Wednesday 10 July 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #788

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for that lovely lady - Sarah's Craft Shed - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Here's my desk: 

Yes, I am that sad person who writes when they last re-inked their ink pads. 
But I am pleased to report I have been doing some crafting that wasn't a card.  This is for a (very overdue) swap for someone I'm pretty sure has no idea about WOYWW so I'm taking a chance and posting because there is diddly squat else here to shout about.

Sorry to have been away but the last couple of weeks I was getting a bit overwhelmed (mainly with fun things to do so don't get all concerned for me) and unfortunately something had to give!! 

Still haven't resolved the weird photo saving/uploading problem but for now I have found a work around. Resolving it will have to wait until I have time (ie never) or when the workaround stops working,

Have a great week, 
Love n Hugs Cindyxx 

Wednesday 19 June 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 785

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for that lovely lady - Sarah's Craft Shed - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

sorry I was awol last week but I was away with my sisters. Much fun was had, but my desk is in a much neglected state so here are a few photos from that last card class. My ladies  fell in love with the Bokeh idea and did themselves proud. 

Unfortunately I can't seem to upload any new photos right now so I shall have to post without and see if I can edit later as I think this may take some time to resolve. (My computer appears to be saving my images with a .jfif extension, I am just pushing the same buttons I usually do. The server is rejecting them. Any ideas?)

I also can't seem to capitalise the first letter of the second paragraph....

Have a great week from me, sitting here, refusing to let this stress me out.....


Wednesday 5 June 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #783

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for that lovely lady - Sarah's Craft Shed - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Oh dear.  Views of my desk at 10.00 pm on Tuesday.

Now, both these surfaces were absolutely clear at 10.00 am, no mean feat as I did a craft fair on Saturday and then was out and about all day Sunday. However it took by my estimate less than an hour to reduce my tidy craft room to this horror. In my defence I had to prep for my card class on Friday and had started pulling things out of boxes willy nilly as I tried to pin down exactly what I was going to do. It's gonna be a large class (10 currently signed up) which brings it's own challenges in regard to materials and tools but I am trying to work round that. We are going to try and do a bokeh effect background like this.  

Would you believe that despite my vast number of stamps I could not find a suitable floral silhouette stamp the right size/orientation? So am having to improvise to create my own 'cluster' which is why I pulled out so much stuff.
Sigh.  I'm sure we will manage, there's always a Lavinia fairy!!!!

I'll just finish with a couple of photos of my little splodge, who will be with me tomorrow. Just love him to bits.  

Have a great week!!

Wednesday 22 May 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #781

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. As you may know, Julia has stepped down after many years of commitment, fun and friendship - thank you Julia for everything.  WOYWW is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog and here's the link for that lovely lady - Sarah's Craft Shed - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

In addition to attending the crop, Helen, Julia and I stayed a couple of extra days to look around. For a full and richly visual account of the weekend pop over to Helen's photo blog and drool over her lovely photos.

As we have been away the desk here hasn't seen any action - but of course, Helen and I managed to squeeze in some desk time in Stoke before we came home.

Thanks go to Sarah for finding a cracking crop venue and picking up the baton for WOYWW. We had a smashing time and it was lovely to see and catch up with so many deskers. Looking forward to many more years of Wednesday desk hopping. I didn't take many photos (again I  refer you to Helen lol) but here's a nice one of Neet and me. 

We all swapped at the crop and here are my lovelies. (I will sort out any remaining trades this week. I have a couple spare ATCs so if you want one let me know).

Weather is pretty grim here in North London this morning, hope it is better where you are. The craft room is calling. 

Have a good week, love n hugs,


Wednesday 15 May 2024

What'sOn Your Workdesk? Wednesday #780 - 15 years!!

 A big achievement - as I'm late posting I have already read Julia's news, end of an era certainly but I am in awe that she has  committed to doing this for so long. Where we go from here we will see.

It's been a crazy busy week for me and the only crafting I've really got in was at craft club yesterday - here's my desk in full on atc production in preparation for the Crop and anniversary swap - do let me know if you want to swap!! 

Will be short and sweet from me as I am expecting company to arrive any moment. Probably won't be desking till after 4 today.

Have a good week,

Love n hugs


Wednesday 8 May 2024

What'sOn Your Workdesk? Wednesday #779

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Morning ladies! Here's my desk.

