Monday, 24 March 2008

Altered Dominoes

Despite having lots of visitors this weekend and having to tidy up craft stuff (boo hoo) I managed to sneak in a couple of hours playing with dominoes yesterday. Having never done these before there was a little bit of trial and error(!) but overall I am quite pleased with the results. Hadn't appreciated the difficulty though of using alcohol inks together with stayzon and found the best results came from using ordinary chalks. Sealing was another challenge but have found a way that works but there is probably a better way. Remembered belatedly that I have a dremel somewhere (OH bought it for me when I was making a model of a tall ship. Mmm, less said about that the better) so I am going to have a go at drilling holes today under appropriate adult supervision. Watch this space.



great dominoes Cindy, and don't forget to wear your protective gear when attempting to drill roflol

Jan said...

Brilliant - love the images

Jinny Holt said...

Drilling pah easy, you can do that no worries but what does worry me is the fact that you have started doing dominoes lmao-No turning back for you now Cindy-thats it-you will be hooked-they are very addictive-mind you what craft aint? lol x

My name is Cindy said...

Your fault Jinny - you told me I could get them at Tescos - have finished the whole tin already!! Better add them to the list again for this week...

PBird said...

These are lovely Cindy xx

Angie said...

You a natural Cindy, these are gorgeous

What's On Your Workdes Wednesday - n#811

  Morning deskers, welcome to the weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which  is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the lin...