Oh yeah baby, this is the big one. 7 years can you believe that Julia’s little experiment (aka WOYWW) has b

Of all the internet groups I have been a member of this one has afforded me the chance to meet most people in real life and to know that even if I fall off the grid for a few weeks (months…..) I’m still welcomed back. I love you guys!!
For the present we are linking at Lunch Lady Jan’s blog and to celebrate this momentous anniversary we are trading ATCs.I have a sheet of 9 ATCs to trade so if you are interested then please shout out. Here’s who I think I am swapping with so far….
1. Kelly #50 - snail mail required
2. Marit – POSTED 26/5
3. Nikki C - POSTED 26/5
4. Christine - POSTED 27/5/16
5. Lisca - POSTED 26/5
6. Sussie – POSTED 26/5
7. LLJ - POSTED 26/5
8 Debbie - POSTED 26/5
9. Shaz - POSTED 27/5
10.Cardarian - snail mail required
11.Anne L - Posted 28/5
So what’s on my desk? ATCs of course!!
Right must link up, started this hours ago - however did it get so late? Probably because it has taken me 17 attempts to get the photo from the cloud……. There must be an easier way. Now all I have to do is remember the flaming asterisk………..
Happy Anniversary everyone!!