Wednesday, 18 November 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wedesday #598

 Another week, another Wednesday, another WOYWW!!

Honestly we are going to have to re-name it Whizzday, it comes around so fast. Anyhow here's my desk late Tuesday. Warning. C word to follow....... Look away now if easily disturbed.....

Yes, I  have the Christmas stuff out again. Which makes me very happy, because I am so finished this year regarding Christmas cards - will be starting to write them this week - so anything I do now is a bonus and just enjoying myself. I even made a card with my magic window die - another NBU apart from one initial attempt 2 years ago -that's it there on the corner. They are so easy to put together! The hardest thing is finding the image to use so I have been trawling some of those NBU before CDs.  

We have all our Christmas trees and decorations up as well. 3 this year (rolls eyes). I don't usually allow Christmas in the house until well after my birthday at the beginning of December but my daughter made a good case of it being a good idea to go early because of lockdown etc etc and I caved. It's becoming a theme.She is so desperate for her own place!! And because 'visual' is what she does I have let her have free reign. She has even tried out the table settings for Christmas Day and bought us all matching PJs for Christmas morning. (I foresee some instagram moments, hope I can get my hair cut before then). We have decided that even if restrictions are lifted it will just be the five of us this year on the big day. It might actually be the first and last time, we are usually haring about somewhere. And far from being grumpy about it I am enjoying someone else making all the decisions and feel distinctly unstressed!! 

I will be late round, need to have a last hurrah in the garden before the colder weather forecast for tonight hits so have to seize the day - still have bulbs to go in!! Hubby hurt his back/leg/knee last Thursday week - suddenly, inexplicably in absolute agony. Slowly recovering but not there yet by any means. Best guess is sciatica, though initially he was in such a state I thought he'd popped a disc. Which rather means I am on my own for the heavy work right now. To say he is finding it a tad stressful to not take charge of things is an understatement. He nearly had palpitations at the thought of me doing the recycling and the kids getting the decorations down from the attic. 

Oh yes must link up, this is our weekly bloghop courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, we don't bite. 

Happy WOYWW everyone, have a good week, thanks for stopping by.

Sstay well, stay safe.

Cindy x


Spyder said...

We haven't got room for three Christmas trees but just one big one, which I cover with everything until it nearly topples over with the weight! Hubby, although being extra fed-up has actually said,'Lets get the decks up early this year' (I say that every year and still have to fight for it!) Job for today. Put lights up out side. (yay!) love the card, I need more dies!! Have a great week! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #12

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Loving all three of your Christmas trees - lots of people are putting them up early this year - why not? I've put up some lights already we're planning to bring down the tree from the attic this weekend. And got refills for my advent calendar, so definitely getting into the Christmas spirit! Looking forward to the pics in your Christmas PJs! zsuzsa #20

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Lovely Christmas trees. You're not the only one that's starting Christmas early there are several trees up on our road too. Guess people need something to look forward too. We will put ours up on the first of December I think though I don't do it my hubby is the tree builder. I just need to concentrate on getting the cards made. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x14x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I think there’s loads of people who are putting up the decs early this year, I think we all need cheering up so why not? Your girl has done a good job, it all looks great! That card is absolutely gorgeous, you do such beautiful detailed crafting, I really admire your skill....
Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

Caro said...

Wow! Decorations up already - they look stunning, all three trees. I love your card, so beautiful. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless. Caro xxx (#13)

Helen said...

I don't have room for one tree let alone 3, but yours all look fabulous! hope you got your bulbs planted and that your hubby recovers from whatever soon! love that view of your room - it looks fantastic and very organised even if the table is busy. I envy you. take care, stay safe. Helen #1

Felicia said...

First off, ALL your trees are lovely and good on you for getting a jump on things! I DON'T DO ANYTHING until after Thanksgiving here in the states!! It would be like sacrilege to me, not to mention highly unlikely because I'm too lazy....even in the festive mood! LOL On another note.....let's talk about your craft room!!!! I was just telling Anne how I would love to come play in ALLLLL her craftiness in her room, but hey, I would just have to have a craft room hop because yours looks just as inviting!!! WOW!!! Also, I see some lovely cards on your table!!! Blessings for the rest of your week in your Christmas wonderland! LOL Felicia #32

Chrissie said...

Love your trees, I usually wait until the beginning of December too... maybe I'll put ours up early this year too!
I see you have a Grand Caliber... I couldn't get on with mine and sold it, I guess these things are simply a matter of taste, however I do also have 2 Cuttlebugs, a Big Shot Plus, an Ebosser and Silhouette Portrait!
Take care,
Chrissie #6

Sarah Brennan said...

Beautiful trees Cindy. Hope your husband recovers soon. Sciatica is no joke as my husband suffers from it internittently. A small family Christmas sounds a great idea. We will probably be celebrating in the same way although not sure yet if at our house or our sons' (they share a house). Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Mary Anne said...

OMG! My daughter made me watch some Xmas decorating show on Netflix last night and has already begun asking when we will be putting up the tree!! Now this! You're killin' me here. Hope your hubby recovers from his injury in time to help take the tree down - funny how people all seem to disappear when it comes time for "breakin' up Christmas" lol!

Happy WOYWW a little late!
Mary Anne (3)

Crafting With Jack said...

I do hope your husband is better soon, sciatica can be very painful. It is getting near to to decorating the tree time, but I think I will hold off a little longer :) Angela #33

Lillianb said...

I do hope Hubby is a lot better real soon, it must be so frustrating for him, Love all your tree's very festive,

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B # 15

Julia Dunnit said...

I’m late, sorry. Argh....poor hubby, I thought by now you’d report significant progress. Poor chap. That and the lack of control is very stressful, I can totally relate! Hope he feels a bit of improvement everyday. If it is sciatica, lying flat on the floor with your knees up and feet flat is about the best and most comfy position, ultimately. Staying mobile is important though. Can you tell I’ve had experience. Honestly, I actually FEAR it happening again, it was so awful. On another note, am loving the trees. If I had a daughter elf at home, I’d be delighted to let her take over, you did the right thing for sure! almost alarming though, that there appear to be wrapped presents under the first tree. Blimey. I’ve got loads but none of them are yet wrapped....I’ve got to remember where I put them all first!

Ellie said...

Hope your hubby feels better soon, thats like my other half when I try to sort out the recycling. He practically takes it out my hands !
The trees look fab, cant say I am feeling overly festive but I need to get a crack on too. I looooove your craft room everytime you share a pic of it.
Ellie ~8

Susan Renshaw said...

Three lovely trees! I am still wondering where we might put One tree in our new house...
Sorry I am late again...
Happy WOYWW!
Susan Renshaw #23
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...