Wednesday, 14 February 2018

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #454

It's quite clear actually, although I may have cunningly shown you the best bit. Finally seem to be catching up with life, classes and commissions.

Received these beauties on Monday and have been restraining myself from even opening the packaging until other stuff is done. Which it now is.

Today is a more or less at home day for me. I need to at least start that pile of ironing at some point - an iron has not been lifted in this house (by me) for over two months. Which does  kinda beg the question what is in that pile? But apart from that my obligations are few. And the rest of the week stretches ahead gloriously uncluttered by things I don't really want to do. Bliss.

I'm showing my desk as part of WOYWW a weekly blog hop hosted by the lovely Julia. Everyone is welcome.

So I'll be in and out today, nosing around and hoping my comments get through - I received a flurry of emails saying they hadn't last time, I'm not sure what all that was about but will try and check back this week.

Hopefully by next week I may have a little project to show you.

Now where to start?

Have a lovely Wednesday!!


Sarah Brennan said...

i look forward to seeing what you make with those fabulous dies. I'm with you on ironing though; not my job in our house! Have a good week. Sarah #14

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah Cindy some new stash calling your name it pay, I spy! Much more fun than a two month old pile of ironing. I use lavender spray helps get rid of wrinkles and saves ironing!!! 😉 eight or so drops of lavender oil in water spray bottle. I kid you not. Makes great room freshener too.
Happy WOYWW Shaz in Oz.x#16

Claire said...

I had no idea what they were, your beauties, so I'm glad Sarah let me know :)
Happy WOYWW!
no. 3

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Cindy, fab looking dies, quite unusual. I have to admit the only time I really use an iron is in my craft room, lol. Or special occasions. So much of what we wear is non iron, it's great. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #15 XxX

Cheetarah said...

Those dies look very tempting indeed! Hope you get time to play with them soon :) Have a wonderful week! xo Cheetarah #24

Lunch Lady Jan said...

To quote a line from The Rocky Horror Picture Show: 'I see you quiver with anti....cipation' !! Good idea for delaying the temptation to dive into those packages straightaway, you'll enjoy them all the more when you do (and even the ironing might be done!!)
Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

Helen said...

your comment about your iron has made me realise that I dropped mine well before Christmas and still haven't replaced it... which shows how little I use it (most things I wear are non-iron or at least they end up being!) Glad you appreciated my restraint!! Helen #1

Heather M said...

Hi Cindy. Enjoy your dies ... forget about the ironing lol. Have a lovely week Heather #13

okienurse said...

great looking new dies to play with...forget the ironing. I don't think I know where my iron is! I think I still own one. I have a dryer that does a good enough job for me and my T-shirts. I loved it when I retired I just didn't need as tailored a look anymore. Have a great week! Vickie #39

April said...

I can't wait to see what you make with your new toys. And I have 3 words for you - Downey Wrinkle Releaser. LOL
April #23

Sue said...

Hi Cindy, Hope there's no nasty surprises in the ironing pile:) LOL

Have fun with the new stash.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #27

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, hope you enjoyed your day at home yesterday and got everything done so you can get back to the important crafting. Have a lovely belated WOYWW, Angela x20x

StampinCarol said...

What interesting dies! Looking forward to your creations! Hope your ironing goes well. Thanks for popping by! Have a great week!
Carol N #26

Lindart said...

Ironing? I haven't ironed anything in years, except maybe when I'm hemming pants! Those boxes look like fun, hope you share them with us next week! Have a great week, Lindart #38

glitterandglue said...

Hi Cindy. Trust you didn't spend ALL day ironing!! Hope you got to open that exciting packaging!!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4

Julia Dunnit said...

I’m a bit the same, the ironing is overdue and I do ask myself what I’ve managed to wear over the last couple of weeks! Hope you managed to clear it and get to those new much fun are you lining yourself up for. I like the look of the bag type one at the bottom. Hope your week remains unsullied by ‘commitments’!

Shoshi said...

Lol at your lack of ironing, Cindy! I iron every week and actually quite enjoy it - it's quite satisfying. I got a new power steam iron with a big tank recently and it literally steams through it in no time! Nice new dies - I'm sure you'll have fun playing, and hope you'll show us the results. Thank you for your visit and your lovely comment - glad you liked the card I made for my hubby, and also my backgrounds. I'm hoping to get the mystery project finished before I go into hospital (still no date) and I'll definitely post about it as soon as I can! We had a wonderful day at the craft show and I've just blogged about it, and you can see all the gorgeous new stash I treated myself to! I've just realised I never thanked you for making me such a lovely card for Christmas. It was such a difficult time and Christmas was just one more thing to be got through... You are so kind!!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #29

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...