After returning from Craft Club yesterday I got out all the bits for the big project from our Craft Retreat thinking that today would be a good day to finish it. It is the napkin covered journal you see front centre and I need to add a few finishing touches. I have so many bits to choose from I can't decide!! At the far desk there is a pile of birthday cards ready to be written for birthdays up till the end of June - feeling very organised!

Pleased to report that my class last week went down a storm. We did a technique with embossing folders using the de-bossed side - it probably has a name but I don't know it. We also did some carved wood technique which is virtually the same thing!! Here are some of my samples and finished demo pieces.

I had a phone call last night to remind me I had a stall at Horsenden Farm's Nature Day (where my husband volunteers) on 1st June. I had vaguely thought it was on the 30th so that has sent me into something of a tail spin. I have nothing  ready except cards which are notoriously difficult to shift at craft fairs. oh well, it will  be what it will be but any ideas for something quick and eyecatching welcome. 

Not feeling quite so organised now!!

Crop and swap coming up!! I will be taking ATCs for Crop attendees but do let me know if you would like to swap as I have had an idea and will be staring those soon. 

Have a great week all,

love n hugs,


Wednesday 1 May 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #778

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

May already and the countdown to the Crop begins!! Here is my desk. 

This is the mess from unpacking after Tuesday Craft Club. I got this far before I had to go out to meet friends. I managed to sew beads onto the sequins on my little stencilled bag (don't recommend it) and the other with the fairy silhouette has been rescued - the stamped 'dream' decided to bleed all over the place. A judicious amount of bleach and a sharpie sorted  that out but I did think I had ruined it. Not much else to report on the post retreat projects but time has been lacking this week.  I did have a play with this torn paper idea I saw on you tube but I'm not in love with it. Let that one stew and re-visit it in a bit I think. 

So a quiet day with some desk hopping and a quick tidy up in store for me today. I have to prep for my class on Friday (samples made but need to pack my bag) and rest up for a day of fun with this one tomorrow.

Have a  great Wednesday! 

Love and hugs, Cindy xx

Wednesday 24 April 2024

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #777

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Gosh I'm late today. And pooped. Had to be up mega early so Chelsey could get to some away-day work thing and then drop Lionel at the childminders. No problem, he was a sweetheart. Just I am still so tired from the Craft Retreat Weekend I have got home and sat literally staring into space for half an hour. However, duty calls, must get on!!

Here is my  desk from Tuesday Craft Club. I took just this one 'beading' project from the retreat that I didn't even attempt while I was away. It is very pretty, and in the end took me about an hour and a half, not that hard but extremely fiddly. Bit like those Lego flowers. Pleased with the result but would not willingly put myself through that again.

The desk on my craft room is just a pile of stuff from the retreat I haven't put away yet. I hope to do that today. Here are some of the other makes.

Fabric lamp and fabric covered note book

Art Doll and gelli plate bg tag with foiled glue leaf

Stencilled canvas bag - thinking about securing those sequins with a bead.

Mixed media plaque/assemblage. Loved making this and the photo does not do it justice!!.

I have some other projects that I haven't quite finished yet (plus one I am trying to rescue after making a big boo boo) so I'm planning a couple of crafty days (hopefully I can find some gumption) and I'll post those next week. 

Anyhoo, have a good week,

Love n hugs Cindyxx

Wednesday 17 April 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 776

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Well here we are again. This is my desk late Tuesday evening, slightly staged as I had started putting things away before I realised I needed to do my WOYWW post. 

I did warn you I was starting Christmas again! I still have a big project to finish from my craft retreat last October (!) but after wondering how I can possibly store it I decided to pack it up as is (in pieces) and finish putting it together for Christmas 2024. That project is made partly using die cuts from a lovely Stamperia paper pad called Christmas Patchwork. The artwork is so yummy I had to stop myself from buying a whole pad once I saw the few random sheets and embellies we were given. I had lots left over from my craft pack and I used it to put together these  cards. Really loving how  these turned out. And I still have a few more pieces to use up. Nothing has been wasted - the postage stamp punch came out again!! 

Here's my desk even later in the evening. I have been adding the finishing touches to some cards I put together at Craft Club this afternoon - once again mainly scraps and ends of paper kits I've had for ever so a using up stuff win for me once again. 

My main job on Wednesday will be WOYWW and packing before I go off once again for an InkC Craft Retreat with Countryview Crafts on Friday. The supplies list is  rather huge but I do have nearly all of it (won't stress about the rest) and I won't make the mistake of taking anything else to do in case I  have any spare time. Learnt my lesson there. 

