and the week was gone again. Julia was so right.
Morning deskers, gonna have to be quick because I'm writing this quite late Tuesday and my bed is calling. This last week has gone so fast, I feel like I'm running to stay still!! I am going to have to re-consider how I fill my days because nothing is getting done. I'm still walking my 10B410 as often as I can and that alone takes at least 2 hours when you factor in getting ready to go out, and collapsing in a heap when I get home. Another hour or two to have breakfast, tidy up the kitchen, do a few chores, shower, get dressed, put the washing out on the line (bringing it back in wet after it gets caught in the rain), putting the Tesco delivery away, emptying the dishwasher, filling the dishwasher, visiting mum (that's at least two hours) ...... before you know it it's mid afternoon and it's a wonder anything other than maintenance gets done at all.
In all fairness I do probably read rather too much in the course of a day but it's my favourite thing to do apart from crafting!!
Anyhow, here's my desk, I took the photo last night.
Aha, didn't expect to see me sitting at it did you? I have a very clever new selfie stick with a stand and a blue tooth controller. It's rather fun!! I was trying to practice with it as if you don't know what you are doing it kinda removes all the spontaneity doesn't it? (Yes I am such a technophobe I can get confused by a selfie stick).
Craftwise, I was asked for some wedding cards last week and thought I would make some new ones - you can see I've been colouring in some digi images ready to make toppers. There's an anniversary card to the right ready to be photographed - I use a 12 x 12 paper pad to make my backdrop.
I've actually had a couple of commissions and have made a huge bunch of cards this week. Here's a few favourites.

Not too happy about the wholesale lifting of restrictions next week - I shall probably continue doing much the same as now but the figures are not good and seem only set to get worse. I really do think sometimes that Mother Nature is trying to tell us something...
Latest news on mum is that she is scheduled for her stent op on 5th August. Thanks again for your best wishes. One day at a time.
Despite all my walking, I find my 'middle' remains stubbornly stiff and inflexible. So I've ordered a hula hoop to see if I can get it to improve. There may have to be a video, but I'm not making any promises.
Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.
Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx