Wednesday 26 July 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #738

 Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Didn't that week go fast? It's a beautiful morning here in London, let's hope it lasts, in desperate need of some sunshine - apologies to anyone suffering in the heatwaves. 

So, here's my desk.

I've been die-cutting ready to make that card on the desk with my class on Friday - I only ever take my cuttlebug to class, but it struggles a bit with fine dies so I'm doing the prep using the gemini for the added pressure and to avoid a major arm work out. Noticed that after a year there is a tiny bit of warping so will turn and re-wrap my plates later. Got asked for a turtle card and was surprised I did in fact have turtles in my stamps. Talking of critter stamps, remember last week I couldn't find mine? Well Thursday it was still bugging me so I started to go through all the places I thought I had looked. Of course I started at the wrong end. Then I found this, the last but 1 box.

I guess it's bigger labels or gotta go to Specsavers. My estimate of 10 -15 stamps was a little conservative, perhaps sub consciously I was looking for a smaller box. Hey ho. 

Been a busy week getting the house ready for DILs 30th birthday bash on Saturday (and then getting it un-ready afterwards). We have a decent sized garden and had intended using most of it, but the heaven's opened so had to cobble together 3 gazebos over the deck and the first lawn. Thank goodness we hadn't planned to BBQ. It just didn't let up all day but we managed to have a great time and the 'silent disco' worked really well - we had glow sticks and everything!!  Just a few photos to make you smile - the theme was 90's characters, can you guess them all? (Wally is hiding)

Well that's it from me, Happy WOYWW and have a great week. 

Love n hugs


Wednesday 19 July 2023

What's n Your Workdesk? Wednesday #737

Good Morning All!!  Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Morning deskers!! Sorry I missed last week but I was out at the 'Crown to Couture' exhibition at Kensington Palace. I did enjoy it even if some of the blurb around the modern pieces was a bit pretentious. (A bit like reading the garden descriptions at Chelsea). Oh no, not pretentious, subversive........ Cue eye rolls. Runway fashion even though loads of it was labelled 'Ready to Wear'.  

But fun to see. 

So the desk is pretty empty as I write but I did manage these ATCs for a swap and also a birthday card for a friend who likes cows.

I liked how this quick card turned out so I put half an hour aside on Tuesday to make a similar one for my sister's birthday this week. She likes cats though so I needed another image. I did the background and turned to my stamp collection (recently re-organised and labelled) where I expected to find a box of 'critter' stamps. But they were not there. So the half hour turned into 2 hours of frantic searching.

Nope, nowhere to be found. I recall going through them around 10 days ago when I was looking for the cow. I know there are between 10 and 15 sets so it's a sizeable number of stamps. So after a full on hump for another hour I decided life's too short and went with this giraffe stamp which was in my NBU box. She's going on safari so it wasn't totally left field.

I really wish I could remember what I did with them. 

Still had the hump, but this pic from my daughter made me smile.

So that's me for this week. Hope yours is a good one. 

Love n hugs,

Cindy xx

Wednesday 5 July 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #735

Hi there deskers!! Welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself. 

A little late off the block today but I treated myself to a lie in. Life has been full throttle since I last saw you and since last Wednesday I have:

- had a day's Lionel-sitting duties

- taught a class and out for lunch with my craft ladies

- had a day at Windsor races and an evening bbq

- annual family picnic at the park

- lunch out with friends

- attended a funeral

- booked a family holiday (that was the most stressful thing of all!!)

The next few days look just as bad as I have to take Chelsey & Lionel to an appointment tomorrow, get my nails done and then we are away at the weekend. Someone has just asked me to go to Kensington Palace next Wednesday (I do want to go, just wasn't planning on next week), I have a friend visiting next Friday and somewhere in there I have to make the house and garden able to accommodate 40++ people for my DIL's 30th birthday on the 22nd. I can almost hear July screaming as it runs down the road as fast as it can holding hands with my sanity ..... Those that know me will appreciate that this is a little above my comfort level for busy. I am really not a half full person am I...

Still, my desk!! Pleased to report the car card I showed you last week went down a storm (I thought it was very average) so that was good. I still haven't been at my desk much (see above) but I did manage to finish off these two cards last night as well as the spares/demo cards from class. I was attempting to do something with inked embossing folders (it was about a month ago) but it didn't work out quite how I wanted. Still I hate to waste, so I cut them down a bit and made two quick cards.

So that's it from me, so much for a quick post! Have a great week,

Love and hugs


Oh, and here's Lionel posing for his passport photo.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday # 798

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which  is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the lin...