Wednesday, 18 November 2015

What’s on YOUR Workdesk? Wednesday #337

Morning Deskers!!

Another month has flown by. Only 5 working days now till I finish work. Yay. To be honest, I’m wondering how much difference it will really make – but I guess it’s all about having no commitments. Yeah, that’ll be the day!!

As the dates for my release and all things Christmassy approach, I am busy setting up my online shop on Etsy, creating an FB page etc as well as making things to go in it and to sell at  each of the small craft fairs I am involved in over the next few weeks. The technical stuff has been tediously slow for a bear of little brain like me, but I think I have managed most of it and I’m going to start posting things today. (So I will expect you all to like and share of course!) Here’s my WOYWW photo.


But what actually is that on my workdesk? IMG_1865 (Edited)

Well, along with all the above I have been thinking about improving my photography and considering buying or making a lightbox – the light was so appalling here on Tuesday I decided action needed to be taken and I had the idea of improvising with one of the dining chairs I use in my craft room. I turned it upside down so the legs made a ‘cube’. I used an old sheet to make the side and back and because the chair was on my table the daylight lamp fitted right over it. Not the most elegant of solutions, and the first few photos had a few wrinkles in the fabric which annoyed me so I found some wallpaper and that seemed to improve things.

However nothing bulky to store and I’ll probably refine the design by cutting a piece of fabric to size and think of some way to hook it over the legs easily – this involved hatpins! - but that’s a job that can wait for now.

Do you think it has improved my photographs?

IMG_1866 (Edited)

So why am I telling you all this?

Because it’s Wednesday and this is the day we snoop at desks all over the world – if you want to find out more or how to join in then hop on over here.

Hope to see you next week but we have more hospital appointments scheduled for next Weds so might not be around – for those who know mum has been poorly she is almost back to her old self  and celebrated her 83rd birthday last week.

Happy WOYWW!!

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #333

Truly until I saw Julia’s post on my FB feed it had not even registered that it was Wednesday. I am not sure if I am really, really busy or just becoming increasingly disconnected……..

Any hoo, am hiding from all my responsibilities and actually crafting today so here’s a quick peek:


Yes, Christmas has arrived. And I have also tried out my first bit of folk arting – the black card on the right. Prepped hearts to be treated same way. As you can see I use the best chairs in the house for my craft room.

Breaking news – DD is returning home before Christmas for an as yet unspecified duration….. looking forward to it but do I keep my craft room and disrupt the rest of the house or retire to a smaller bedroom and try to squash it all in there? Decisions, decisions……

Maybe I could persuade hubby we need an annexe…….

Pop over here to find out about WOYWW!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

More accordian cards

Haven’t got a lot done – that’s what happens when you go craft shopping at the weekend – I have spent most of my time trying to fit all the new purchases in the craft room.

But I did manage to finish some more accordian cards.

Here’s a better view of this one.


and open……


Here’s the inside of another one,


And a 4 panel one that might be for mum’s birthday.



That’s all folks!!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Never Before Used Stuff

Oh yes, we are all guilty of owning those must have crafty bits that end up sitting forlornly on our craft shelves. But there is hope in the form of a challenge to have a go at using them  -  the lovely Darnell’s NBUS Challenges. I did say I would do something for the current one, but it is a matter of hours now before it closes so you would have to be quick.


Decided I would use this sweet little Gorjuss girl stamp -  not sure whether I bought this earlier this year or even as long ago as last year, but I remember I made a special effort to find it and she hasn’t even been inked up. But no  more!!


In the end this little project didn’t take much

time (once I’d found the safe place

where I had put the cotton reels).

In fact I bought the stamp thinking I would do this, no idea why it has taken me so long to get around to it.

Well that’s one NBUS dealt with. What shall I dig out next?

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

What’s On YOUR Workdesk? Wednesday #328

Morning Deskers!!
328? Last time I was here (literally) was 321. 7 weeks. A lot has happenned. I lost my oldest, dearest friend, mum has been in hospital again, I’ve been on holiday, we had the Summer Reading Challenge, I decided to leave my job and I applied for my pension. Right, now you are up to date with me, here’s what I’ve been up to these last few days in my sadly neglected craft room. The obligatory pic.
and a supplementary, showing yesterday’s achievements.
I need to bulk my stocks up for my annual MacMillan Open House so it’s been cards, cards, cards this week. I treated myself to an accordian die and I have been playing with it.Excessively.  I chose  the square one because I don’t have any square matting dies and the ivy overlay because I thought it would be the most useful – loving ‘em, and purely in the interest of market research, I have ordered a circle one by Karen Burniston from the states. Very quick to make up a complicated looking card (well unless you faff about choosing papers like I do). They have a lot of potential for names and words and that’s what I am going to try out today with that one at the from of the desk – gonna go for 4 panels. Ambitious huh?
OK supposed to be brief so better get off, really would like to try and catch up with a few peeps today. Let’s hope the phone doesn’t go!! Hope everyone is well.
(Oh, new to WOYWW? You can find out more about this by clicking HERE).

