Wednesday, 2 November 2016

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday?


IMG_2345Or more correctly Tuesday as I took the photo yesterday to allow it time to do whatever it does before appearing in my photostream. If you are wondering why I am posting this, get on over here to find out.

So ‘Hi!’ folks. Been MIA again. Not sure what I’m doing but I always seem to be busy!!

Christmas is arriving with a bang, chez ashplant as the Christmas Craft Fair Season gets going. Although honestly I think they are a bit of a waste of time and effort.  I have been making wreaths and my lovely new gemini (you can just see it at the top of the picture there) has been working overtime cutting out greenery. Great little machine but the plates are getting very bendy!!



Stilll plodding along with my craft classes, which I think are a better use of my time. We made this circle book on Saturday and everyone seemed very pleased with it.

Anyhoo, hope all is well in your neck of the woods and I’ll try to visit as many of you as possible. My days however have a habit of getting derailed and if I tell you my son is on leave, my husband is working from home, my daughter is working nights so currently sleeping and I have 3 guys putting up a fence (daughter not pleased) you can see that I might not be getting the quiet day I had planned.


Hey ho, Happy WOYWW whatever you are doing. I’ll leave you with the view from my window which I took yesterday, lovely autumn colours in the distance which look even more striking today with a beautiful blue sky!!


Wednesday, 5 October 2016

What’s On Your Workdesk (Wednesday) #383


Well, writing this in (somewhat vain?) hope that my photos will appear in my icloud box. I really can’t figure out why sometimes they appear in seconds and sometimes it takes days. I have checked ALL my settings and they all appear to be automatic upload/download. So I’m going to post to FB to see if I can grab it from there. The problem is I cannot blog from my phone, its just too small and annoying. So I need to get pics from phone or ipad to pc. But it’s so random!!

Anyhoo, Happy WOYWW to all on this bright and crisp October morning. Yep, October already. I’m reliably infomed its about 12 weeks to Christmas. Which sounds like a small number of weeks to me. And significantly less to my next significant birthday when I will have to re-write my blog intro. If you want to know know what WOYWW is then hop over here to find out.

OK, a little bit low tech but that appears to have worked!! My photo is actually from Monday, I’m starting to dismantle all this today. I created a little ‘shop’ in my craft room for my MacMillan Open House on Monday. Made £300 so well pleased.

Doubt I’ll get a lot done today, ran a craft class and a bit of R & R yesterday and decided this morning is for tidying away and catching up with the washing, ironing and R & R. Aqua at 1, then off to hospital with mum for blood tests and xrays.  Phew, when did I have time to work? Need al ie down already.

Happy Wednesday everyone.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Hey, it’s me again – and I’m posting!!

Picked up these little stamps loose at Ally Pally but I’m guessing they were a set originally. Had a littleplay. Left some just black and white. For the others I coloured the backgrounds using my ancient BIG n Juicy pads and a brayer over masks – to be honest I could have probably just used my promarkers but this was quicker. Finally found some images to put in those aperture cards!!


Wednesday, 21 September 2016

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday–WOYWW #381

Hi there! Well, been MIA again but I was on holiday and last week I just sorta lost the plot when I got home – you know how it is!!IMG_2288

For those who are new to WOYWW, I suggest you pop over here and read all about it. Then join in!

Quick post today, desk only inspiring in so far as it shows the result (well some of it LOL, the stamps aren’t there) of my visit to Ally Pally this weekend. I have a fair amount of MDF blanks (I feel the need for paint and texture) and also some acetate pieces – see those little fishies? Made that at a workshop. Needs a bit of tlc but really liked the idea so also got a couple of those to try. Paper and card as always and some cheap wreath rings to be transformed into something gorgeous lol – well in my head. Cute little notebook made at a Paper Artsy workshop. (Oh yeah….. the purchases from there seem to have been put away as well….)


Happy WOYWW xx

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

WOYWW #378

Good afternoon woywwers. Haven’t posted in a while. Hangs head in shame. Oh dear what have I been doing?

