Saturday 11 June 2011


I read a quote the other day, not sure who by, but it was something like 'If it wasn't for last minutes no a lot would get done'. Well, I'm thinking of adopting this as mt personal mantra as omnce again I am up against it in both my personal and professional life. Today I have to go to work where I need to prep for a children's craft activity the first day I return, plus sort out another while I'm away. Plus of course serve the public all day. Straight from work we are out for a meal for a colleague who is leaving, then home to die my hair and finish packing, pay some bills, sort out some mail, try to get to bed before 10, sleep (hah I may be back) then up at 4 am to catch a 7 o'clock flight to the Algarve. So I though I'd better pop on quickly to upload this momth's giveaway.

It's an altered board book (actually it's an altered altered book because I did it once already and then decided I didn't like it). I have to confess it isn't quite finished. The front above needs a little more work.

This inside 'spread is' finished. But the one below might need a little more work.

Anyhoo I'll be back in a week and I promise it will be finished in time to post out at the end of the month. So, usual rules apply, if you want to go in the draw leave a message on this post before 9.00 pm on Thursday 30th June. Overseas players welcome, feel free to link from you own blogs. Right off to work!!

Wednesday 1 June 2011

WOYWW # 104 - the 2nd anniversary

Well not really a second anniversary for me, as I'm an intermittent participant at best. But I do love a good celebration, so I am joining in this week. This is how my desk looks at the moment:

Mmmm. Lots of product on display but basically the same artwork that was there last week. Perhaps the other direction looks better....
Perhaps not. I think I was looking for something last night. The floor doesn't look much better.

Aah, at last. Some WIP, an altered book, a hanging and last month's giveaway packaged up to post out. All for some reason sitting on the printer (the only clear space left?). A cannibalised mouse (I had to take the batteries out to go in the camera) and a cup of tea that's probably been there two days. What a slob.

No idea what I'm talking about? Well hop on over to Julia's blog to join in with this crazy weekly blog hop to check out other people's work desks (and perhaps feel good about your own!!) that has been running now for two years - congratulations Julia!! Why not join in, you never know who you might meet!!

ADDENDUM: OR WHATEVER....a quick apology. Like many others I am having persistent problems with blogger and leaving comments on other people's blogs. I am trying various fixes with fairly inconsistent results so I do apologise for not being able to get round to see many people. Well, I look, but I can't always comment. It is driving me quietly crazy, am praying for a quick fix but this has been going on for weeks now. If you are one of those affected (according to blogger a small percentage(?!) you will know what I mean. But you probably won't be able to leave me a comment to tell me lol.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 798

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which  is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the lin...