Wednesday, 20 March 2013

woyww #198

I have a different type  of work desk for you today - the dining room table!! LLJ would be proud of me as I have a sewing machine out (I made a cake last night as well - whatever is going on).  No papercraft this week as I am trying to make a costume for my son for a party - he's a LOTR afficianado and wants to go as Aragorn. These LOTR geeks are very fussy though - every time I get bits together I get told - well that would do for Helm's Deep Aragorn but that colour's not right for Rivendell Aragorn.... jeesh, you'd think he'd be happy I said I'd do it at a week's notice!  

I think we have come to a sort of a compromise since he realised I was not about to run up a leather duster coat for him. This is a sort of tunic thingy made from some faux suede - looking OK so far. The blue material is for the undershirt (not too sure about that - it needs sleeves and I don't have a pattern LOL). The braid has just been dyed using distress stains. Eeek, gonna have to get a wriggle on tomorrow night as we have to 'distress' it all before Saturday.

Anyhow, if you are intrigued by the whole What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday phenomenon hop on over to Julia's blog 'Stamping Ground' to discover all. And Maybe Join In.

I'm at work Weds so will be a late visitor but if you let me know you've been I will return the favour.


Amanda said...

Hi Cindy
I wouldn't know where to start if I had to sew something, so good luck and hope it turns out to your sons satisfaction lol
Amanda x

CraftygasheadZo said...

Looks good to me, I always fear the 'dress up' days or 'book character' events. Keagan has never been one to dress up so we don't own anything & I still learning to sew in a straight line!! Enjoy desk hopping. Take care Zo xx 87

Fuchsia said...

Cant you rub and distress ink pad all over it LOL .
Talk about short notice cant wait to see piccies of it on x

ria gall said...

what no paper crafting are you feeling ok? I bet the cake was yummy and everyone tucked in an what a great mum making the outfit at short notice, brownie points for you
Wishing you a very Happy WOYWW
Ria #44

Krisha said...

Looks like you are very busy! Hope the costume turns out to HIS specifications
Krisha #139

Rossella said...

Wow you are busy. Good luck with the outfit,
Rosie x

Maisie Moonshine said...

I think you deserve a medal for coming up with any kind of costume in a week - I always drafted my Mum in for these jobs - She is really good at costuming, whereas I'm more likely to produce ghost #1 or ghost #2! Hope it all goes well. MMx #50

Neet said...

Oh heck Cindy, you will have to show this outfit when it is completed as I haven't a clue who the character is.
Hats off to you for making your son this costume.

Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Anonymous said...

You are amazing! lol! I love the work of a great seamstress. I can get by with sewing but it doesn't come easy for me. It seems like there is a particular grace in one who can sew with ease. In admiration, Sue#126

Stampin Boots said...

Well done on the sewing skills to produce a costume!! I wouldn't know where to start!

Happy (belated) WOYWW!

StampinBoots x #144

lisa said...

It looks great. I wouldn't have a clue where to start so you are way ahead of me. I hope it all goes well and you Son is happy, especially given the short notice!!
hugs Lisax #71

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...