Wednesday, 26 November 2014

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #286

Mornming Deskers (just!). Late on parade today as I had a bad nights sleep and got up very late. . Here’s my desk this morning – yep, Christmas has arrived big time. In fact, you’d better not stand still too long or you’ll get glittered.
IMG_1583[1] IMG_1579[1]
There are about 5 different projects going on here, talk about multi tasking. Don’t you just love those origami xmas trees? Shout if you want instructions. The large one is what you get when you use a sheet of 12 x 12. When you make the trees you get little corners of waste paper - whilst I was roaming the halls last night I decided to punch paper flowers from it. Made me feel better about throwing the rest away – why am I so obsessed with waste? Of course I could have spent that hour doing something useful, like the ironing. Ha!
Mind you found a very useful bit of saved waste that makes a perfect trunk for that big tree…….
Also a choir of angels ready to be packed up.
Have had a lot of orders for these, still quite a few more to make.
So why am I telling you this? If you don’t know go on over here to read all about it and link up. If you do, well I’m going to have a bit of a tidy then I’ll be doing the rounds. Merry Christmas everyone!!


Link for Paper Christmas Trees is
Try a few, if you can't get the hang of it try a bigger sheet of paper!! Tip, the angle of your cuts andthe fold will change the final look of your tree - experiment! I used bamboo sticks and cotton reels to finish mine off.

Box Cards - I saw this design originally at Calla Lily Studios. You can buy pre-scored boxes from Craftwork Cards but I use a sheet of A4 300 gsm card cut lengthwise to 6.5" wide, then scored along the length at 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10 inches plus a 1/2 "  'flap' to make the box. You then score at 3.5 across 3 of the four panels to give you a lower box of 3.5" in height and flaps of 2.5". I use these measurements so I know exactly how big to cut my decorative papers and they fold nicely to fit a 5 x 7 envelope. See also post below - you can use the bits you cut off to make the belly band if required and supporting straps. I used a bauble die upside down (twice) to make the angels dress, a butterfly die for the wings and circle dies for the halo and head. Hope that helps, link to Craftwork Cards tutorial here


Ginny Maxam said...

wow is your desk inspiring today, your projects are so beautiful!!!Thanks for sharing,
Happy WOYWW Ginny #43

Belinda Basson said...

I too do things like punch flowers instead of doing something that needs my attention...Wow, that is a nice number of orders you got there.

jill said...

Your desk is full of Christmas crafting & everything looks great. I like the Christmas trees Cindy . Happy woyww Jill#10

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

You're really in the Christmas mood, aren't you? Only 29 more days to go! Love the angel boxes! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa @ InkyDinkyDoodle #41

Shoshi said...

Oh Cindy your desk is amazing this week. Love all your gorgeous projects and those pop up boxes are so stunning! Also all those lovely punched out flowers. What a hive of industry.

Thanks for your lovely comment - I'm feeling a bit steadier on my feet today thank goodness - these things come and go, and I never know what's over the horizon! Makes life interesting anyway lol! Thank you for your kind words. I am very like you - magpie brain lol lol!! I've got so many UFOs in my ARTHaven... I'm always at least 2 steps ahead of myself with things I want to do! The soap making is such fun and I'm really enjoying the classes, and hope to do lots more, and the felt as well, in the new year. As for the album, I'm pleased with its progress but there's still a lot to do and I'm determined to get it finished now, after having worked on it for most of the year.

I have only just started using my pan pastels although I've had them a while, and I agree that they are amazing for distressing - I have used them around my tiger picture (which you will see in a day or two) and I am amazed at how smooth they are, and how beautifully they go on, and blend so nicely. With the work you do, I definitely think you can justify getting some! So far I've only got a basic set of primaries and a couple of extras but you can buy them individually and gradually build up a good collection. It's funny how things go almost viral for a while - it was all gelli a few months ago -(something else I definitely want to do.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #33

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I wouldn't have ironed either! Much better to do something productive instead :-). Love your trees and the angel cards, so pretty!
Hugs, LLJ 25 xx

Helen said...

ooh, very festive! love the box of angels! Helen 6

Lindart said...

The Angels are awesome! Where do you sell them! Such a great idea! I see Christmas has fully enveloped your craft room, looks like such a fun place to be! Thanks for sharing! Lindart #59

Judys Lace Creations said...

Inspiring desk!!LOVE those fact I love evrything!
Judy #11

Chrysalis said...

YES PLEASE!!!(That's me shouting for the origami tree instructions, please!) They look great, as do all the festive goodies, especially those wonderful angel boxes - love 'em! Hugs, Chris # 8

Lisca said...

SHOUT! Yes, please. I'd love instructions for the origami trees.
I love your boxes. I don't suppose you do instructions for those too?... If I lived in the UK I'd order one too. They are stunning, especially the stamped sentiment.
Thanks for letting me look over your shoulder,
Have a good week,

Karon said...

I see a lovely wreath in the making and I adore your angel pop up cards - fabulous. TFS

Karon #48
Karon's Krafty Korner

fairyrocks said...

Wow gorgeous Christmas works. You are so productive and organized. Keep smiling and creating

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, you thought you were late Lol! Our connection was down so I am definitely late this week!
Love all your Christmas projects, Angela x 60

Neet said...

Fabulous makes - all of them - and thanks for the links. Love the wreaths on your table.
Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting me - Hugs, Neet (late again) xx

VonnyK said...

Wow, I'm tired just going around and looking at all you are doing. Those cards are gorgeous and those wreaths will look fab when finished. Have a great week.
Von #17

Julia Dunnit said...

Well now My Name Is Cindy, if this isn't one of the loveliest desks this week..oh my those angels are just fab! I'm gonna tackle one of those trees too...only because I've got a couple of ancient cotton reels which I'd like to use for something creative. But don't hold your breath waiting for a picture from me, you know what I'm like!!

Princess Judy Palmer said...

So much is happening on your desk! So much Christmas! Love the forest of trees you've made. The boxes of angels are fabulous. Sorry I haven't been by in so long. I've been lax. I think of you often though as I frequently screw up the cat's name and she patiently tells me every time "My Name is Cindy." True enough, she used to be Sassy though.

SusanLotus said...

Send you all my best wishes for you to Christmas. Hope you´ll have a great time with you family.

And thank you so much for your lovely Christmas card! <3

Warm hugs!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...