Thursday, 13 March 2008

More ofthe same.....

I am a naughty girl, should have been working on a design project today but finished the rest of the gesso pictures today instead(not sure what else to call them!!). I have uploaded them to the flickr gallery but the one on the left is my favourite of the series, although I did have a slight problem with the base image wrinkling slightly, still c'est la vie. Might have to try out some of the recommended acrylic mediums to see if I can get a better finish - I'm still on good old pva. The one on the right I did from a photocopy of a picture of three of my friends - I think they look pretty cool, they certainly all look a lot younger than in the original photo even if ever so slightly scarier!! Still, don't think I'll show them it just in case they never speak to me again .......(I conveniently painted myself out!!)


Jinny Holt said...

Loving your latest stuff Cind- you clever thing you and oh.. to work in a a library, all them scrummy books xx


oh how i would love to see you zettied up Cindy lol.

My name is Cindy said...

Watch this space Margaret!!

Jan said...

Lovin' this Cindy - great work!

Jan said...

Have started to 'have a go' and am already addicted!

John Dyhouse said...

Great images Cindy, I can only say that I am being stretched to breaking point with all these new ideas and techniques. I daren't buy or look at too many books however much they are praised.

My name is Cindy said...

Glad I've got you started Jan!!

John I know what you mean, my head is buzzing. Think I'm going to take a breather this week.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #825

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...