Wednesday 31 March 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #617


Thursday was my son's birthday ... so apart from a very bad digi card no crafting was done......

Friday I tidied the ribbon drawer. Yay. 

Saturday, I managed to finish a load of Lavinia art cards to go into one of my hug boxes....

Sunday, got up late, tidied my sock drawer (I kid you not - anything it seems to avoid doing some art). 

Monday - very very late, around 11pm, I opened my alphabet journal and added some paint. Found some NBU stamps I liked and some older Woodware ones and started. No idea where it's going but feel so relieved to be doing something that isn't a flipping card. So here's the evidence on my desk.

Phew. That was a dry spell. Feeling pretty chipper at the mo, the work I have been doing this last 3 weeks (I won't say 'hard work', hard work and I parted company sometime in my mid fifties) walking every day for exercise not pleasure (although I do take a certain amount of pleasure in it) is starting to pay dividends with improvements in my creaky joints, achy ankle, energy and general mood. After jokingly saying to Julia and LLJ that I lived in the middle of a country park I thought I'd be a bit indulgent this week and show you my local area. I live in NW London, in Northolt Village. (I've never quite forgiven Gareth Malone for his condescending  comments when he saw this sign. But I guess he was driving on the A312 when he saw it). That's one of the problems with this 'country park' thing - the A40 and A312, two major road arteries for London, run alongside or through it.......

However, within 2-5 mins walk in any direction I can be in parkland or green space and that has been an absolute lifesaver for me this last year. In many ways I would rather not be living in this borough (traffic, LTNs, traffic, 20mph speed limits,traffic, crime rates, HS2.....) but given what we have right HERE there are worse places to have been I'm sure. In our 'village' we have a clocktower, a very old and picturesque church, a village green and pub, no pond but a stream, a red telephone box, a community centre, a memorial garden, a tube station (transport links are fantastic, I can even get a bus to Heathrow), access to the Grand Union Canal (Paddington Branch) a main post office and a scheduled ancient monument site. (We also have MacDonalds, Subway, Asda, Sainsbury's, Co-op, 3 dentists, 3 GP practices, a mosque, 2 more churches, a vet, a garage, private nursery and 10/15 other small shops/businesses either in the village or within 1 minute of the technical boundary including a Travel lodge. Honestly if you picked us up and put us in the country everyone would want to live here). 

The mounds you can see in this picture are in the other half of the park. They were added to make sound bafflers to reduce the noise from the A40 which runs at their base from left to right - you can't see it from here, it's too low and behind those buildings you can see which is roughly where I live.  It works, and the mounds themselves were constructed from the waste from the new Wembley stadium. There is usually a procession on Easter Sunday up to the top of the left hand mound and a cross has been put up in previous years - can't recall if it happened last year but probably not. That is a totally different type of park, and I'll post a few photos of that next week. 

Oh dear sorry about that, doesn't compare to LLJ's glorious windswept beaches or Caro's waterfalls but I am grateful for what I have. 

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

Sun is out, hope you are having good weather where you are, make the most of it, I am!! Al ready had my shorts out this week. And as we take a few more cautious steps  out of lockdown this week remember to take care, wash your hands, keep distance, stay safe, stay well. Love n hugs, Cindy xx

Wednesday 24 March 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday - WOYWW #616

 Morning all.

Well it's official, it's been a year. Where did it go? What have I done? Not a lot!!

Here's my desk this week.

Absolutely empty as I am herm, between projects at the mo. 'Resting' as a performer might say...... I have even washed all my little wipe up cloths and my inking sponges......

I do have 2 birthday cards to make but think they will end up just being a poor joke about Covid birthdays and not going out. Which will take about 30 mins tops. Or is that a little tasteless? 2nd lockdown birthday for both these guys, perhaps that would be rubbing salt into the wound.

But what's this I spy? Untidy ribbon drawers!! Oh that's got to be good for avoiding doing any actual art for another day............displacement activity is my forte. I am actually all up to date with my admin as well.

Well, I hope you are all  being more productive than me, I swear if I get any slower I will stop! I've been wishing for this much free time for years and now I've got it I just can't seem to get started on anything that's interesting.  

And of course, at this time of year there's always the garden, I can hear hubby calling now...

I must make a mention of course of  the lovely funeral for Shaz last Friday. We were able to attend virtually. I have to admit I found it just as emotional as being there, but it was comforting to know so many of us were there via the ether and Doug really did her proud. 

So, you may ask why am I showing you my empty desk and messy drawers? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

Stay well, stay safe, Cindy xx

Wednesday 17 March 2021

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #615

 Hello there Deskers, hope you are all well and keeping happy.

Here's my desk - not much happening as ever it seems these days, but I did brave the final big box of UFO's that has been preying on my mind, only to discover..............there was not much in it. Phew.

Essentially it was a few templates and lesson instructions(now put away in the 'Templates' folder - duh) plus some packs made up for classes. There are 9 packs to make a brag book to the left of the desk (obviously I was optimistic about numbers that day). Unfortunately I don't have a sample but I do have the instructions. I may just cut some mats out of the covers and file the patterned papers away again as I'm not sure what I would do with 9 rather average brag books. I have 6 packs for a squash book (on the right) and that seems like an ideal little project to do on a family girl's night when we can get together again. I also found three little boxes ready to be made up which I have done and just need to add a few decorations - they will be ideal to put some chocolate in for Easter Sunday. All that remains is to jiggle a few things about as I now have two bits of shelf space - yippee!!

Of course I made my mum a a card for Mother's Day and went over to see her - this week she actually wanted to engage (I took the darling grandee with me just to make sure).  She has lost weight and looks frailer but seems happy enough. She likes cards that are a bit different so I tried out this Pop and Flip Butterfly Card (click for tutorial) that I saw whilst trawling for ideas. 

Pretty quick and easy. I tried another one with a circle - the circle topper was the last unused topper that was floating about - but went a bit off centre hence the weird placing of the sentiment to try and balance it out. Might do a bit more to it when I decide who it's for. I guess you could use any shape really, and I might try playing around with the size of the mechanism - typical me, always got to fiddle with perfectly good instructions. 

I'm going to post a  link here to my sister's instagram - she started using various media last year as she was bored and on her own in lockdown. I am so in awe of her talent. 
If you have time to leave a little love that would be amazing.  

 Woo hoo, well if you don't count the NEBS (Never even been started) that's all my WIPS done. It has taken a long time. Now I should crack on with the NBUS I guess. Still haven't succumbed to any new craft purchases but I may be weakening.... time to re-visit what I already have waiting before I crack!!

That's all from me this week. Happy St Patrick's Day, happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, Cindy xx

Wednesday 10 March 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 614

Hello deskers. Quickie from me today as I really don't have anything to show - the last week has gone so quickly!! Did a couple more commissions but not comfortable posting them yet, but next on my list must be a Mother's Day Card. Or, as I'm a little cross with my mum this week, she might just get one from stock. Haven't decided yet. 

(I'm cross because I went over to deliver my sister's birthday card on Sunday and she refused to come to the back door and talk to me. A 'Hello' would have been nice. Hey ho, I've either unwittingly offended her or she's forgotten who I am. Or she's got so used to not seeing people she's become a recluse. Or she was grateful to get away from my sister for 10 minutes. Or she forgot to put her hearing aid in. Any or all of the above).

But here's the desk shot:-  

A view across my 'island' desk (you have to walk round some of it crabwise I'll admit). That box of gelli prints and brayers is because I had my fairy stamps out and they were in the same box. I was doing some inking, which is why the DIs are out on the corner. A half drunk cup of tea, of course, and towards the back, my window desk with a lovely view over the gardens - you can just see the spring blossom to the left. It's a bit grey and drizzly, but I managed to get a short walk in before the rain so I am guessing I might not stray far from my room today so something will get done.

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

I shall be getting round everyone over the next few of days - I do apologise if I didn't comment last week, there were 2 blogs (sorry I can't recall which) that I couldn't comment on (probably me) but I'm pretty sure I visited everyone. 

Stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindyxx

Wednesday 3 March 2021

WOYWW - #613

Good morning deskers, sorry I've been AWOL, the excitement of finally going to get my vaccine last Wednesday and then returning home to the great washing machine debacle meant I got a little distracted .... all sorted now, and I have a lovely new hi-tech washing machine though goodness only knows why it needs to be able to connect to wifi.....

I digress. Here is my desk. After Boris' reveal of the stages out of lockdown hard decisions were made about my son's delayed and re-scheduled wedding. We are going ahead whatever, life can't be put on hold forever (their decision, not mine but it's their day). People who were saving the date needed to be de-invited. Suddenly the actual invites were required (though significantly less than originally needed) and I set about getting them done. Let's hope everything goes as planned. Apropos of that, discussing my dress with the bride to be and admiring her wedding shoes which had arrived,  the three ladies of the house asked the men if they had sorted their outfits - I bet you can guess the reply. 

Amazing how a little bit of blue sky can lift your heart. Have been outside as much as possible lately enjoying the fine weather and cracking on with the garden tidy up. (Shame no one is ever as enthusiastic about doing anything in the house). There are smiles on hubby's face now he can get outside though we may have seen the best of the weather for a few days. Highlight has been the Red Kite who circles just a few feet above the trees in our garden - a neighbour is feeding him I think. Add to that the hordes of parakeets and the garden is an exciting place to be with everything bursting into life. 

I have still been making commissions, these are my favourites right now. 

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself.

That's all for now, am going to try really hard to get round everyone this week. Stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 798

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which  is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the lin...