Sunday, 17 August 2008

Here I am again - and the winner is.....

Have just got back from a glorious 2 weeks in sunny Cap Salou. Am pretty tanned (well sort of tomato coloured actually) and very chilled. My daughter and her frind discovered clubbing in to the early hours so they are almost as white as when they went and my goth son could hardly be enticed into the sunlight the whole fortnight. Unfortunately due to the last minute scramble to get out the door I actually forgot to take any art stuff with me but my son had a pad and pencils so I've done a lot of sketching. However, no time to load any of it now (as you can imagine there are a few photos to sort as well) and I'm just not in the mood to spend hours at the pc tonight.

Anyhow, I did actually do the draw for my little slide mailer and he is on his way to.........

Ange, or Agnes the Red. Hope you like him Ange, will get it in the post Mon or Weds.
And here of course is the inside, because somebody asked.


Sherry said...

Congrats to Ange for winning the draw and I'm glad you had a lovely holiday. Look forward to seeing some of your sketches x

Ange J Lee said...

Ohhhh WHAT! ME? OMG! I never win anything! THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU!

The sketches are FANTASTIC! Keep it up. Glad you had a good holiday.

Thank you again!

Ange X

Trudy said...

love the inside too

Ange J Lee said...

Big apologies Cindy, I thought I'd posted on here....but obviously not!

The slidemailer arrived safe and sound.....A HUGE THANKYOU AGAIN because it's wonderful. Cute cheeky chappie on the front and lovely vibrant yet pretty colours. I love the inside decoration...especially that hand stamp!

Cheers once again - it's proudly on display on my mantlepiece.

Ange x

What's On Your Workdes? Wednesday #817

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...