Wednesday, 11 June 2008

Slide Mailer Give Away

Am going off on holiday tomorrow so will be offline for a while. To make life ineteresting for anyone who comes along for a nose, I am offering this slide mailer as a give away. If you would be interested, leave a comment and I'll draw a name out of a hat on Thursday week. It's a bit pink, and a bit romantic (must have had too much wine that afternoon) so won't suit everyone but I made it when I was practising with image transfers. Anyhow, will miss you all but am looking forward to a week lazing on a sun lounger.



oooh me please Cindy. I have a big thing going at the moment for pink, and i absolutely adooooooore your work

Have a greeeeeeeeeat holiday

Genie said...

Have a lovely holiday, i am away as well on an art week. would love a chance to win your slide mailer.

WendyK said...

It's lovely Cindy, and there's nothing wrong with pink. Have a super holiday.

Sherry said...

It's gorgeous Cindy - love it! Have a fantastic holiday.

Maureen said...

Enjoy the break - sun lounger - wonderful!!

Mooneybeams said...

Nothing wrong with a bit of pink and romance! Looks lovely - hope you get some fantastic weather to soak up the sun in xx

Sian said...

It looks great. I hope you have a fantastic holiday.

Viv said...

Pink is good!!!! A beautiful slide mailer Cindy. haven't tried one of these..... but now I'll have to!!! Enjoy your relax! x

Jinny Holt said...

Well-huh you go on holiday Cindy- I dont rememeber being asked if I wanted to come sulk sulk

Lovely mailer and you can stick my name in a hat if ya like
Hope your not too brown when you get back

Jin xx

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...