Ooops, too late, text just arrived with the words "Mum, what are you up to today?". Sigh.

PS: Anyone at Ally Pally this weekend? Definitely there Sunday, possibly Saturday though that might beoverkill.......... Do let me know!!


Wednesday, 29 July 2015

What’s On Your Work Desk Wednesday #321

Morning Deskers!! Been AWOL again. Where does the time go? Missed two birthdays this week. My oven hasn’t worked for two weeks. Haven’t seen my mum in 10 days. Grass hasn’t been cut and haven't hoovered in a fortnight. Truly don’t understand how I now seem to have less time to do anything compared to when I worked, had two children at home, ran my own business and cared about how the house and garden looked. Must just be getting slower at everything as I get older. Newbies to WOYWW may like to pop here to find out what it’s all about.

Anyhoo I’m reporting in today and here is my desk….


Yep it’s silly season again when I am busy preparing things for my eleven – yep count ‘em – 11 children’s craft activities in the library between now and 12th September. It’s all to support the Summer Reading Challenge which this year is linked to the Guinness Book of Records so we’re thinking big this summer. These little beauties are tyres for our first one – the most difficult but also rather cool – and I decided to make all the wheels up front because they are a bit fiddly and really need to be dry to be attached because……. ……..we are going to make monster trucks!!


I haven’t gone totally mad, some of the other crafts are a lot easier but I like to do at least one activity that gets ‘em talking and whilst I am still enthusiastic (by the end I couldn’t care less if I never saw another pritt stick). Can you believe on top they kinda expected us to do lego workshops as well? They were dropped on us at the last minute and I felt I was entitled to say no, someone else would have to pick up that particular ball….. (even though they are fun! – although I am still not sure what they have to do with libraries…..).

And I know I have said it before, but I think this may be my last summer doing this as we are being re-organised once again and this time my application for VR was the first one in…….. have truly had enough of cuts. re-organisations and pressure and just working so damn hard and doing so much in my own time. Getting too old for all this malarky.

So Happy WOYWW to all. I’m off to design a robot………..

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #318

Been AWOL the last two Wednesdays but home this week on holiday. I have been making my thank you cards after the surprise anniversary party my daughter threw for us at the weekend. Using those great stamps from TH. Yes, I did give in and get them.


Here is the paper bunting my DD made for us (I believe DS was made to help as well) – it was too pretty to throw away and she remembered to get it in before it rained so I have put it up in my craft room for now.


I also made this little guy as a commission. I made him using shapes on my scan n cut – I think he’s rather neat!!


For all the info about WOYWW go here.      Have a great day folks!

Wednesday, 17 June 2015

What's on Your Work Desk ? Wednesday #315

Blimey, Weds today means it's Thursday tomorrow and I have to go to work. How depressing!!

But morning deskers, I'm here to show what I am up to this week:

Oh yes I have been having inky un with my new prima stamps. Really like this idea, really quick and easy (well all the clever stuff is in the artwork that someone else has done, in this case a talented lady called Jamie Dougherty). And a good way to use up some of my mountains of flowers which, frankly, are getting a little out of hand. But I guess a girl can never have too many flowers in her life.

Just looked at the photo again - these aren't quite finished yet, the still need to be made up into cards and decorated - I'm not doing a silence of the lambs thing with that flower over her mouth. See truly not staged!!

If you don't know why I am sharing this photo then you need to check it out here. I have decided to tackle the bathrooms this morning and then I shall be off for a wander with a nice cuppa. See you around!! Happy WOYWW.

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Craftwork Cards Chalkboard

Happy Sunday all. Hope my daughter is having better weather at the IOW Festival!!

Had a little run at this CWC kit last night, but it does feel a bit like just plonking bits on the card.

I feel that I ought to be doing more with it.

Unfortunately when I got this kit I didn't think about getting the toppers. Although I LOVE LOVE LOVE the papers and the colours, I'm struggling a bit - there's only so much I can do with just a few frames as a focal point and there is very little contrast between the papers in the pad itself. Also I find the words designed to be in the frames are on the whole a bit too mushy for me to use on cards so I may have to try and make some of my own (and you all know how much I loved that chalkboard technique) but in the meantime decided to mix and match with some other bits and bobs.

Here's one using a die cut heart and cutting out a little square from the papers.