Well, in post retirement world Wednesday seems to have become my default housekeeping day, when shopping gets delivered, bathrooms get a good going over, the hoover has an outing and for good measure I may even plan a home cooked meal. Plus I go to a lunchtime aqua class. Part of this means I also usually get around to tidying my workspace. Which means I frequently have nothing to show. So when I do get on the pc I just faff about on FB watching cat videos.

But today I have this.


This is me making samples and sorting out stamps for one of my card making workshops. In case it’s not clear, this is watercolour stamping. Or faux watercolour. Anyhow, that was a fun evening’s prep reminding myself of the technique.

So why am I telling you this? Hop on over here to find out.

Have missed you all. Must do better!!

Love n hugs,


Wednesday, 25 May 2016

It’s here!! What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday, the 7th Anniversary!!

Oh yeah baby, this is the big one. 7 years can you believe that Julia’s little experiment (aka WOYWW) has been going on for so long?
Of all the internet groups I have been a member of  this one has afforded me the chance to meet most people in real life and to know that even if I fall off the grid for a few weeks (months…..) I’m still welcomed back. I love you guys!!
For the present we are linking at Lunch Lady Jan’s blog and to celebrate this momentous anniversary we are trading ATCs.I have a sheet of 9 ATCs to trade so if you are interested then please shout out. Here’s who I think I am swapping with so far….
1. Kelly #50 - snail mail required
2. Marit – POSTED 26/5
3. Nikki C - POSTED 26/5
4. Christine - POSTED 27/5/16
5. Lisca - POSTED 26/5
6. Sussie – POSTED 26/5
7. LLJ - POSTED 26/5
8  Debbie - POSTED 26/5
9. Shaz - POSTED 27/5
10.Cardarian - snail mail required
11.Anne L - Posted 28/5
So what’s on my desk? ATCs of course!!
Right must link up, started this hours ago -  however did it get so late? Probably because it has taken me 17 attempts to get the photo from  the cloud……. There must be an easier way. Now all I have to do is remember the flaming asterisk………..
Happy Anniversary everyone!!

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

WOYWW- What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #

MIA a few weeks again – doesn’t matter how fast I run I can’t catch up – I have to say it again, however did I work and run a business?
My desk today doesn’t have much on it. A camera and an iphone mainly. Because today I have to try and extract my photos from last weekend’s trip to VENICE. It was awesome, a beautiful crazy place, I’m still floating (ha ha). I’ll upload some of the better ones later once I have managed this extremely tedious exercise (Me, the computer, the camera, the phone and the cloud just can’t seem to learn to play nice. I would really like to learn how to do it all with the click of a button like other people seem to be able to do but don’t think it’s ever gonna happen – as I write I’m actually still waiting for the photo of the desk to become available - an hour after I took it ……..oh well, it’ll turn up eventually or you’ll never get to read this). And I wonder why I don’t blog any more….
Why am I showing you this? Pop over here to read all about it.
Next week will be a special anniversary for WOYWWers and I shall be here, touting my ATC swaps so please let me know if you are interested in a trade and we can do some of the addressy admin in advance. Note to self: Better start loading my photo the night before………………
IMG_1345                  Ooh, one of my venice photos turned up too…..  this one was taken from the top of the bell tower in San Mark's square. Intriguing fact - you cannot see any canals from up there,not even the Grand Canal.

                      Happy Wednesday!!

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 360


Well how these Wednesdays fly.

Morning deskers! Here is my desk this week.

I had a bit of a ‘Craftwork Card’ flurry yesterday, using  up some of my kits. A drop in the ocean really. We have a Spring Fair to attend on Saturday and then an allotment sale so have been looking at some garden/spring themed stuff to add to stock.

The card at the front (right) of the desk is for my friend and co stal- holder who has a birthday today. My inspired (not) birthday gift is some candles and an adhesive pick up square. I left it in prominent position last night so I wouldn’t forget at the last minute (which I am inclined to do). The die is a bargain I snagged last week for £3.49 but I haven’t used it yet. Not much else to say really, will be tidying and WOYWING till lunch, then off to aquafit and possibly over to mums.

