Well we all know this. I have sheets and sheets of rub ons that would be ever so useful if they would just, well, rub on. Or Off, depending on your point of view. I don't however have any of the TH Rub ons that he uses for the May tag so I have no idea how they perform, although I expect very well. I do have a few from 7 Gypsies and Basic Grey which are super easy to use and hopefully will be perfectly fine for the resist technique that forms the basis of this month's tag.

The next step is to smoosh on some colour. As I have said before, smooshing is not a technique I
have a lot of success with. Several dun coloured tags later I have actually achieved some colour in pleasing proportions. Because I have used some Paris rub ons I opt for my Mme Berth stamp - eek alors, used a rather dry ink pad and she has come over all faint. Despite my best efforts she looked lost on the tag, so I finally cut her up and made her into an ATC. I end up doing the same with the next two attempts, saving the best bit of each.
Despite these minor setbacks I can see the appeal of this technique if only I can get it right. The effect is reminiscent of highlighting with a white pen. Oh well, perseverance is a virtue and finally I have some modicum of success, even managing to weave Mme Berth into one design and using a trusty Lynn Perella image for the other one.
I have left both of my May tags fairly unembellished, mainly because I don't have the bits Tim has and I don't feel like improvising. I did however spring for the word bands but they have been on my wish list 4 ages. (To be honest I don't think they need it either although I did add a bit of gilding flakes to one).
Phew only the middle of the month and the tags are done - brill!!
Oh, and Tim's tag and instructions are