Wednesday, 30 July 2014

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday…. #269

Wednesday again?

Right here’s my desk, truly this is how I left it last night, only a little mindful of the fact I was going to photograph it today.


Centre stage are some flowers I put together last night so they would be ready to use today. Don’t you just love the way that pink button has gotten stuck inside the other one? Neat.


The tea cup card is also drying, it has glossy accents on it. I try to do this last thing as I have a knack of putting things down on top of drying glue, glitter and glossy accents. The desk can be completely empty but that’s where I put stuff. I really cannot tell you how many times.

I have got out some stamps for a project or two I have in mind for today – I am fed up with kit card making, I need to stamp. And paint – in fact that weird shaped thing has been painted already. And I have two tags out because today is the day I will do my Timmy tag. If I get all that done this will have been a good week – so far it has been productive but not very creatively satisfying. Of course perhaps I shouldn’t have chosen the day I am having a manicure to be the day I start inking and painting……

Anyhoo, an explanation of WOYWW can be found here. I will be about most of the day but busy, and if the sun shines the garden may call but I hope to get round and visit quite  a few of you today. Have a wonderful Wednesday.


jill said...

Gorgeous flowers Cindy Happy woyww Jill #46

Glenda said...

I love your space and those cute little flowers look like they are smiling!
Glenda #42

CraftygasheadZo said...

Those flowers are so cute, loving the stamps too, I have some similar......somewhere! In my folders I think. I need to sort my stamps really, I have way too may and lots I don't use. Thanks for popping by. Take care Zo xx 43

Cazzy said...

I haven't joined in for ages, my desk is so messy and I found that it took too much time to go round everyone I should and comment, but I might get back to it - promised myself when I changed my desk round I would!
I love your buttons in the middle of the flowers and the rougue middle button!
Cazzy x

HeARTworks said...

Oh my! A manicure would be so totally wasted on me! My hands are usually splotched with paint and sometimes I forget to wash the paint off when I go out! Patsy

Anonymous said...

So 60s, those flowers. After seeing so many shabby, distressed, over embellished flowers (and having made my fair share of the same) it takes seeing bright fresh colours, simply adorned, to be reminded that less is, indeed, MORE. Perfect.

Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)

Claire Grantham said...

Love your bold flower Cindy. I had my mani/pedi of the major benefits of living in NYC is the cheap mani/pedi..meaning I can go every week! Cx #66

Sandy Trefger said...

Fabulous! I tend to do my Glossy Accents last and go to bed so I don't mess it up too! Love your flowers! Happy WOYWW! ~Sandy in Texas #67

Lin said...

Cindy, hoping you see this hon. I emailed you about the new team a few days ago but haven't heard back from you yet, can you check your mailbox please

Lin xx

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Love the flowers and how they are gently shaped. How lucky to have gotten the button stuck inside the button. It totally works! Good luck with your goals to stamp and paint and make tags. I hope it all happens for you. I try not to make plans because things get in the way. I have to sneak up on my projects so nothing can get in my way. Judy #76

Nan G said...

Love the flowers! Lots of fun on your desk today. Hugs and Happy WOYWW! Nan G #61

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I ADORE those pretty flowers...they look like they're smiling :-). And yes, the button in a button is gorgeous!
You sound like you've got too many ideas and not enough time! Bit like me ;-)
Hugs, LLJ 2 xx

Lea.H said...

those flowers are lovely and the button in the centre is fab!

glitterandglue said...

Oh dear, Cindy. Painting, inking, gluing, gardening - and all on top of a manicure! Trust it didn't get too messed up.
Lovely neat place you have there today.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Love the flowers, everything's looking good here.
Happy crafting and have a great week, Angela x # 38

shazsilverwolf said...

Lovely workspace, I see lots of IKEA there,lol. Love the flowers, are they Vellum? Fab selection of stamps out to play- hope you enjoyed the inkimess. Have a great week, Hugs, Shax #6 xxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Sorry, typo, that should have said inkiNess! Possibly not too far wrong though the first time, lol.S

Shoshi said...

Gorgeous flowers, Cindy! So bold and bright and summery. Not much going on on my desk this week because I was rushed off to the cardiac unit early Sun. a.m. with severe chest pains. Home now after what appears to have been a coronary artery spasm. No visible artery narrowing but some possible myocardial damage. I'm now wiped out and resting, and glad to be over an initial emotional collapse on discharge! Hoping to be myself in a day or two.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #47

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I lost interest in kit card making a while ago, and am now struggling to use up what I have left to get it out of the way. Stamping and stencilling are now my craft of choice, mainly stamps and stencils from Clarity. You do have a lovely lot of space to work in and it is so tidy. Impressive. Thank you for your comments on my card. You are quite right, the Retreat was just fantastic. The shop was there too, and if it didn't have the exact item you wanted, they just nipped down to the factory and got it for you. We all felt as though we had died and gone to Heaven, plus the excitement of Prince Philip coming to visit. xx Maggie #32

Neet said...

Know what you mean about kit card making, `I like to get messy with some ink.
Love the double button, so cute.
Thanks for visiting me earlier, sorry I am so late I have been on holiday - Hugs, Neet xx 13

fairy thoughts said...

hi cindy
i am the same with gloossy accents.... i know my problem though..... i am too impatient, wait for ztuff to dry ... nah!
janet ... forget my no.

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...