Wednesday, 14 October 2009

October here!!

It's been a busy month, lots of trips away from home, plus extra hours at the library, a garden to plant, decks to scrub, a wedding to go to (aargh, just remembered - no card!!!!!!) ..... will be quite glad to get to the end of October when it should be a bit quieter!!

So, hadn't had any inspiration for a little something to do for this month until I went to a craft meet in Horsham last week. A lovely exploding box was demo'd by my friend Joan (under the watchful eye of the wonderful Trudy lol) and it gave me an idea for something a bit different.

Here it is 'unexploded'.

Now Joan's original was wonderfully elegant, but I had half an idea that I should do something Halloweeney (original I know). However, I'm not a great fan of all things creepy and I don't have much relevant stuff in my stash - but did find a few good images that must have been donated as 'goodies' with a trade at some stage (thanks whoever it was!!), managed to scrape up a cobweb stamp and a bat's wings stamp and I was off. Joan's original has a decorative central feature inside the open box, with grasses, pretty miniature flowers and butterflies - mine has a slightly more macabre looking fire complete with witches cauldron. Here it is opened up:

So this is the giveaway for October, and so that it has a chance to get to the poor recipient before Halloween(post strikes permitting), the giveaway will close on Sunday 25th at 8.00 pm. If you want to be included in the draw then leave a message to that effect on this post before then - as usual will try to pop round to see anyone who visits but apologies if I don't make it!!



Digital Misfit said...

That is such a wonderful surprise box! The cauldron is adorable.
Please count me in for this fabulously festive giveaway.


Viv said...

You see I was right to sulk about not being able to come to that meet.......
although I doubt any box I made would look anything as good as THIS!!!
(Mine would deffo be a suprise!!!!!And not a NICE one either! LOL )
Brilliant work from you as usual Plant Person!! x

Wildflowerhouse said...

I think it's adorable. I would love to be the"poor person" (LOL) that wins it. You are so funny! Sharon

Pattie said...

WOW thats clever Cindy! I wouldnt even attempt it lol x

Bel said...

Hi Cindy great to hear from you and thank you for your kind words. I have been trying to stay off the computer so I have been a bit slack reading all my fav blogs and missing out on so many great works of art, especially yours. I have a wedding to go to in January, my brothers but I am to be brides maid,I am so not a fan of dresses lol. Love your halloween giveaway, very cute. Take care Cindy. Belinda xxx

cheryl said...

what a fab box,such a great design too love cheryl xx

Mooneybeams said...

This is fab - plus is love the work 'macabre' . . . the witche's cauldron is perfect!

Every time I think of witches I think of my stepmother (not in a bad way!). She's Swiss and from Basel and the first time I met her I was 6. There's a big fountain in Basel full of weird and wonderful mechanical things that spray water, on and off. She told me she was a witch and could turn the fountain on and off by blinking and - lo and behold! - she was right! I was highly impressed and it did take a few years before she told me that the on and off cycles of the fountain were on a timer . . .

Carol said...

Hi Cindy

I'm not usually into Halloween stuff, but this is really nice I love the way you have decorated the outside of the box.

Thanks for a chance to win.

Carol x

Lisa said...

I love it Cindy! The cauldron's fab. Your work is alwys lovely thought!!!

Soundds like the Southern meet was a realy success!!

Lisa :)

Lisa said...

I love it Cindy! The cauldron's fab. Your work is alwys lovely thought!!!

Soundds like the Southern meet was a realy success!!

Lisa :)

georgina said...

wahay!!!!!!!!!! this is so cool, how macarbe you are Cindy,love this, luv georginaxx

Genie said...

Great work Cindy,

Renee (nayski) said...

hahaha - wouldn't that just surpise the bejezus out of someone! this is so cool!

georgina said...

wahay!!! love this Cindy, very macabre,anyone would be happy to win it i'm sure, luv georginaxx

Anonymous said...

What fun !!! loving it
hugs June xxx

Sian said...

This is fantastic. I'd love to win it!

roc said...

what a great give away! it's adorable!

barefootchef said...

Oh Cindy, how delightful it is! I would totally enjoy having you put my name in the hat!

Your friend at Amusing Muses,

Cathy said...


i have a giveaway on my blog too if you want to sign up. it ends oct 23.

Carol said...

Hi Cindy


Just to let you know that it wasn't Heat It Up ink pads that I used under the UTEE it was embossing powders that I used. I have now edited my post so not to cause confusion. I do hope that you don't try it before you read this, lol.

Thanks for you lovely comment.


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