Finally here's my little splodge looking tall and grown up with his cute crinkly nose when he smiles.  I can't tell you how much he makes me laugh. 

Have a good week, hopefully I will have lots to show you next time!!

Love n hugs, Cindyxx 

Wednesday 10 April 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #775

Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Wow that week went fast!! For once I have done loads of crafting - starting with my class last Friday when my ladies blew me away with  their creativity with the floating seagull cards. They were basically working just with scraps but produced some beautiful cards and have continued to do so at home (and there were only a couple of mistakes with the basic card fold........).

So, after the class I had a lot of scraps left and decided I didn't want to file them again so made a few more cards myself. (I did have to add a bit of vellum and some black card as my scraps were too small but otherwise a total win on the using up scraps front).

I had a few bits left that were really very small, but found a 'postage stamp' punch and made some backgrounds - really like these!! In the end I only put 5 pieces of card back in the scrap box. (Sorry but I am obsessed).

On Tuesday my desk (aka dining room table) was the site of some different crafty activity. For Mother's Day DD bought me some lego flowers. A nice crafty present which I accepted with good grace but actually it's a job isn't it? Not a present. So I dragooned my sister (lego nerd) into coming over for the afternoon and we finally put them together. The air was blue at times, it severely challenged my arthriticy hands but I suppose they turned out OK. I did not enjoy doing it one bit and had to open a bottle of prosecco to make it through. 

Weird as it may seem I will now going back to Christmas as I am severely behind. So don't tune in next week if you don't want to see Christmas cards!! 

Have a good week, love n hugs Cindy xx

Wednesday 3 April 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #774

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Hope you all had a lovely Easter, ours was quiet (by choice) but we did manage a Reggae night and a visit to see some friends for lunch and games. (My new f avourite game is called 'Splendour'). 

Once again though I don't know the date, day or time, my routine is completely scuppered and when oh when will it stop raining?

Well, I fib a bit, I do after all know that it's Wednesday and here's my  desk.

It's late Tuesday so apologies for the lighting. The pc screen at the back has my partially written WOYWW post, endless mugs and some butterfly die cuts. My up/down desk in the foreground sports my samples for my Friday class when we will be trying our hand at a Floating Seagull card.

I have wanted to try this 'fold' for a while and it really is very easy. It folds to go into an envelope and makes quite the mantel pleaser. 

It is also really easy to screw it up. I'm not quite sure how we will get on as I have messed the card base up a couple of times already and I really do know what I am doing. I have written instructions and I did the maths and everything. Fingers crossed it won't be a disaster. (Honestly it is three score lines and then glue two panels on to another one. Simples right?)

The logistics of this fold got me so discombobulated that once I had sorted it out I had no brainspace left to decide on a theme, colour or papers. So I have just raided my scrap stash and bundled up some bits in little packs - currently in my glittery box - so everyone will have to choose what papers go where themselves and also whether they want big butterflies, little butterflies, sentiment .... you get the picture. So they will all be different.

Well hopefully all the Floating Seagulls will be the same.

What could possibly go wrong?

That's it from me as I need to tidy up so there is room for 2 to craft - my friend is coming over this morning and she is on a card making mission.  So I will probably not be desking till late afternoon. Meet you then for a cuppa and a hot cross bun - still a few left!!

Have a great week,

Love n hugs,

Cindy xx

Wednesday 27 March 2024

What's n Your Work Desk? Wednesday # 773


Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Morning all! Wow it's been a busy week! Make that month. We have had so many family get togethers for birthdays I am nixing Easter this year. (ie you can invite me but I'm not inviting you). My son was actually 30 this week, which I am still kind of reeling from. How DID that happen? But here's my desk.

Yesterday I managed to fit in brunch, Craft Club and about 4 hours babysitting so planning a much quieter day today although I am popping out for a haircut. (see photo below!!) I have only just unpacked my bag from Craft Club on to my desk and we actually did a joint 'project' this week, ie we made some inky backgrounds. I managed to make mine into some cards with this lovely new NBU stamp (well I like it, not sure who I could send it to), just need to add some sentiments etc. So my challenge this week is to use up the rest of those bgs which shouldn't be too onerous. As you can see I am drinking hot water with lemon as I have suddenly gone right off tea and I can't drink coffee all day.