Oh and I will be doing a page of 9 ATCs, so will have 8 extra to swap on the big day.

Just saying. Not inferring in any way that I have done them yet!! Hope you all have a lovely day.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #359

Quickie from me today, need to get on.


I had to do something paris themed this week so as I have got all the bits out I’ve stuck with it. Using mache shapes & MDF – hearts – ‘Mme Peyraud’ papers, and that lovely butterfly and moth stamp set from Mr Holtz. Also got my ‘frantage’ EPs out. Forgotten how much I love those. And that kraft waste where I die cut hearts mmm, must be able to do something with that!!

IMG_2091 (Edited)Well think that’s me set for today, though I’m guessing I should be thinking about the ATC swap – still haven’t done what I intended to do with the ATCs from last year. Ooops, time sure does fly.

Now we’ve had a tidy up the garden view is looking really nice in the Spring sunshine. (Alhough I can still see that horrible garage door my neighbours put up as their rear boundary – OH has a plan but he’ll probably be retired before he ever does it)

Wondering why I am telling you this? Click here and all will be revealed.

Happy Wednesday folks.

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - # 358

Morning Deskers. Such a boring desk today I nearly didn’t bother, but I’m home. IMG_2087
Plenty of things on here I am supposed to be moving forward with but nothing actually happenning. I don’t know if  you can see those 6 x 6 square die cuts front centre left leaning on the glass mat. These are die cuts I bought online using the tattered lace melded dies. I particularly wanted the church, village one. I really want the die but it’s so expensive I find sometimes this is a better way to go. Well, must try to get something crafty done today, but since I’ve been involved with setting up craft fairs I seem to have far too much admin taking up my time and not enough time getting inky. Admin doesn’t really make for a nice photo opportunity does it? Anyhow my friends, will endeavour to visit a few of you today to see what you are up to. Am also trying to get fit but feeling fed up, hardly eaten anything the last few days and still put on 3 lbs. I must have a completely non-existent metabolism because I have been active. Obviously not enough. Probably staring at that view.
Wondering what WOYWW is? Click here. Happy Wednesday folks.

ADDENDUM:  Please please don't misconstrue my comments!! I am NOT crash dieting! I just don't eat much and some days it seems grossly unfair I should still be piling on weight!!  I don't eat much because I don't get that hungry. Sorry if I worried you all!! (And the last time I weighed myself was two weeks ago). 

Wednesday, 30 March 2016

WOYWW - What’s On Your Workdesk, Wednesday #356

Morning Woywwers! Me again. Seems like there is always a reason for not joining in but I’m gonna try today because I really miss feeling part of this lovely community.

My desk is here, with an array of little watering can shaped cards. The little castle card is a commission and the pile of cards – well…….


I was challenged at the weekend to make 20 cards over the long weekend and despite some gardening, DS’s 22nd birthday celebrations and a big family lunch on Sunday I made my quota by the skin of my teeth (and by the time honoured technique of doing the same thing again and again and shameless plagiarising on Pinterest).

Putting everything in cello bags, photographing them and pricing up those that are going for sale is another matter however and took me most of Tuesday evening when I finally got in the craft room (sorry OH, I know I said I was coming back down ‘in a minute….’).For anyone who has the time, here’s a few individual photos of the ones in the pile.





Today I am mainly going to be thinking about making a card with a trumpet on it. Mmmmm.

Wondering what WOYWW is? Popover HERE to find out.

Happy Wednesday!!

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

What’s On Your Wokdesk? Wednesday, #350

Good Day deskers! Late to my desk today, been busy being a domestic goddess this morning.


  Well, points of interest. Buckets at the back going to become flower popped buckets for Mother’s Day. Some very old stamps – I was searching for a stylised rose stamp. Nope, don’t have one would you believe it? Been making cards using some new card blanks from Whichcraft – recessed tent cards with frames. They are so easy peasy and really pretty. And they fold flat, if a little thick so probably a large stamp.

Here’sa couple I made earlier.


The little cardboard box in danger of falling off the table topish left is one of my WIP boxes. Mmmm. Best not go there.

Bottom right, lush papers from Craftwork Cards.

