Wednesday, 24 April 2024

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #777

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

Gosh I'm late today. And pooped. Had to be up mega early so Chelsey could get to some away-day work thing and then drop Lionel at the childminders. No problem, he was a sweetheart. Just I am still so tired from the Craft Retreat Weekend I have got home and sat literally staring into space for half an hour. However, duty calls, must get on!!

Here is my  desk from Tuesday Craft Club. I took just this one 'beading' project from the retreat that I didn't even attempt while I was away. It is very pretty, and in the end took me about an hour and a half, not that hard but extremely fiddly. Bit like those Lego flowers. Pleased with the result but would not willingly put myself through that again.

The desk on my craft room is just a pile of stuff from the retreat I haven't put away yet. I hope to do that today. Here are some of the other makes.

Fabric lamp and fabric covered note book

Art Doll and gelli plate bg tag with foiled glue leaf

Stencilled canvas bag - thinking about securing those sequins with a bead.

Mixed media plaque/assemblage. Loved making this and the photo does not do it justice!!.

I have some other projects that I haven't quite finished yet (plus one I am trying to rescue after making a big boo boo) so I'm planning a couple of crafty days (hopefully I can find some gumption) and I'll post those next week. 

Anyhoo, have a good week,

Love n hugs Cindyxx


Neet said...

Crikey Cindy I cannot get over all the things you made at th retreat. How long was it? Looks like a full weekend with all those makes. Love them all, so varied as well.
Cannot figure out the lamp so can you show it again please but with a light attached? Or just explain to me at the crop, that would be easier. Mind you by then I will have forgotten all about it. The brain is not working, did I bang my head when I fell?
Love the butterfly bag and the art doll, the latter of which I have been thinking of making recently. Can see why you loved the plaque, it definitely is fabulous - love the colour especially.
Bet it was great fun, especially with my friend Cassie there. She is always so upbeat and has the loveliest smile that brightens me up when I see her.
Well, I am sure, tired as you were, your litle splodge was the tonic you needed.
Hugs, Neet 13 xx

BJ said...

Oh you are funny Cindy, you called me "Neet" although the rest of the comment was for me LOL. Know what you mean about the lifetime access as opposed to the "do it now or else" ones. Good job as todays video stressed me out quite a bit. Tried to watch and create but that didn't work well, will need to watch again and take notes methinks. Great retreat makes especially the canvas bag and the plaque. You made so many things, I'd be exhausted too. Hugs BJ#11

Annie said...

What lovely things you've made.....sounds like you've had a wonderful weekend.
Annie x #6

Sarah Brennan said...

What a fabulous array of projects from the retreat Cindy. Certainly looks like you packed as much as you could into the time. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, craft retreats are good but they are very tiring. You must have a good rest now. Looking at what you made I'm not surprised you're tired but they are all brilliant. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x8x

Helen said...

I'm running late here as I thought.. looks like the retreat was great fun, and you did loads. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Julia Dunnit said...

Wonderful makes at the retreat, by golly, they worked you hard! How sweet of you to get up so early..I know any of us would really, but oh the effort when your already tired! I love the beaded chicken wire hoop, what a clever idea. Aren't people clever! The mixed media piece at the end photo is so like Debbie's work that it made me a bit teary, you clever stick!

Mary Anne said...

Oooh. The doll thing is wonderful and the assemblage, but they are all pretty great. What a fun and productive weekend you must have had! Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

Lindart said...

I just love all those projects - in one weekend? Wow! The last one is my favourite, and the art doll my next, the stencilled butterfly next...but I love them all! Many years ago we had these craft weekends, or craft days where we got to try a bunch of new techniques. I am running late today and need to get into my art room today as I missed yesterday! Have a lovely week, Lindart #17

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous projects, no wonder you are tired! I love them all, well done! Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Kelly said...

Hi Cindy!
Very creative pieces from the retreat. That block doll gave me an idea. I'm taking part in a YT open collab - #allthingsaltered. I have tons of blocks from where I unmounted stamps. I might just need to try one of these! thanks for sharing all your pretties. Sit for a while and stare into space. We all need that sometimes. Creative Blessings & Hugs! Kelly #16

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...