And I thought this teen image from Indigo Blu went well with this graphic style sheet. Just asking for a big blue 16 me thinks.

I tried out a little gorjuss girl in one of the frames.

I have a few more ideas, may play a bit more with this kit today as my gardening plans have been rained off - or will I be playing with my new prima stamps? Mmmm, have to wait and see!

Saturday, 13 June 2015

If I'd known where I was going....

I blogged a week or so ago about my new prima Bloom Girl stamps. (My others have arrived today and they are HUGE!!) At that time I also played around with a more arty/MM technique I saw on utube but I wasn't really in the mood that day and left my attempt in my burgeoning WIP box. This morning I decided I really had to open my Craftwork Cards Chalkboard paperkit and actually make a few cards with it. After putting a couple together, out of the corner of my eye I saw that the colours kinda matched the arty splodges I had used with my prima stamp. So using up scraps I mounted it up on a kraft card and made some flowers. And guess what, this is the one today I really like!! Go figure.

Oh, and in case you think I've lost the plot, I know she looks a bit all over the place by that is kinda the point!! 

Monday, 8 June 2015

10 days and counting......

Since I got this dreadful bug. The coughing is just wearing me out. So much for my week off to catch up at home and do the gardening! In between coughing fits today I did manage to finish two commission cards for special birthdays.

Oh well, onwards and upwards.

Friday, 5 June 2015

A handbag?

Made these today, quite pleased with how they came out.

Still feeling a bit sorry for myself, the coughing, when it starts, absolutely knocks me for six and I have been quite breathless this afternoon. This is why I don't like getting colds, always end up in my chest and throat.:0( .

Monday, 1 June 2015

Bringing you a little Hope and Joy......

I have had my eye on the Prima Bloom Girl stamps by Jamie Dougherty since last year so when someone advised me that the Glitter Pot was having a clear out and whilst checking that out I saw that some of them were on sale I had to have them.

Well, it would have been rude not to.

This is JOY and I have made this rather large card (using that die and card blank from last week's WOYWW). One of the reasons I wanted these stamps is because I don't have many ethnic images - a fact I have bemoaned before - and these ones are are rather lovely. I have been recuperating from a nasty cold so a bout of gentle colouring practising my ethnic skin tones was just what the doctor ordered.
Well, in my world anyhow. Not sure about this card, the more I look at it the more wobbles I see, but the principal is sound I guess.

This one is HOPE and I think she is just gorgeous. I think this one would make a lovely 18th or even a wedding card. Still not too sure about the hair - that definitely needs more practice. I've seen a tutorial to try on the web somewhere - just gotta find it again!

I tried a different tack with these two, using up some scraps that had been die cut to make the frames. Shocking photo sorry!

Then I thought I'd try stamping onto kraft card - obviously not the best surface for a blend with promarkers but I really really liked the way these two turned out. I did stamp them onto scraps to experiment with which is why I cut them so small to get a mount - but I think they look quite arty with just using a portion of the image and a lot of white space. The photography doesn't do them justice.

It was a real pleasure working with such beautiful artwork. I have to confess I scoured the web and ordered two more Bloom Girl stamps - I think they may be even larger - can't wait for them to arrive!!

Just because I had the promarkers out I made another  card with a Julie Nutting Doll stamp, also by Prima, using some craftwork cards papers as a backing and to paper piece the skirt. I left the big space for a name or an age.

Phew, what a creative day, better have a lie down!

I've been looking at pins and have now got a few more ideas for these stamps but that may have to wait until tomorrow!!

Thursday, 28 May 2015

More Flowers!

Here is the 'card' I made with all those flowers I was making at the crop.

And yes, it did fold flat and go in an envelope!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015


  Six years 
                               SIX Years.                                                                 
My room was so untidy last night with so many projects out I had to take time to put things away and get my thoughts in order. But my head is full of ideas at the mo and all my surfaces are still pretty much covered!!

So here’s one desk. I’m not quite sure where I am going with that flower thing.
But at least I can see it.

Inspiration stuck as I was putting away my scan n cut.
Hoping if I leave this die and card blank together it will get done eventually.
(The die just fits those panels!)

Only four projects on the go on this desk – A silver wedding card, some weird sunflowers I found when tidying up and just had to colour in, a ‘nail varnish’ card for the lady who does my nails and some bottle labels top left. Glary photo, the sun is bright this morning!

But I know what you’ve really come to see! Yes I am joining in with the great ATC swap and I have a few spares if anyone would care to trade. Or even if you just want one. 
Leave me a message.

