Wednesday 28 February 2018

Waht's On your Workdesk (Chuckle) ? Wednesday #446

Morning all, hope you are all warm and safe this wintry Wednesday morning here in the UK. A perfect day for some virtual snooping courtesy of Julia Dunnit at Stamping Ground. Go on, join in why don't you!!

My  desk, and you would be forgiven for thinking there is some kind of Easter/Mother's Day vibe going on. Even a bit of Christmas!! In reality I just got round to unpacking the box to see what was there, maybe I'll get to that later in the week. The yellow card at the back is a bow card I made for my mum so that's done and dusted. Today I have no deadlines and no chores so its a play day. I  may do a little more tidying - all patterned and plain scraps have now been sorted into an orderly fashion and I've even been using them. Go me. Might finish that suitcase as I got a super set of stamps with one of my mags.

Will have to limit my pc today as I am having some real issues with my wrist at the mo - always something!!  I also seem to have developed tennis elbow (my diagnosis not GPs) so its probably best I'm here alone as I'm a bit of an old grumpy puss today. I think I need sunshine (and warmth!!)

Have a lovely Wednesday xx

Wednesday 21 February 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #455

Morning peeps. It's that time again when we grab a coffee and have a little browse round other people's desks. If you want to join in, the event is hosted by the lovely Julia Dunnit over at The Stamping Ground. It's easy to join in!!

Here's my desk Tuesday afternoon just as  I was reaching the losing-the-will-to-live stage. I had spent the whole day sorting out my sentiments. I don't know about you, but if I'm stamping or printing I tend to do a few. Plus all the shop bought ones.....Over time, there has been a bit of an explosion but I could never find what I wanted.   
This is my box of Christmas sentiment that I finished sorting in the morning. Look at them all in their neatly labelled little packets!! I know I am very very sad but I can't tell you how good this makes me feel. I do like a little bit of order in my life. Christmas stash is still awaiting a checkover before I put it away. It never got done in January because I had the lurgy and I like to get it all sorted for next year before it gets returned to  the depths of my cupboard and make sure I have a good stash of cards done in advance. I think hubby is getting a  bit fed up with the boxes on the chest of drawers!
Mum and my sister came over Monday and we had a bash at one of those new dies. Here is my first one, the suitcase which my sister wanted to make. It isn't finished yet as I ended up helping them sort theirs out. We also attacked that WIP box - about 12 cards were made and I have a few ready to finish today. (And just look how tidy that desk is after all my hard work)

This last photo is a few mats I made using up scraps from the WIP box cut into strips. I even kept the scrap from one of  the mats when I trimmed it.  This also makes me happy. I hate throwing stuff away, I'm such a hoarder, there really is no hope.

Oh, and the ironing still isn't done. I'm actually debating whether to put it all back in the washing and start again.........

Have a great Wednesday!!

Wednesday 14 February 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #454

It's quite clear actually, although I may have cunningly shown you the best bit. Finally seem to be catching up with life, classes and commissions.

Received these beauties on Monday and have been restraining myself from even opening the packaging until other stuff is done. Which it now is.

Today is a more or less at home day for me. I need to at least start that pile of ironing at some point - an iron has not been lifted in this house (by me) for over two months. Which does  kinda beg the question what is in that pile? But apart from that my obligations are few. And the rest of the week stretches ahead gloriously uncluttered by things I don't really want to do. Bliss.

I'm showing my desk as part of WOYWW a weekly blog hop hosted by the lovely Julia. Everyone is welcome.

So I'll be in and out today, nosing around and hoping my comments get through - I received a flurry of emails saying they hadn't last time, I'm not sure what all that was about but will try and check back this week.

Hopefully by next week I may have a little project to show you.

Now where to start?

Have a lovely Wednesday!!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 798

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which  is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the lin...