Wednesday, 4 November 2020

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #596

Morning deskers, another week, another WOYWW! Hope you are all well and prepared for lockdown no 2. Not sure I ever really emerged from lockdown no 1 ......

Anyhoo, here's my desk Tuesday afternoon, a veritable display of shimmery mandala gorgeousness. I was thinking of Julia and her glittered gernomies when I was trying to find space for these to dry. I can already spot some dangerous overlapping.....

You may recall that during last week's shenanigans I had got out a Sweet Poppy mandala stencil and die set (longstanding NBUs) and before I finished with my mandala fest I decided I really did have to have a go with them. I reached for my decorative 'pastes' to discover they were all a bit past their best - strangely I did recall having a conversation about that very thing last week - so I just used it all up, it really wasn't worth keeping. So now I have cut them all out with the biggest die (yes, I was up early) so I can see which ones are best and decide how to make them into cards. I could be a while.

Last week's efforts have largely got finished up, here are a few photos. Still more to be finished off with appropriate sentiments so I'll maybe post those later. Apols if the photos are all over the place, can't work this new blogger/photos it's so inconsistent. There's also no guarantee that what I see on my screen will bear any resemblance to what gets uploaded. First world problems! 


Looking for a 'round' image to use as a centrepiece I pulled out another NBU, this time an older stamp from Clarity. (I have a lot of NBUS) and tried that a few different ways with the mandalas as fancy mats.

So that's me. I want to put these to bed as I have another little project I want to start with yet more NBUS and then it will be time to make some Christmas projects. We have agreed (well, tbh my daughter bullied me into saying yes) that Christmas decs will go up on the 15th November this year so there's plenty to get done. Can't wait!! 

Why am I telling you all this? Because it's WOYW Wednesday, the day when we go for a wander around the desks of the great and the good courtesy of the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground. Pop on over and join in why don't ya?

Stay well, stay  safe,

Cindy x


Mary Anne said...

Lovely mandalas! Yes, I am still trying to revive my crackle paste - I keep adding water and giving it a shake but it is still not liquid enough to try to use. I will soldier on! I love all the variety in the cards too, and the green one at the end of the photos is a def. fave. Funny, as I am so not a "green" person, but I love the way it all came together.
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (3)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oooh, I do love a good mandala! I think Shaz Silverwolf has those dies too as she gave me some. They make for a really pretty and interesting card. You go girl for putting your decs up early, why not in this crazy year, nothing has happened normally so I think you can start the festive season whenever you like!!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Those glittery mandalas look wonderful and those cards as well! We were thinking about putting out Christmas deco last weekend LOL! I think we did last year! My husband argued that all the shops already have them - would make the lockdown more bearable for some people, I guess, but mainly we just like the lights on these cold, dark, November evenings. Have fun playing with your mandalas turning them into cards! zsuzsa #19

shazsilverwolf said...

HI Cindy, I love the Mandala stencil, and you've actually reminded me I have a bunch of those somewhere, must find them, I did them ages ago and forgot about them, lol. Great cards too, awesome. Completely with you on the NBUS, it's a bit shocking to consider how much of that I have!. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

Felicia said...

Cindy, I am in LOVE with all those mandalas! They are gorgeous! I am a mandala freak and love creating them myself! Yours are so yummy! And those cards are just fabulous! I love that Clarity stamp! Well done on the different looks! Blessings for the rest of your week! Felicia #28

Sarah Brennan said...

I recognised that Clarity stamp straight away CIndy lol. I have a different one in the same series. Love the mandalas. They look so varied. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

Helen said...

Loving the mandalas! I think a lot of people will try and get into the Christmas spirit early this year. Hope you get your next project under way soon. I am dithering about Kew - having to go by train and all, my boss says to keep going, as it is good for my mental wellbeing, but I may feel too guilty to go as I am not sure it's playing by the rules! Helen #2

Sue said...

Fab use of your mandalas. I bought the Clarity set recently but haven’t used them much. I’ll go and dig them out I think....
Take care with love and hugs, Sue #26. xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Love how you've used the mandalas. The cards look great. I have something like these but could never decide how to use them so well impressed. Take care and have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x18x

Susan Renshaw said...

Beautiful Mandalas!
Love that Clarity stamp too - looks very good how you have used it. Funnily enough I used a NBU Clarity stamp when I was Gelli plating at the weekend, Could go over a Mandala...
Keep safe and stay well...
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #23
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Chrissie said...

Love those mandalas, some fabulous effects! It will be good to see what they turn into!
Take care and stay safe!
Chrissie #12

Julia Dunnit said...

Wow, they are lovely, can’t see dodgy paste at all. I have a pot that needs to be jettisoned, why oh why do we hold onto stuff like that when I know it’s not going to improve whilst sitting taking up space on a shelf!! The mandalas as backgrounds loook great too, it will actually be handy to have these all ready to use in the future, bit like scrapbook o paper for backgrounds...although I do have to keep them in my line of vision opin order to remember that time got them s an option! Jan was asking yesterday if I would have my tree up in time for the big zoom on dec 5th. The answer to that is not definite because the only place available for it is the space that my desk is temporarily inhabiting. If you start decorating on the 15th, it certainly will take off the pressure to get it all done!!

Heather M said...

Hi Cindy, love the glittery mandalas. I'm glad I'm not alone in having so many NBUs. I see something, picture in my head what I can make with it, buy it,and then forget what I had planned to make. It is frustrating for me - but I think I'll make set myself a challenge to use one a week next year. You've made some lovely cards there too - I like the birthday wishes die cut with the clarity stamp. Thanks for stopping by earlier, at the moment I'm loving scenic stamps, and with Lavinia fairies added to them, they are fun to make. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #8

Neet said...

What a fabulous array of mandalas. I remember years ago Glenda coming out with mandalas (gosh cannot remember her company name, it began with an "E" I think - she moved to Scotland - Chocolate Baroque took them over eventually). Anyway they then started coming out as large mounted stamps and now as dies. Certainly a popular thing and I believe they originated in Tibet, India, China etc - interesting to read about them if I remember rightly.
As for Blogger and photos, I seem to have sorted my problem out. I go to the three dots and click on it, then click on the first line shape that comes up and then I choose fully justified. I was doing the same but choosing centre for my photos and then choosing fully justified again but it wouldn't work. Now I find that I have to go back to the three dots each time I want to change the format. Do you follow that?
Good Luck
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Oh Cindy those Mandalas are going to keep you busy, I love when we find something that we want to use again and again. The variety of your clarity stamp cards is awesome, i'm sure I have that stamp buried somewhere. Beautiful makes.. Stay safe & keep creative Hugs Tracey xx

Shoshi said...

I love your beautiful mandalas, Cindy! They are so pretty. I am sure they will make gorgeous cards. I still haven't mounted all the ones I did earlier in the year.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #17

Lillianb said...

Sorry about the late visit
Love your colourful mandalas they are great, cards are lovely Well done
Lilian B #9

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Cindy, love those mandalas they will make some lovely cards. Have a few NBUs myself, this year was supposed to be the year I tried every one of them, but I am not going to make it, oh well! Angela #20 Sorry I am so late this week.

Caro said...

Gorgeous cards and I love the mandalas. Sorry for the extremely late visit. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

Spyder said...

oh stamping stamping stamping!! Love them. I have stamps I've never used yet and keep telling myself...just get them out and stamp them!! Yours are lovely! sorry I'm so late...or early for tomorrow!
Stay Safe! Happy WOYWW

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...