Craft Fair on Saturday, so busy doing Mother’s Day bits for that, but hope to get round a few of you today.

Why? Go here to find out!!

Happy Hopping!

Monday, 15 February 2016

Waxing Lyrical…..(and waning rapidly…)

Yes, I am going to witter on a bit today. First, thank you for your lovely comments in response to my  rather throwaway post about stopping blogging yesterday – see, you have inspired me!! IMG_1980_thumb14

I had a lovely day Sunday, pottering about at home and spent quite a while in my craft room. Last night, quite late cos I’m a bit of a night owl, waiting for the kettle to boil to fill my hot water bottle (I do like to be snug in bed), my eye fell on a few pieces of paperwork that hadn’t been dealt with and which, it occurred to me, were now in dire need of attention. So I thought I’d write myself a note as a timely reminder. By the time the water was hot, I had written myself this missive. (I particularly like the way it started out all orderly. The additions over to the right indicate varying degrees of urgency along the lines of doesn’t have to be done tomorrow but how come I keep forgetting to do them mustn’t let another week slip by). By the time I got to bed I had thought of at least another 4 things that should be on the list. Heaven help me, how depressing is it to wake up to such a lot of things to get done. (How did I ever find time to work?)


So there goes my plan for another day of pottering. Or maybe not. I can already cross one thing off my list as I added the photos to this little squash book I made last night first thing this morning. I had to do it quickly because I have been asked to run a scrapping make and take and the deadline for advertising is tomorrow. Thought this might be a relatively easy project. If anyone is even remotely interested.

(If you cut it, they will come).

But I am now ready to go so I have done my bit and the delivery is much less fraught than thinking what to do.  Feeling pretty chuffed and fired up – quite a good way to start my Monday I feel.




Right off to have a cuppa, breakfast, shower and get dressed.

What? Yes, I am at the pc in my PJs. It’s only 9.30 for goodness sake, how much do you expect me to get done in a day?

(Addendum: Well actually it’s 10.45 now. Decided today was the day to sort out why Livewriter wasn’t working. Took me an hour that would probably have  been more usefully aimed at sorting out some of the paperwork on that list and now I’m not sure the new version is as easy to use as the old one. Still, I’m up and running, but still in PJs!!)

Sunday, 14 February 2016

To Blog or not to blog........

Oh gosh, I have really not been very active lately have I? Even wondering if I should stop blogging altogether.... I'm not sure if it's all part and parcel of this 'retirement' mentality and lack of routine (haven't quite made up my mind yet but my pension companies seem quite insistent that I have retired and who am I to argue?). Really haven't got in the groove lately but think I have not been quite in the right place, mentally or physically since Christmas. But am slowly feeling better, and January/Feb is always a bleak time for me, I need the sun, and the light to fuction and am looking forward to the rapid approach of Spring.

So, its February already and I'm feeling the need to dust off the cobwebs and get things back on track. Will it last? I hope so!! But to get us started here's a pic of a little wreath I made just because I wanted to. I had lots more pressing things to do this week but this is what I felt like doing.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!

And some pictures from my garden (yes, I have even ventured outdoors just for the pleasure of it ................)

Bring on Springtime!

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #364

Well, morning deskers, remember me?
My 2016 so far -
- Take part in WOYWW every week    (FAIL)
- Don’t forget to post birthday cards    (FAIL)
- Post in Etsy shop and FB shop page at least twice a week (EPIC FAIL)
- Blog at least once more a week than WOYWW (FAIL)
- Take part in an online challenge once a month (FAIL – well, so far at least)
- Make all my Christmas cards for 2016 – SUCCESS!!! 
  100 cards made!!

Well, all bar the last bit of drying glitter glue. Here’s my desk.

Still having problems with my photos, the cloud, and uploading. Which is one reason why I haven't been blogging much. And also the reason there won't be any more photos today. Off for a snoop. Have a good day all, Cindy x


Just me testing. 7th attempt to blog. Aaargh.

WOYWW 824 - late late late!!

Morning deskers, (or should I say afternoon, very late on parade) welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sara...