Wednesday 27 March 2019

What's on Your Workdesk? Wednesday #512

 Morning deskers. Welcome to all and sundry taking part in the weekly blog hop at Stamping Ground. Pop on over for details, post a photo of your desk and join in!

Tuesday tidyup didn't get finished as I had to go out early eve, so this week you get treated to a really messy space. At Tuesday classes I never really get my 'sample' card finished as I end up helping people individually. So what you see here are the 'bits' I demo'd that I will now make up into cards or whatever. The actual card we made is the one towards the back of the desk with a frame - the pegged one is one I am finishing up!! There are a lot of stamps about on the desk - I like to store my stamps by company but I have lots of individual stamps that defy that classification or didn't come as a set and increasingly it would be useful if they were somehow catalogued and stored by genre, ie splodge stamps, butterfly stamps etc. It's kind of done like that but I haven't maintained it over the years. That's gonna be a big job.

Inexplicably both wrists and elbows are giving me a lot of grief today and I have a lot to do - I wanted to do some housework (well that's a lie, I never WANT to do housework but the bathrooms are minging) and I have docrafts demos weekend after next and I have yet to look properly at my kit and start making samples. Plus classes to prep for. Anyhow, must be off, have a good Wednesday.

Wednesday 20 March 2019

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday

Morning all. It's time for our weekly bloghop to see what everyone is up to courtesy of Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and check it out, join in why don't ya? 

Actually writing this late Tues afternoon. Have been on holiday in Tenerife, and had my first class today with my ladies since getting back. I noticed that the scissors were getting a bit icky so resolved that this afternoon I would go through all the packs and give them a good clean. While I was at it, I picked up all those laying around the craft room. This is the result.

Mind you, it doesn't include the scissors in my docraft demo kit, the trio I have in pretty much every room in the house, the hidden dressmaking scissors, and the selection of left and right children's scissors I use when doing kid's crafts.

I think I might have a serious scissor addiction.

And just for something pretty, this is the card we made at class.  
This is my sample and also  for my mum so shhh don't tell her.

Happy Wednesday guys. 

EDIT: 10.25 PM.  PC went a bit crazy this evening so I have NOT managed to get round. After much mucking about it transpires my control key had got stuck so my key strokes were doing all sort of crazy commands!! I have sorted that now but am left with a screen view that is so small it is almost impossible to read. So I'm bailing out for now, apologies to any that come after. I'm out of ideas so it will be handed over to the resident IT expert tomorrow. Computers!!!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 798

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which  is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the lin...