Wednesday, 20 March 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #772

 Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

So here's the desk.

Essentially this is the result of my Tuesday afternoon at Craft Club.  Again,  no prizewinners here but more 'bits' used up. The rule is, I take a load of unfinished bits with me, make them into a card or bin it. I don't take much else with me except for a few inks and some glue. If I need to add a bit of bling I finish them off as soon as I get home. The idea is to stop random things wandering round my craft room for years and I do mean years. Some times it is as simple as actually gluing a piece of paper to a card base. The one with the roses does need a little bit more work, it was a card base that had been scored to make a kind of box card so I  have made a little pull out album for inside. Might use it for my sister with some photos. Or not. 

I may have mentioned before that I am still behind on my projects from a crafty w/e back in October. I have tried really hard to get these done this week.

First, I finished this little chap. This is really not my kind of project, requiring patience and a steady painting hand to stop it looking like a 2 yr old did it. 

It got dangerously nr the bin on several occasions but finally good enough to go on the tree this year.

I was a very slow starter on this house project which was given to us on the first day, essentially an mdf kit, very little explanation and just go for it design wise. I have made these before but in this situation I was once again not in my comfort zone. 

Demo a technique step by step and I will slavishly follow it, experiment and make it my own. 

Ask me to decide how to decorate an mdf house within a time frame without a week to think about it and scroll endlessly through pinterest getting sidetracked by other projects and healthy low carb meal options? ...... 

I mean, what if I make a bad choice? 

This is so me, give me options and paralysis sets in. It's finished now, but not the best. (Painting again).

This is how the third project home from the event came home. Not, IMO anyway, finished. I couldn't do it.

Because this one is weird. 

Look at it for a moment - it's essentially a window in a wall, looking outside. Or is it?

What really threw me was the plants climbing up the wall. I could not get my head round it, 

How could it be outside on both sides of the wall?

I have a tendency to overthink.

(I had a similar moment when we were given acetate with 'snow' on to put inside the windows of the house (above)).

Eventually I decided it was the wall of a ruin, so both sides were outside. No roof.  


Anyhow this is how I finished it at home.

Aside from sewing some snowflakes buttons onto a bag (the fact I hate sewing explains that particular procrastination) I have one more big project to finish from that weekend (there were a lot of projects) though I'm hoping I might get that done today - all the component bits have been prepped. 

Good job as we are off again in April. 

This time I will remember I have to take my creativity with me. 

Right, enough waffle, time to crack on. 

Have a good week,

love n hugs Cindyxx


Mary Anne said...

LOL! The inside out + outside in card slays me. I mean how sis that make it past quality control? Maybe a window in an outside courtyard?? I am just like you on the big house - I am terrified of messing it up so put it off till I feel ready ... then mess it up anyway. DOH! Your craft club sounds brill, BTW.
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)

Annie said...

I’m with you with the inside/outside card….I need to understand things to get them right…..looks fab though.
Such a lot of lovely projects today.
Annie x #6

Marit said...

When I saw the window card I thought about the nintendo game my beloved is playing now ("Hogward's Legacy") There are views and things like this in that game (it looks lovely!) and yes, there are walls like this too at the 'Harry Potter schoolyard". That's both inside and outside, good thinking and you finished it off lovely! Happy woyww, hug from Holland. Marit #11

Christine said...

This looks like a very challenging group you've joined . . . . but the results are looking good and that outside/inside card is gorgeous.
Have a good week
Christine #13

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Pretty cards and some great projects Have a great week I posted and it went away !

Helen said...

I can concur about the inside outside thing, it would throw me too. You've been very productive though. Thanks for visiting. Helen #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi I'm back, been to the garden centre this morning for some stuff or the raised beds. Loving the cards that sounds very sensible using up the bits that have been hanging around for so long, I must learn from that. I'm off to our Craft Club on Saturday. I understand your reluctance to finish some projects. I have some MDF projects that have been waiting far too long to be completed, I am too easily distracted Lol! Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x5x

Crafting With Jack said...

Yes, it would have had me puzzled too. I like your explanation. It is a beautiful card. Just to explain what I was doing. It’s probably confusing the way I tell it 🤣. Basically I was using up some file folders that seemed to absorb the glue as soon as I had coated it, then since my husband rubbed down my squares a little harshly I decided to varnish over the backs of them too. Trouble is, varnish won’t take glue so the two sides would not stick together, hence the need to go everything with gesso. Happy WOYWW. Angela #8

Chana Malkah said...

All your projects are wonderful, but how you finished that window is outstanding! The snowman is delightful! As for the window, it could be a ruin, as you decided, or in the breezeway of an antique building. Whatever it is, you gave it a fantastic presentation!

Have a fabulous week!
Chana Malkah, WOYWW #22

Lynnecrafts said...

Lots of interesting crafts on your page this week. We were out so I’m catching up.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 15 xx

Robyn said...

How lovely to have a craft club to go to! thanks for visiting, and sharing all your WIP! robyn 17

BJ said...

Hi Cindy, to answer your question about the possible steroid injection, I only saw the First Contact Physiotherapist at my GPs and I guess she doesn't administer injections herself, she just examined me, took copious notes and will refer as appropriate. She named one of our GPs as doing the injections despite the receptionist saying there wasn't anyone at our GPs who did them!!! Oh man...
Wow finishing projects from October, you go girl. Know exactly what you mean about following along to a video but making it your own otherwise stumped... Think you made great jobs of your house and "ruin" wall (my favourite btw).
Also love the idea of taking bits to get cards going and finishing off at home. I'm more of a homey, so the thought of taking anything to do elsewhere gives me paralysis. It takes all sorts doesn't it! LOL Hugs BJ#9

What's On Your Workdesk ? Wednesday #815

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...