Thank you all for being so wonderful and supportive the last few years, of all the online groups I have joined this is proving to be the most enduring, largely due to the wonderful Julia and her delightfully thoughtful and funny posts which were the reason I ‘joined up’ in the first place. 
A kindred spirit, who introduced me to many more.
Happy WOYWW everyone!!

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

I do love a bit o’ bunting

Here’s my finished bunting using craftwork cards papers and embellies and playing with my scan n cut. They are a little pink LOL and quite heavy being MDF blanks so I’m not sure whether to put them in my etsy shop – the postage might be quite high. But I will take them to my next craft sale, you never know.




Monday, 25 May 2015


A quick card I knocked up this morning using papers from a new crafters companion cd. Must improve my photography skills – but you get the idea!


All over the place today, seem to be working on several projects at once. Makes a change to finish one!!

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #311

Morning Deskers!! It’s that time again!! And once again despite my best intentions I only managed one post since last week. But I have been busy, just can’t show you much of it. However, here’s my desk this morning:
I made some bunting!! Well, I decorated some MDF blanks. I cut all the letters out and made the little heart shaped border with my scan n cut. Question now is, is it finished?
The motorbike card is for a friend’s brother – The Harley Davidson theme was a special request and I didn’t have anything suitable (obviously??- well have you?) so went digital and found some cool free images – I particularly liked this one ‘cos it is quite ‘dynamic’ not just a side on view. Liked it so much I printed out another one to make up. I used print magic on various bits to make them shiny. Really brings the colour out. Could be falling in love with digital again. Here’s a (slightly) better photo.
IMG_1706[1]The little flowery card to the right of my desk is also for a friend who wanted it to go with her flowers at a funeral – sadly, it’s for a young person and she wanted something ‘celebratory’, bright and flowery. 
This is the matching condolence card I made last week.
OK that’s it for this week. Wondering why I am showing this to you? Hop on over to the wonderful Stamping Ground and find out. Join in why don’t ya?
PS. I will be joining in with the anniversary swap – I have quite a few additional ATCs available to swap  if anyone is interested – watch this space!!

Sunday, 17 May 2015

Here we go…

I had a most fantastic day yesterday, meeting up with the lovely WOYWW crowd courtesy of incredible organisation by Jan and Julia (though I have to say I did have to keep chasing up the tea). A good drive home then a quick change and off to a family 50th which was a really great night with even more chatting, laughing and even dancing – I should be exhausted but I have woken up pleasantly energised and full of plans.

First off I’d thought I’d prove I could still do a blog post that wasn’t on a Wednesday.


Unfortunately, this is a picture of my desk and the wonderful swaps I received from woywwers yesterday. So I haven’t really branched out much! Still, it’s a start.

Right, going to step away from the computer, get on with some crafting and then get out in the garden. It looks set to be a lovely day!

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #

Morning Deskers!! Well you would be forgiven for thinking that this blog is all about WOYWW for that is all I have posted lately! Anyhoo, here’s my desk this week:


Alas, still not much to show. I did a bit of stamping and colouring to make that flowery card. I have a pile of stamps to put away. Made that little bag quickly last night for a friends birthday gift – late as usual but mainly because we have not been able to get together not, for once, because I had forgotten. A couple of wedding cards to take with me to my nail lady and a stray topper that appeared from nowhere. Oh and, grins happily, a pile of ATCs!! YAY!!I’m ready for the crop apart from something to do – think it may have to be flowers.

Not much crafting to report but have had a busy week – most exciting thing, went to see the Alexander McQueen exhibition at the V&A on Monday with DD. Ridiculous, bizarre, beautiful – BRILLIANT!!  Still thinking about it.

So, why am I showing you this (rather poor) piccie of my desk? go here to find out. And, dear deskers, will try and get around as many as possible in my rather limited time today as I am out with a friend later and then have a cardmaking 101 session with another friend this evening. Well at least I’ll get to be in my craft room even if it is doubtful I get anything done!!

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #309

Here we go.


The ‘Other’ desk. Absolutely nothing of interest. Sometimes there is something to be said for a slight staging of items. Centre stage you can see my first home made die storage – I opt for magnetic sheets in clear plastic envelopes from Lily Of The Valley now as the homemade folders got rather heavy. But the original ones are still in here. Mat from my scan n cut ‘cos I have been cutting out sentiments – you can kinda see the result over to the right. I was asked for sympathy cards again so am making a bunch. Some envelopes with cardboard backings donated by a friend because it is good as a base for projects (such a womble). My hougie board as I must have been scoring something. Really nothing very inspiring, although I do have a few commissions on the go. Trusty bug over to the rear.

And that’s me for this week.

Worryingly, not an ATC in sight.

Wonder why I am showing you this? Check this out. And join in!!

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...