This is my other desk and the pots you can see contain my 'can't be bothered to put those away right now' bits which seem to grow at an exponential rate. I'm actually pretty sure there is a another box but can't see it right now. Anyhow, if  these get put away today that will be a result. 

I've still got that other Christmas project on my desk..... maybe this week....

And just because I can here's my little splodge.

Have a great week, 

Love n hugs

Cindy xx

Wednesday 20 March 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #772

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

So here's the desk.

Essentially this is the result of my Tuesday afternoon at Craft Club.  Again,  no prizewinners here but more 'bits' used up. The rule is, I take a load of unfinished bits with me, make them into a card or bin it. I don't take much else with me except for a few inks and some glue. If I need to add a bit of bling I finish them off as soon as I get home. The idea is to stop random things wandering round my craft room for years and I do mean years. Some times it is as simple as actually gluing a piece of paper to a card base. The one with the roses does need a little bit more work, it was a card base that had been scored to make a kind of box card so I  have made a little pull out album for inside. Might use it for my sister with some photos. Or not. 

I may have mentioned before that I am still behind on my projects from a crafty w/e back in October. I have tried really hard to get these done this week.

First, I finished this little chap. This is really not my kind of project, requiring patience and a steady painting hand to stop it looking like a 2 yr old did it. 

It got dangerously nr the bin on several occasions but finally good enough to go on the tree this year.

I was a very slow starter on this house project which was given to us on the first day, essentially an mdf kit, very little explanation and just go for it design wise. I have made these before but in this situation I was once again not in my comfort zone. 

Demo a technique step by step and I will slavishly follow it, experiment and make it my own. 

Ask me to decide how to decorate an mdf house within a time frame without a week to think about it and scroll endlessly through pinterest getting sidetracked by other projects and healthy low carb meal options? ...... 

I mean, what if I make a bad choice? 

This is so me, give me options and paralysis sets in. It's finished now, but not the best. (Painting again).

This is how the third project home from the event came home. Not, IMO anyway, finished. I couldn't do it.

Because this one is weird. 

Look at it for a moment - it's essentially a window in a wall, looking outside. Or is it?

What really threw me was the plants climbing up the wall. I could not get my head round it, 

How could it be outside on both sides of the wall?

I have a tendency to overthink.

(I had a similar moment when we were given acetate with 'snow' on to put inside the windows of the house (above)).

Eventually I decided it was the wall of a ruin, so both sides were outside. No roof.  


Anyhow this is how I finished it at home.

Aside from sewing some snowflakes buttons onto a bag (the fact I hate sewing explains that particular procrastination) I have one more big project to finish from that weekend (there were a lot of projects) though I'm hoping I might get that done today - all the component bits have been prepped. 

Good job as we are off again in April. 

This time I will remember I have to take my creativity with me. 

Right, enough waffle, time to crack on. 

Have a good week,

love n hugs Cindyxx

Wednesday 13 March 2024

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? #771

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Here's my desk Tuesday pm after Craft Club.

This is the first week I actually managed not to forget anything essential and I actually managed 6 cards despite being distracted by another huge haul of unwanted craft goodies to rummage through. The cards won't win any prizes but they all used up stuff that's been about for yonks so a win as far as I am concerned. 

The pile on the right is what I picked up for a just a few pounds - this is me being restrained. Everyone was intrigued by the two clarity stamps which I have discovered are called 'backdrops'. Sarah Brennan, when I googled to find out how  to use them your name came up so I shall expect some guidance!! I'm guessing they are to make splodgy bgs and take prints bit like a gelli plate.  I'm not sure about the 3 houses either but do like a challenge.  Tomorrow I will be back on Christmas as I have rather let my schedule slide being away for 3 weeks.

Apologies - there are Lionel photos to come - you can always scroll by.  

Indulge me lol.

Guess who added the party hats?

Lionel was 1 on Saturday and my daughter threw an amazing party. As usual Lionel was a little star, he arrived at 3 (after we had been slogging our guts out getting everything ready) and was still dancing in his PJs at 10 pm. Party Animal indeed. He doesn't look smiley in all the photos but he was a happy bunny all day, not a single grump or grizzle. It was also a great day for getting all the families together.   

With Nonna

He got a LOT of cards

Mum and Dad

With one of the many aunties

Little sweetheart. 

He looks so diddy!!

Time for cake!!
So that's all for me and blogger has gone all weird so goodness only knows what this will end up looking like. 

Have a great week,
Love n hugs Cindy xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #788

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which  is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the lin...