotion spraybottle on my workdesk seems to be a true hit! I use it as a big water spraybottle. (not that much of an optimist as you may think *giggle).

Have a wonderful WW and Happy Easter!

Claudia x

Laura said...

What a fab looking desk... lots of stuff to play with!
Thanks for stopping by

famfa said...

Fabulous costume, well done.
Love your desk, so busy, so much to see, so crafty
Famfa 111

CraftygasheadZo said...

Wow Cindy you are busy. I don't think I could cope if I had more that one thing on the go! Take care my WOYWW friend. Zo xx 117

April said...

Lovely busy desk! the costume is brill! x April #89

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Love the costume!! How clever are you to just knock that up for your son...I'd have been sweating to get it so perfect!!

Love the inky stampy chaos too...are you going to bring all that to the crop?? LOL xx

Hugs, LLJ 59 xx

SandeeNC said...

I need a lamp like yours to fit over the middle of my desk so it wouldn't cast shadows so much! Your desk looks very creative today, have fun..and I hate waiting for things to dry! Thanks for visiting my desk today, waving hi from the hills of North carolina ♥

Mr Tumness Crafting said...

wow there is a lot going on there :)

Becky said...

A flash of mojo is always nice!! You are a far better crafter than I. I can only work on one project at a time :)

pearshapedcrafting said...

Great busy desk! Funny how we end up working in such small spaces!! Chris#61

ria gall said...

wow that is a busy looking desk it looks like you have been having fun with the distress inks
Wishing you a very Happy Easter and a great day today

Unknown said...

Tanks for the visit. I love a busy mind and busy hands. Looks like you are ready for anything. :>)

Deb said...

oh wow, I am in awe of all your ink pads and reinkers, what a fabulous stash!

scrappymo! said...

Your desk looks full of creative promise...
The costume is so woderfull! And I think he carries it off just as well as Viggio...maybe in a different way...but carries it off indeed.

Maisie Moonshine said...

That's a very busy desk! Your Aragorn costume looks terrific - well done you! Thanks for your visit - sorry mine's so late MMx #141

Sue McDonald said...

Hi CIndy, thanks for passing by my desk today...........Alchol inks haven't played with mine for ages

Hope you've had a great WOYWW

frankiesue #26

Shoshi said...

What a wonderfully productive-looking and busy desk, Cindy! It certainly looks as if lots is going on.

Thanks for your lovely comment, and for missing me! No, we haven't moved yet, and we have no idea when it will happen because we've now got to wait for our vendor to find somewhere... At least our latest offer on the place has now been accepted, and we hope it won't be too long. Dad is very confused and likely to remain so, we think, although he seems quite content. Mum will be fine once she's settled in the new place with us, I am sure. It's a difficult time for her at the moment. My hubby and I are trying not to get too tired with it all!


Di said...

Oh my word - lucky you - everything in reach. Ha, and lots of fun mess happening too :))

Thank you so much for calling by - belated Happy WOYWW and a Happy Easter. Hugs, Di xx #51

Monica said...

I can relate to your desk. It just invites me to want to sit down and make something. That is great to be able to sit down and just work and have supplies on hand
Monica 119

Gibby Frogett said...

oooh great storage for all your inks and pads...and lovely creative desk..Happy WOYWW Gill x #75

Alison Scott said...

Wow, you are very busy. I cannot do more than one thing at a time on the desk. Though I do have a box of half finished work.
Thanks for visiting. Sorry to be so late coming round.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...