Wednesday, 7 July 2021

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #631

Morning Deskers!! My desk is pretty busy this week as I've picked up a few commissions and I'm in the mood to mass produce - one for client one (or two) for my stash. This is the horror of my desk when I am actually being productive. 

Every surface in the craft room is covered as I search for a daisy die that I think will be just the thing for that card you can see. (Never mind I probably have 20 similar dies that would work just as well). Can't find it, the new filing system has failed me. 

Does anyone else do this? Time to move on but I'm still uncomfortable I don't know where that die is, it will bother me at a low level all day. I didn't know yesterday, what's the difference?

Anyhoo to prove I've been busy here's what I've been up to earlier this week. I asked for this stamp set at Christmas as I have a friend who I make a 'cow' card for every  year so I'm always on the lookout for a new image. Well, the birthday is in July so I thought I'd better get these out the packet pdq.

Scrolling on Pinterest (my bad) I came across the images pencil coloured & embossed onto Kraft card. Of course I can't find the pin now, but I rather liked the look, & followed the suggestion in the post to stamp, colour & then stamp again and emboss over the top. 

I must have known this mustn't I? With a stamping platform it's a complete game changer.

So I stamped a huge load of the
 images, first directly on to some kraft cards and then onto white card. I was going for productivity more than creativity as Macmillan is not that far off now and I wanted some fresh new stock. The kraft ones were coloured with pencil and came out pretty good. I really do like the images, though I'm not too sure about the 'good cluck' and 'silly goose' sentiments. It does mean however I didn't waste any time looking for sentiments. (But in fact I later cut those two off). 

I decided to mask the ones on white card and stencil a background. I then coloured in the image with alcohol pens.

I cut some white frames to anchor them on the card and made them up very simply and flat, almost a one layer card. They are basically all pretty much the same (and deliberately off centre). 

Another NBU successfully integrated into the fold. 

I wanted the set for the cow but I think all the images are super cute. 

But the pig is definitely my favourite. Hogs and kisses!! (snort)

Can't go without thanking everyone for their kind wishes for Mum. She came home at the weekend, and is very happy to be home. She is well in herself, though still rather 'chesty' and a final decision on the stent is yet to be made - provisionally booked for the end of August but we've been here before. I'm significantly less freaked than last week - the problem isn't resolved but she's home. Small mercies eh?

Why am I showing you this? Well it's our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop - WOYWW. Here's the link to the one responsible, the lovely Julia at Stamping Ground - pop on over and join in, see what it's all about and have a go yourself. 

Have a great week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

I’m glad your mum is back home even if she isn’t 100%, she’ll feel better for not being in hospital. Xx Those animals are fantastic (and I say this as a confirmed Tim Holt Crazy whatever hater!!), I think the cow is awesome and perfect for your friend but you’re right, the piggy is definitely the winner, lol!!
Hugs (or should that be Hogs?). LLJ 1 xxx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Such good news about your mother. those are lovely new stamps. The cow is great, but I also prefer the pig and maybe the horse. You did a great job coloring them, too. Happy WOYWW from #2.

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Those cards are so cute - and sometimes the simplest things work best! I often misplace all sorts of things in my craft room and I can't relax until I find them. The problem is - sometimes I never do! Dies and stencils are easy to accidentally throw away with a bunch of papers if you're not careful - I'm pretty sure that's what happened to some of my things! Thanks for your visit Cindy - have a lovely week! xx zsuzsa #22

Sarah Brennan said...

SO glad your mum is back home while she waits for a date for the stent Cindy - I bet she feels a lot more comfortable in her own surroundings. Love those TH stamps and they look so classy on the kraft card. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #6

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Cindy, pleased I'm not the only one that loses stuff it just drives me mad until I find it again and it's usually somewhere obvious when it turns up. I've seen the animal stamps before but couldn't think how I might use them but your cards are brilliant. I love the sentiments too and wish now that I'd bought it but we'll see. Good news about your mum too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x18x

Helen said...

well those stamps seem to have kept you amused today! love the pig!! It's so annoying when you can't find that one item you absolutely need right now!! hope it turns up... Glad to hear your mum is home and hope they make their minds up about the stent soon! take care and happy WOYWW Helen #8

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

That's great news about your Mum Cindy, home safe with you and at least you know what's to come, August is just around the corner not too long to wait. Your desk looks fine to me, lots of creativity in motion. I too look for things that I want to use but have many similar close to hand but always stop mid craft to try and find that one I just can not find. I need a better system all round. Your cards are fantastic Cindy well done on finding that mojo, keep up the great work, I especially love the Kraft ones. Hogs n Kisses Tracey #9 :))

Diana Taylor said...

