Sunday, 22 June 2008

I dare you swap (1 and 2)

Have had a good time this weekend making my 'I dare' you swaps. I really like it when you just get something done and dusted without too much angst.

The challenges set were for a textured ATC, an ATC sized tag, something in the shape of a house and something altered. The first one gave me the chance to use some ground glass I had bought (sort of dictated the colour too as I only had it in shades of pink and red). Stuck it on with pva glue. It is certainly textural but the finish is a bit gloopy. Might try it again with liquid UTEE as that probably dries more glossy clear but then of course you might lose the texture. Any ideas?

For the tag, I had a go at the emboss-resist technique, then stamped over the top and just generally layered it all up. I actually made three similar tags and put them together to make one item. This one is for Sparkles so hope she likes it.

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What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...