Wednesday, 8 January 2025

What's On Your Workdesk ? Wednesday # 814

Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW which is now being hosted at Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for that lovely lady - Sarah's Craft Shed - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and join in yourself.

 Well, belated Happy New Year greetings, missed you all last week as I was babysitting. Didn't even stay up to watch the fireworks though they did keep me awake for a while.

First week of the New Year gone already and I have been working on some  commissions and. as usual, having a bit of a tidy up. HERE'S MY DESK.

I have recently put my monitor up a few inches higher as it occurred to me the reason I was finding it difficult to focus might be because I was looking through the wrong bit of my varifocals. Been a few days now and does seem better. 

The 3 house cards to the right were left from a class in the Autumn and the black basket is full of WIPs which I need to do or bin. I probably need to try and sell a lot of stuff too as everything is overflowing (had another load of clarity stuff given to me) but can't remember how to do ebay!! Can't have been that hard.....

Anyhoo,  just got to pop out for a quick appointment this morning then hopefully I will get round everyone. Hope you are all well,

love and hugs, Cindy xx


Mary Anne said...

Inconsiderate Drs. Don't they know it is WOYWW day?? Me too but not a quick pop for sure. Thanks for the Xmas card, always brightens my day. Did I already say? My poor broken brain LOL! Anyway nice to see you and I'm just sneaking in a few before leaving for Drs.
Mary Anne (4)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Good morning lovely gal, so nice to see you on the desks today! Those New House cards are fab, I really like them - they don’t look too tricky to make (says she, the eternal optimist!). I need to put some stuff on eBay too and am getting my head around what to do, as you say, it can’t be that hard…..famous last words!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I love my varifocals but you're right if you are not lookingstright through them or you're at a slight angle you may not focus properly. I know what you mean about needing to clear some old stuff I must do more of this. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x7x

Crafting With Jack said...

Love the houses. You could make them for Christmas or Halloween. Good idea about the monitor too. I had an early start with the dentist today. It is definitely cold today! Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Neet said...

Lovely to see you here this morning. Have missed you.
I need to get a move on with tidying my stuff and need to get to knowing how to use ebay myself as I have loads of stuff to get rid of.
Have a good week.
Hugs, Neet 8 xx

Diana Taylor said...

Those little houses are fabulous - I have a similar die and really want to make one now! I have a box of craft stuff to Ebay but I just can't get round to it - I keep moving it from room to room in the hope it will look less noticeable in a different setting!
Hope you have a great week, stay warm and cosy,
Diana xx #14

Annie said...

Love the house cards. Good luck with eBay….im sure you will mater it.
Annie x #6

BJ said...

Oh what a delight to find lots of comments when I woke up again this morning. WOYWW is certainly my "constant" at the moment and I thank all you lovely ladies for being there for me, I am blessed.
Yes I'd agree "pants" is a good word for it. I hope the monitor move helps. I couldn't get on with varifocals at all and now have 2 pairs of bifocals, every day ones (distance with reading) and occupational ones (intermediate with reading) the latter I use at my PC/desk for crafting etc. The little house cards are so cute and hope you sort your WIP basket soon. I have a few "not even got around to starting" projects on my list! Sure there is a name for those?? Hope your appointment went OK. Hugs BJ#3

Helen said...

great to see you this week. Cindy. glad the adjustment of your screen seems to be helping. good luck with the de-clutter! Happy WOYWW Helen #2 said...

Happy New Year to You! Your little houses look fabulous! I've started my annual sort out too. I will probably put some stuff on ebay too and some stuff find a home for. Hope your appointment went ok. - Happy WOYWW Michelle #15

Robyn said...

it really does make a difference getting the monitor to the right hight for multifocals. It's a challenge right now now to tidy and toss, as most of our local thrift shops are closed due to flooding and lack of volunteers. Loss can be freeing(after you cry about it a bit) and folks have been so generous! Robyn 18

Susan Renshaw said...

I too was at the doctors - but a pretty quick visit mainly to get repeat scripts and a referral.
My WIP box is in a similar state but my 'yet to start' is even bigger!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #1

Julia Dunnit said...

Hope the Dr appt was smooth and timely! Love those new home cards, they're fab. Am trying to get some of my late Uncles stuff onto's such a faff because it takes time, but I think they have made it a bit easier than it used to be. Genius idea to lift the monitor, I spend a lot of time adjusting and looking at strange angles!! As for WIPS, we'll, just my whole desk!!

Chana Malkah said...

Happy New Year! I just installed a new riser for my computer. It has already made a difference in my posture. Your houses are amazing! I am purging my studio and reorganizing, as well!
Chana Malkah WOYWW #17

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...