I'm so glad your mum is home and I hope she continues to recover well. Your cards are fantastic, I love the little animals and you've done a fab job with the stencilled backgrounds - I love the off-centred look - something I would not have thought of but it is so effective. They all look so professional. I am so with you about the low level stress of knowing you can't find something - I hope the die turns up soon.
Have a good week,
Diana xx #17

Neet said...

Glad it is kind of 'good news on mum' - just want that chest clearing now.
Love the animal cards - what a lot of fun those images are and what super cards you made with them.
Hope you found the daisy - or similar.
Hugs, Neet xx 11

Empire of the Cat said...

Glad your mum is home and on the mend. I love how your stamps turned out on the cards. I remember this set and I didn't fancy it but then you see it all stamped and coloured and start to think, hmmm maybe I need this one lol funny how that works isn't it. Happy WOYWW! Elle #24, EOTC

Julia Dunnit said...

Well at least if she’s at home you can visit at will and stay, I’m glad that she’s improved enough to be home….meanwhile will keep it all crossed that they can make a decision and get it sorted for her without buggering her about in august. LOVE the cards, the frames make a fab job of them….please stand by to be flattered by someone copying you! Thanks so so much for the birthday card, really lovely of you to bother. It did keep me amused for a few mins…and then, it kept him amused too, big hit! Your desk doesn’t look awful to fact, I’m thinking I may have to turn up at your door just to get some real life inspiration!!

Mary Anne said...

OK so I am not really a "cute stamp" person but those images SLAY me and I may have to buy them. Too Too Cute!
Love how you used them as well. Fabulous cards.

So very late this week!
Mary Anne (5)

Crafting With Jack said...

I really like those stamped images, I am not one who buys cute animals, but They are great. I don’t know which I prefer the Kraft ones or the ones on white card. I have just bought a pack of cute dogs and a pack of cute cats (NitWit). I can’t believe there are 48 pages in each book and they are all identical. I went to the Range at Harlow and they are in the middle of shifting the art and craft stuff upstairs, only half is out though! Have a great weekend Angela #3

Twiglet said...

Those little animal stamped cards are fab - what a brilliant set you made. xx Jo

Shoshi said...

I am so glad to hear that your mum is home and better than she was, Cindy. Let's hope things go ahead for August and she can get the problem sorted. I just love your cute little animal cards - the small image with a lot of white space is so stylish. My favourites are the craft card ones - gorgeous!

Thank you again for your kindness. The ToDo is sitting regally in the place cleared for it and it looks great. Hop over to my blog and watch the Great Unboxing Ceremony, courtesy of my hubby! I'm just frustrated that I can't get stuck into this straight away but it's going to have to wait until I'm over my operation. I am so excited to have it, and I have got such a lot of fun things to look forward to when I'm better.

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi x #19

Caro said...

Sorry I'm running very late this week. I'm so glad that your Mum is at home. Love the cards you have made, and agree with you - that little pig is really special! Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15).

roffeycreations said...

Thanks for popping by to my workspace Cindy - So glad to hear your Mum is on the mend. I am so inspired by your bulk stamping / cards - the stencilling on the white cards is fabulous! Have a great week - Maurs xxx #21

R's Rue said...

I love all the stamps. The pig is so cute. Happy Saturday.

Anne said...

Hi Cindy I am so late. Glad you have mum home, hope she makes good progress.
Love the makes.
When I get into crafting I end up with a real mess, pull out loads of stuff, it's how I work lol. Yes if I can't find something I will mither until I do!
Thanks for visiting. Anne x 29 I think.

Kelly said...

Good morning, Cindi
Cute cards. I really like the look of stamping on kraft. I've never thought to do that. duh! I do so understand the 'I just had it yesterday' moments. I'm so afraid of not finding anything in the craft room once I've finished the organization. But I know the task must be done. Continued prayers for Mom. Creative Blessings! Kelly #30

Susan Renshaw said...

I am afraid I am very late this week but hope to get around everyone...
Love these cards...
Thanks for your visit to me - and no, only the spinner gets a bit inky as I have been using alcohol inks, and it is contained! So not messy at all...
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #20
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday #822

  Morning deskers, welcome to our weekly Wednesday Blog Hop WOYWW,   now being hosted on Sarah Brennan's blog. Here's the link for t...